
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * du4 plate

Grade E word(s):
镀金 镀银

Häufigkeit: 0.38 Komposita

渗碳处理一种冶金镀膜工序,在此工序中把钢或铁浸入另一种金属如锌、铬或铝的粉剂里,并加热至这一金属的熔点温度以下 A metallurgical coating process in which iron or steel is immersed in a powder of another metal, such as zinc, chromium, or aluminum, and heated to a temperature below the melting point of either.
这只戒指只是镀金的而已。 The ring was only plated with gold.
镀层有的地方已经磨掉了. The plating is beginning to wear off in places.
这个盆子是镀金金属的,所以不太值钱。 This basin is only plate so it's not very valuable.