
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * jing1yu2 whale


Grade E word(s):
鲸 [jing1] WalfischWal (S)

Häufigkeit: 0.82 Komposita

那条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水. The whale thrashed the water with its tail.
鲸背甲板船一种蒸汽船,带有圆形的船头和上甲板以遮蔽雨水 A steamship with the bow and upper deck rounded so as to shed water.
鲸鱼被鱼叉射中後潜入水中. The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.
鲸鱼和马一样都是哺乳动物。 A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.
尖尾长艇大小及形状与该划艇相似的船;捕鲸船 A boat similar to such a rowboat in size and shape; a whaler.