
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): B pron * na4bian1 there


Grade E word(s):
那边 [na4 bian1] dort
那边 [na4 bian5] dort drüben, jener

Häufigkeit: 50.89 Komposita

汤姆每次转身都把被子往他那边再拉一些。 Every time Tom rolled over he pulled more of the bedclothes to his side.
先把东西堆在那边。 Just dump everything over there.
河的那边是私人的土地。 Over the river is private land.
这棵树向那边倒下就会把那所房子压坏。 If the tree fall that way, it will destroy the house.
沙漠那边吹来的风把所有的东西都蒙上了一层沙子. The wind blew from the desert and covered everything with sand.
那边的那个人是谁? Who is that over there?
密集的迫击炮火力从这些阵地射向由山谷那边上来的援军。 From these positions mortar fire was rained down upon reinforcements moving up through the valley.
你看见那边的一丛树林了吗? Do you see yonder clump of trees (ie that clump of trees over there)?
他们越过群山,到了那边的山谷。 They crossed the mountains and travelled to the valleys beyond.