
22 New HSK word(s): HSK2 知道 + zhi1dao4 to know; to become aware of; also pr.zhi1 dao5 HSK3 街道 + jie1dao4 street; CL:条/条tiao2; subdistrict; residential district HSK4 难道 + nan2dao4 don't tell me ...; could it be that...? HSK4 味道 + wei4dao5 flavor; smell; hint of HSK4 道歉 + dao4qian4 to apologize HSK5 地道 + di4dao4 tunnel; causeway HSK5 地道 + di4dao5 authentic; genuine; typical; from a place known for the product; thorough; conscientious HSK5 打交道 + da3jiao1dao4 to come into contact with; to have dealings HSK5 频道 + pin2dao4 frequency; (television) channel HSK5 道理 + dao4li5 reason; argument; sense; principle; basis; justification; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 道德 + dao4de2 virtue; morality; ethics; CL:种/种zhong3 HSK6 赤道 + chi4dao4 equator (of the earth or astronomical body) HSK6 轨道 + gui3dao4 orbit; railway or tram line; fig. conventional way of thinking HSK6 东道主 + dong1dao4zhu3 host; official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference) HSK6 霸道 + ba4dao4 the Way of the Hegemon, abbr. of 霸王之道; despotic rule; rule by might; evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道; overbearing; tyranny; (of liquor, medicine etc) strong; potent HSK6 隧道 + sui4dao4 tunnel HSK6 任重道远 + ren4zhong4dao4yuan3 a heavy load and a long road; fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7) HSK6 微不足道 + wei1bu4zu2dao4 negligible; insignificant HSK6 人道 + ren2dao4 human sympathy; humanitarianism; humane; the "human way", one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism); sexual intercourse HSK6 公道 + gong1dao4 justice; fairness; public highway HSK6 公道 + gong1dao5 fair; equitable HSK6 管道 + qu2dao4 irrigation ditch; (fig.) channel; means
34 Old HSK word(s): A M * dao4 classifier used for long strip-like things A N * dao4li3 principle/ truth/ reason/ argument A VA * zhi1dao4 know/ be aware of/ realize B N * jie1dao4 street B N * wei4dao taste/ flavor B * zou3 dao4 walk B N * dao4 street/ road B vt, n * dao4 say, talk B N * dao4de2 morals/ ethics B N * dao4lu4 road/ way/ path B * dao4 qian4 apologize B Adv * yi2dao4 together B v;n * bao4dao4 report/ cover/ coverage/ story B Adv * nan2dao4 could it be said that … C N * chi4dao4 equator C * da3 jiao1dao come into contact with/ have dealings with C VS * di4dao genuine/ real/ authentic/ pure/ up to standard C N * lou2dao4 corridor/ passageway within a storied building C N * da4dao4 wide street/ thoroughfare/ boulevard/ broad way C N * qu2dao4 ditch/ trench/ channel/ way/ means C N * guan3dao4 tube/ pipe/ hose C N * gui3dao4 track/ rail/ orbit/ trajectory D N * hang2dao4 sea-route D VS * ba4dao4 overbearing D N 便* bian4dao4 pavement D N * he2dao4 watercourse/ river course D N * pao3dao4 race track D N * tie3dao4 railway D * ren2dao4 zhu3yi4 humanitarianism D * wei1 bu4 zu2 dao4 not worth mentioning/ inconsiderable D N * tong1dao4 alleyway/ channels D N * sui4dao4 tunnel D VS * gong1dao fair/ just D N * dong1dao4zhu3 host


