
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 错误 + cuo4wu4 error; mistake; CL:个/个ge4; mistaken; false; wrong
1 Old HSK word(s): A N * cuo4wu4 mistake/ error/ fault



Lỗi +
Grade E word(s):

错误 [cuo4 wu4] Fehler (S)

Häufigkeit: 36.58 Komposita

我的英文作业中只有两三处错误。 I had no more than 2 or 3 mistakes on my English assignment.
他没意识到自己犯了错误。 He was unconscious of his mistake.
这种错误会有损你的事业。 Such a mistake would mar your career.
他的严重的错误导致了重大的损失。 His costly mistake resulted in severe loss.
如今人们公认这是个错误. It is now generally admitted to have been (ie Most people agree and accept that it was) a mistake.
必须明确指出,部长的言论有两点是错误的。 Just for the record, the minister's statement is wrong on two points.
这个错误是由印刷工造成的。 This error is made by printer.
实际经验证明这个理论是错误的。 Practical experience belies this theory.
你当众纠正我的错误, 弄得我很难为情. You made me look so small, correcting me in front of everybody.
我这次就原谅你,你可不许再犯错误。 I'll forgive you this time, but you shall by no means make the mistake again.
你可以从我的错误中得到教训,避免犯同样错误。 You can profit by my mistakes and avoid them yourself.
对自己的错误后悔到不致重犯的程度是真正的后悔。 To regret one's errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance.
一个学生犯了错误不要光去责备他,我们最好帮助他改正错误。 Instead of railing at a student for his mistakes, we had better help him to correct them.
哎呀, 我又犯了愚蠢的错误. Oh dear, I've boobed again.
请改正我帐单上的错误。 Please rectify the mistake in my bill.
使我惊讶的是,他又犯了同样的错误。 To my dismay, he made the same mistakes.
请仔细核对单子以避免发生错误。 Please check the list carefully so as to avoid mistakes.
初始设计开发阶段,首先必须发现可能存在的错误,并作相应的设计修改。正是在这个时期中,设计辅助程序、仿真技术和设计支援技术对于快速设计都是必不可少的。 The initial design development stage wherein, at first, it is certain that errors will be discovered which will require design changes. It is in this period that design aids, emulation techniques, and supportive design techniques are essential to quick design.
他的演讲中有许多可笑的错误。 He made many ludicrous mistakes in his speech.
进一步细想后,她明白了自己的错误。 On further reflection she saw her mistake.
被误解的被错误地理解或错误地领会的 Incorrectly understood or interpreted.
这可以说是一个战术的错误。 One may call it a mistake in tactics.
这样一种错误可能导致灾难性的后果。 Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences.
计划原来就有错误, 再加上执行中的粗心大意就更糟了. Initial planning errors were compounded by carelessness in carrying the plan out.
不要试图掩盖错误。 Do not try to cover a mistake.
这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。 This misprint led to great confusion.
他疲倦得十页中犯了十个错误。 He was tired enough to make ten errors in as many (=in ten) pages.
决不只是瞎子才犯这样愚蠢的错误。 It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes.
领导严厉惩罚了那个犯错误的人。 The leader chastised that man who made a mistake.
如果输入错误,可使用Delete按钮来向后删除。 If you make a mistake, use the delete button to erase backwards.
阴谋一种共同进行非法的、错误的或颠覆性活动的协定 An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
不合规则的用法错误的 Not in correct usage.
输入中有好几处错误。 There are several errors in the input.
我曾经犯过不少错误,但从未犯过宣称自己未犯过错误的错误。 I have made mistakes, but I have never made the mistake of claiming that I never made one.
用于修饰或说明与故障或错误的检测和隔离有关的特性。 Pertaining to the detection and isolation of a malfunction or mistake.
纵使大众也曾偏向正途也罢,那总是出于错误的原因。 If the multitude ever deviate into the right, it is always for the wrong reason.
不合逻辑的推论,谬论错误的或不合逻辑的观点或结论 A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion.
动作倒错,失误动作一种如口误等被认为能揭示潜意识动机的小错误 A minor error, such as a slip of the tongue, thought to reveal a subconscious motive.
他反驳说:“这完全是你的错误。” He retorted, "it's entirely your fault."
这个错误证明他也是个凡人;人的脆弱 A mistake that shows he's only human; human frailty.
在计算机程序运行过程中发生的一种不希望有的或意料之外的停机,一般是由于编码失误、硬件故障或操作者的错误而引起的。参阅run。 In computing, an unwanted or unforeseen halt in a program run, due to faulty coding, hardware errors or operator mistakes.