
2 New HSK word(s): HSK4 关键 + guan1jian4 crucial point; crux; CL:个/个ge4; key; crucial; pivotal HSK5 键盘 + jian4pan2 keyboard
2 Old HSK word(s): B N * guan1jian4 crux/ key/ hinge D N * jian4pan2 keyboard



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Grade E word(s):
按键 功能键 关键词 关键性 回车键 空格键 琴键
键 [jian4] Bindung, Keil, Taste (S, Chem)

Häufigkeit: 3.32 Komposita

教师在学习中的关键作用是不该忽视的。 The key role of the teacher in the learning process should not be neglected.
他按键招呼电梯。 He pressed the button to call the lift.
问题的关键就在那里. Therein lies the crux of the matter.
改革正处于关键阶段。 The reform is at its critical stage now.
控制工资是政府政策的关键. Controlling wages is the linchpin of the Government'spolicies.
她大力鼓吹节约是解决危机的关键。 She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis.
把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异. Careful contrast of the two plans shows up some key differences.
她键入了所有的新数据。 She keyed in all the new data.
单簧管,黑管一种管乐器,有直的圆筒形管身和一个外敞的管口及一个单簧吹口,以指孔和键的方式演奏 A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys.
有两个输入键有毛病。 Two input keys don't work.
时刻尤指关键时刻,危急关头 A point in time, especially a critical point.
这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。 The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard.
当然这一点必须优先考虑--这是成败的关键. Of course this must have priority it's a matter of life and death.
那架风琴有两排键盘。 The organ has two banks of keys.
死心踏地拥护者中的小核心;问题的关键 A small core of dedicated supporters; the core of the problem.
联键音栓连接两个风琴键盘使之能够同时演奏的装置 A device connecting two organ keyboards so that they may be played together.