Biết +


Đường phố +


Đừng +


Hương vị +


Xin lỗi +

Đích thực +

Đích thực +

Đối phó +

Kênh +

Sự thật +

Đạo đức +

Xích đạo +

Theo dõi +

Chủ +

Hách +

Các đường hầm +

Đường dài phải đi. +

Không đáng kể +

Nhân đạo +

Công lý +

Công lý +

Ống +
Grade E word(s):
半道儿 背道而驰 布道 不道德 不地道 不人道 不知道 惨无人道 茶道 常言道 抄近道 车道 称道 成功之道 传道 弹道 弹道导弹 当道 大逆不道 单行道 导/道 道白 道别 道德观 道贺 道家 道教 道具 道口 道貌岸然 道儿 道士 道听途说 道喜 道谢 道义 堤道 地道 地下铁道 东道国 二道贩子 分道扬镳 改道 干道 公道 公道话 国道 过道 喊道 巷道 毫无道理 黑道 黑道人物 横行霸道 厚道 滑道 黄道带 黄道吉日 胡说八道 呼吸道 津津乐道 康庄大道 坑道 空手道 快车道 领道 林阴/荫大道 门道 难打交道 难道说 能说会道 旁门左道 赔礼道歉 频道 坡道 取道 让车道 让道 绕道 人道 人行道 人行横道 仁义道德 任重道远 柔道 山道 食道 世道 实况报道 顺道 说长道短 说道 说道 说三道四 同道 头头是道 歪门邪道 卫道士 小道消息 消化道 下水道 邪道 泄洪道 性道德 修道院 殉道者 烟道 养生之道 要道 医道 阴道 一语道破 甬道 泳道 远道 怨声载道 栈道 正道 指名道姓 志同道合 职业道德
道 [dao4] Dao (chinesische Philosophie) ; Passage, Weg (Eig)

