
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 坚韧 + jian1ren4 tough and durable; tenacious
1 Old HSK word(s): D VS * jian1ren4 gritty/ hard-bitten


Khó khăn +
Grade E word(s):
刚韧 韧带 韧劲 韧性 柔韧

Häufigkeit: 0.16 Komposita

我佩服他的坚韧不拔的勇气。 I admire him for his grim courage.
软骨性的有软骨组织结构的;坚固、坚韧而又有弹性的 Having the texture of cartilage; firm and tough, yet flexible.
一种坚韧的全天候织物 A tough all-weather fabric.
她有非凡的自立的精神和坚韧不拔的精神。 She have an unusual degree of self-reliance and mental toughness.