
13 New HSK word(s): HSK3 办公室 + ban4gong1shi4 office; business premises; bureau; CL:间/间jian1 HSK5 花生 + hua1sheng1 peanut; groundnut; CL:粒li4 HSK5 大方 + da4fang1 expert; scholar; mother earth; a type of green tea HSK5 大方 + da4fang5 generous; magnanimous; stylish; in good taste; easy-mannered; natural and relaxed HSK5 肥皂 + fei2zao4 soap; CL:块/块kuai4,条/条tiao2 HSK5 采访 + cai3fang3 to interview; to gather news; to hunt for and collect; to cover HSK5 文具 + wen2ju4 stationery; item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener etc) HSK6 防御 + fang2yu4 defense; to defend HSK6 防守 + fang2shou3 to defend; to protect (against) HSK6 国防 + guo2fang2 national defense HSK6 解放 + jie3fang4 to liberate; to emancipate; liberation; refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949; CL:次ci4 HSK6 辩护 + bian4hu4 to speak in defense of; to argue in favor of; to defend; to plead HSK6 慷慨 + kang1kai3 vehement; fervent; generous; giving; liberal
Old HSK word(s):



Văn phòng +

Đậu phộng +

Hào phóng +

Hào phóng +

Xà phòng +

Cuộc phỏng vấn +

Văn phòng +

Quốc phòng +

Quốc phòng +

Quốc phòng +

Giải phóng +

Quốc phòng +

Hào phóng +
Grade E word(s):