Häufigkeit: 32.69 Komposita

我怎么知道。 How should I know.
我知道那种感觉。 I know the feeling.
我不知道该怎么办。 I have no idea what to do.
你说的话没有道理. What you say makes no sense.
我知道发生了什么事。 I know what happened.
我不知道确切的日子。 I don't know the exact date.
许多灯照亮了街道。 The street is illumined by many lights.
我不知道该从哪里着手。 I don't know where to begin.
这条街道比那条短四倍。 This street is four times shorter than that one.
听到脚步声,就知道他回来了。 Footsteps announced his return.
学生们正在解一道数学习题。 The students are working on a mathematical problem.
这一新闻节目只报道国外消息。 This news program only covers external events.
电视上对这件事报道很少。 The television coverage of the event was rather sparse.
我不知道该怎样来感谢你才好。 I don't know how I can possibly thank you enough.
我不知道这个对你的意义有这么大。 I didn't realize how much this meant to you.
这个计划道理上行得通, 但不现实。 The plan is feasible in reason but impractical.
直到几个月后,他才知道这故事。 It was not until a few months later that he knew the story.
他带这个人走过街道到火车站。 He guided the man through the streets to the railway station.
我是今天早晨从报纸上知道这条消息的。 I learned this piece of news from the newspaper this morning.
我不喜欢他,但是说句公道话,他是个好工人。 I don't like him, but, to give him his due, he is a good worker.
只有知道如何生活的人们, 才会开始认识自己和人生。 Only those who learn how to live can come to know themselves and life.
这汤里有鸡肉的味道。 This soup tastes of chicken.
道路被一块大石头堵住了。 The road was blocked by a huge rock.
我不知道合同的正确条款。 I don't know the exact terms of the contract.
你知道我多么讨厌打字和速记。 You know how I loathe typing and shorthand.
我在七点钟的新闻报道中听到了这则消息。 I heard it on the 7 o'clock news.
他从道理上解释了这个老人的行为。 He explained the behavior of the old man within reason.
你决不会知道你的鼓励对我多么有意义。 You will never know how much your encouragement meant to me.
我喜欢滑雪, 同时也知道这非常危险。 I like skiing and in the meantime, I know it is very dangerous.
教会应当就基本道德问题多做出些榜样. The Church should give more of a lead on basic moral issues.
她从火车窗口里伸出手挥动手帕道别。 She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a good-bye.
我总觉得他讨厌我,但我不知道为什么。 I always feel he has a grudge against me, although I don't know why.
无疑,他们一定知道这样讲话可能产生的后果。 Certainly they must know the probable result of such speeches.
东边地平线上的一道淡红光线使我知道天快要亮了。 A line of pink on the eastern horizon told me that daybreak was near.
我们摸索着走过黑暗的街道。 We groped our way through the dark streets.
群众聚集在国王要经过的街道旁。 Crowds massed along the road where the king would pass.
这座城市已经把旧的电车轨道拆除了。 The city has taken the old streetcar tracks up.
突然窗帘拉了开来,一道强光照了进来。 The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in.
我在街道对面的连锁商店里买了这只面包。 I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street.
今天的报纸上有一篇关于办公室里的性骚扰的报道。 There is a report about a sexual harassment in the office on this newspaper.
首都一片平静,然而据报道在别的地方仍有持续的骚乱。 The capital is calm, but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere.
因风雪交加道路上混乱不堪. The wintry weather has caused chaos on the roads.
你完全不知道在那里是什么滋味。 You have no conception of what it was like to be there.
他熟练地驾驶着汽车穿过狭窄的街道。 He steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.
这只汉堡包不但气味好闻而且味道好吃。 The hamburger not only smells good but (also) tastes delicious.
财务董事派人带话说,她因不能出席会议而向大家道歉。 The Finance Director sends her apology and is unable to attend the meeting.
我不知道他着了什么魔,在那条热闹的街上把车子开得这么快。 I don't know what possessed him to drive so fast down that busy street.
你知道怎么挤牛奶吗? Do you know how to milk a cow?
你知道你在做什么吗? What do you think you are doing?
你知道谁打破了窗户? Do you know who broke the window?
你知道谁是电灯的发明者? Do you know who is the creator of the electric bulb?
你知道美国的三大电视网吗? Do you know the three USA television networks?
崎岖不平的道路使车颠簸得很厉害。 The rough road made the car vibrate.
我还能有别的方法可以向她道歉吗? How else can I apologize for her?
车朝我开过来时约翰叫道:"小心!" "Look out!" Jone called as the car came towards me.
日落时, 西边天空有一道红晖. At sunset, there was a bar of red across the western sky.
他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。 They are building a submarine cable tunnel.
“这是您的车吗,先生?” 警察问道。 "Is this your vehicle, sir?" asked the policeman.
空气中有熏衣草和迷迭香花的味道。 There is a lavender scent and rosemary scent in the air.
刘师傅把每道工序做给我们看,然后让我们自己干。 Master Liu demonstrated to us each process, and let us do it ourselves.
我不知道地址,但地点是离SheratonHotel北边两条街的地方。 I do not know the address, but it's two block north of the sheraton hotel.
一个小男孩在街上拦住了我,问道;“先生,现在几点了?” A little boy stopped me in the street and asked me, "What's the time, mister?"
一道耀眼的闪光,把人们的眼睛都照花了……紧接着轰隆隆传来一声巨雷。 And then there came a blinding flash… and hard upon the heels of it, a great tow-row of thunder.
和大城市中的高楼大厦和喧嚣的街道相比,他更喜欢乡间的农庄和田野。 He likes the farms and fields in the country better than the tall buildings and busy streets in the city.
他问道:"你想日后到英国去住吗?"我说:"不会的,我已经断了这个念头了。" "Do you think you'll want to go back and live in England? " he asked. "I don't think so, " I said. "I think I've got that much out of my system."
