
2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 骚扰 + sao1rao3 to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass HSK6 牢骚 + lao2sao1 discontent; complaint; to complain
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * lao2sao1 whine/ complaint/ grumble/ grievance


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Grade E word(s):
发牢骚 满腹牢骚 骚动 骚乱 骚扰 性骚扰
骚 [sao1] Sex-Appeal habenAufruhr, Unruhe (S)

Häufigkeit: 2.56 Komposita

一会儿工夫骚动平息了下来。 Presently the tumult died down.
不断增加的失业引起了社会骚乱。 The increasing unemployment caused social unrest.
他的关于种族隔离的谈话激起了骚动。 His talk about apartheid created agitation.
今天的报纸上有一篇关于办公室里的性骚扰的报道。 There is a report about a sexual harassment in the office on this newspaper.
首都一片平静,然而据报道在别的地方仍有持续的骚乱。 The capital is calm, but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere.
那只骚扰绵羊的狗被杀死了。 The dog that molested the sheep was killed.
这骚乱仅仅是人们不满的一种表露而已。 This riot is only one manifestation of people's discontent.
骚乱恶化,政府只得宣布进入紧急状态。 The rioting grew worse and the government declared a state of emergency.
我厌倦了你那没完没了的牢骚. I'm tired of your unending complaints.
他们一再发牢骚把他惹火了. He was irritated by their perpetual complaints.
警察大批出动,以制止骚乱。 The police were out in force to stop any trouble.
我得听他那些没完没了的牢骚. I had to listen to a long recital of all his complaints.
警方在竞选之夜制止了几处骚乱。 The police stopped several riots on election night.
双方球迷之间发生了骚乱. Rioting broke out between rival groups of fans.
她未曾想发牢骚无形中反倒帮了彼得的忙. She didn't realize that by complaining she was only playing Peter's game.