
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 高潮 + gao1chao2 high tide; high water; upsurge; climax; orgasm; chorus (part of a song)
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * gao1chao2 high tide/ upsurge/ climax


Cực khoái +
Grade E word(s):
高潮 [gao1 chao2] Brunst (S)Höhepunkt (S)Hochwasser (S)Orgasmus (S)

Häufigkeit: 4.92 Komposita

庆祝会的高潮是燃放烟火。 The climax of the celebration was a firework display.
高潮即将来到。 A climax is pending.
在圣诞节期间, 广告战已达到高潮. The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at Christmas.
乐曲接近高潮。 The music approached a climax.
一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。 A new upsurge in construction is in the making.
最后乐章的高潮慢慢发展到了顶点。以重复主旋律而告终。 The crescendo in the last movement leads up to a grand climax and a repeat of the main theme.