
9 New HSK word(s): HSK5 现代 + Xian4dai4 Hyundai, South Korean company HSK5 现代 + xian4dai4 modern times; modern age; modern era HSK5 夸张 + kua1zhang1 to exaggerate; overstated; exaggerated; hyperbole; (coll.) excessive; extreme; ridiculous HSK5 时代 + Shi2dai4 Time, US weekly news magazine HSK5 时代 + shi2dai4 age; era; epoch; period; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 近代 + jin4dai4 the not-very-distant past; modern times, excluding recent decades; (in the context of Chinese history) the period from the Opium Wars until the May 4th Movement (mid-19th century to 1919); capitalist times (pre-1949) HSK6 城堡 + cheng2bao3 castle; rook (chess piece) HSK6 朝代 + chao2dai4 dynasty; reign (of a king) HSK6 当代 + dang1dai4 the present age; the contemporary era
Old HSK word(s):


Hiện đại +

Hiện đại +

Phóng đại +

Thời đại +

Thời đại +

Hiện đại +

Lâu đài +

Triều đại +

Đương đại +
Grade E word(s):
