
2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 尖锐 + jian1rui4 sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed; acute (illness) HSK6 敏锐 + min3rui4 keen; sharp; acute
3 Old HSK word(s): B VS * jian1rui4 sharp-point/ keen D VS * rui4li4 sharp/ acuminate D VS * min3rui4 keen/ subtitle/ acute/ brisk


Sharp +

Quan tâm +
Grade E word(s):
精锐 锐气 养精蓄锐
锐 [rui4] scharf, intensiv

Häufigkeit: 0.46 Komposita

他的行为招致尖锐的批评。 His behavior called forth sharp criticism.
他听到汽车刹车发出的尖锐的声音,然后就摔倒了。 He heard a screech of brakes and then fell down.
他写的文章尖锐深刻。 He writes with penetration.
他是个敏锐的观察家. He is an acute observer.
他观察敏锐, 但是很少说话. He observes keenly, but says little.
他被她那尖锐的问题弄得哑口无言。 He was struck dumb by her sharp question.
她用一些尖锐的问题反驳讲话人. She came back at the speaker with some sharp questions.
士兵们养精畜锐,节约粮草,以期反击敌人的进攻。 The soldiers husband their strength and their food, waiting for the enemy to attack.
能看很远的,目光锐利的 Able to see far; keen-sighted.
在过去的五十年里,老虎的数目锐减。 The number of tigers has reduced abruptly in the last fifty years.
年轻人特有的热情和锐气在这些人当中没有多大表现。 The fire and dash pertaining to youth are not much in evidence among these people.
她是位眼光敏锐的艺术评论家. She is a very discerning art critic.
他对她投以锐利的眼光。 He shot her a sharp glance.
能看透黑暗的锐利眼睛 Keen eyes that penetrate the darkness.
尖的,尖锐的有尖点或尖端的 Having a sharp point or tip.
狗有敏锐的觉 Dogs have a keen scent.
那个目光敏锐的警察发现了那辆被盗的汽车. A ,sharp-eyed police officer spotted the stolen car.
他让我尝到了他敏锐尖刻之机智的滋味。 He gave me a taste of his acid wit.
刻薄的;尖锐的;锐利的 Tart; sharp; cutting.