我知道她意志坚定。 I know she is steady in her purpose.
还是我直接跟他打交道为好 I prefer to deal with him direct.
我们事先就知道有这个问题. We were aware of the problem beforehand.
这些道路上车辆行人很多。 There was a lot of traffic on the roads.
电影一开演我就知道不会喜欢这部电影. I knew early on (in the film) that I wasn't going to enjoy it.
走道人可以在上面行走的地方,如人行道或散步场所 A place, such as a sidewalk or promenade, on which one may walk.
街道上垃圾成堆。 There were piles of litter in the streets.
圆环沿人行道滚动. The hoop rolled along the pavement.
要是我知道他的地址就好了。 I wish I knew his address.
她固执得就是不道歉。 Sheer obstinacy prevented her from apologizing.
我们对道德标准看法不一致。 We differ about moral standards.
道路有个急转弯拐向右边。 The road curved sharply to the right.
小孩们在沙堆里挖了一个地道。 The kid dug a tunnel in the sand.
以下是最新的新闻综合报道. Here is a round-up of the latest news.
我知道他们和你在议论我。 I know they have been discussing me with you.
无可否认, 他当时并不知道. Admittedly, he didn't know that at the time.
压路机是用来修筑道路的。 A road roller is used in making and repairing roads.
管子工对管道做了仔细的检查。 The plumber made a careful check of the pipes.
修道院院长告诉他要遵守规定。 The abbot told him to obey the rules.
他婚后过着合乎道德规范的生活。 He lived a moral life after marriage.
工人们正在道路下面铺设管道。 The workers are laying pipes under the road.
据报道说,明天有日环食。 It was reported that there would be an annular eclipse tomorrow.
村民一致反对修建旁道. The villagers are unanimous in their opposition to the building of a bypass.
政府不允许报道那起严重事故。 The government didn't allow reporting the terrible accident.
这个报道与我们昨天听到的有矛盾。 The report contradicts what we heard yesterday.
我们不知道这些鸟如何找到它们的路。 We have no idea how the birds find their way.
他的妻子知道在他生气时怎么对付他。 His wife knows how to manage him when he is angry.
我们的炮火控制了通往市区的各条道路。 Our guns covered every approach to the town.
他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。 He is reading a report of the state of the roads.
只知道一点点,不如完全不晓得。 You might as well not know a thing at all as know it only a little.
那位记者被控有违反职业道德的行为。 The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.
她负责采购电视系列片所用的道具. She was responsible for buying the properties for the television series.
他每次外出都会顺道去那家书店待一会儿。 He never goes out but he drops in at that bookstore.
我不知道这首歌的歌词, 但我可以哼给你听. I don't know the words of the song but I can hum it to you.
这场革命把国家引上了通往民主的道路。 The revolution set the country on the road to democracy.
爱你的敌人吧,因为他们让你知道自己的缺点。 Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults.
你的说法完全不真实,我要求立即道歉。 Your allegations are completely untrue, and I demand an immediate apology.
好学生通常都知道如何及时迅速地总结知识。 A good student usually knows how to sum up knowledge in good time.
您知道,我们可以供应各种类型和尺码的机床。 As you know, we can supply machine tools of all types and size.
这家石油公司将用船运出输油管道和重型设备。 The oil company will ship out piping and heavy equipment.
我们不会走错路的, 因为我对这儿的街道非常熟悉。 We won't go wrong, because I'm quite familiar with the streets here.
李把他在生意中的道德标准运用到私人关系中去。 Lee carries over his business ethics into his personal relationships.
行医道德有规定, 禁止医生与病人谈恋爱. Medical ethics (ie those observed by the medical profession) forbid a doctor to have a love affair with a patient.
我想您也许知道中国在对外贸易中采取了灵活政策。 I think you probably know that China have adopt a flexible policy in her foreign trade.
据报道,就宾客的舒适程度来说,这家宾馆管理得很好。 The hotel was, from all accounts, very well run as far as the comfort of the guests was concerned.
对于历史上的事件,当时的报道往往比现代历史学家的评述更为有趣。 Contemporary reports of the past events are often more interesting than modern historians' view of them.
大家都知道这老头儿精神有点失常,可是他有些想法听起来并不那么古怪。 Everybody knows the old man's got bats in the belfry, but some of his ideas are not as crazy as they sound.
用绳子穿著的旗子横悬在街道上. Flags had been strung up across the street.
据报道,这艘客轮与一艘油轮相撞。 The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker.
你该知道做这项工作要承担额外责任。 You should know the additional responsibilities that are incidental to the job.
近些年来, 很多通讯卫星被送上轨道。 In recent years a number of communications satellites have been put into orbit.
我的朋友比尔,将和他的女朋友一道来看我。 My friend Bill, is coming to see me in company with his girl friend.
那一群说三道四的常客们聚集在小酒店里,议论那对医生夫妇。 The regulars are holding a mother's meeting down at the pub to discuss the news about the doctor and his wife.
柱廊有由圆柱支撑房顶的门廊或走道,通常通往建筑物的入口处 A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building.
段在东方武术中,黑腰带的级别精通达12级中的任一级,如柔道和空手道 Any of12 levels of proficiency at the grade of black belt in martial arts such as judo and karate.
这本书有庸俗的味道。 This book has plebeian tastes.
覆盖着冰的道路很危险。 Icy roads are dangerous.
他们得钻过狭窄的隧道. They had to worm their way through the narrow tunnel.
这种发展与我们的利益背道而驰。 The development was adverse to our interests.
牧师在布道会上宣讲慈爱的必要。 The priest preached a sermon on the need of charity.
他在黑暗中只能勉强辨认出道路。 He was just able to discern the road from the dark.
那些组织受到破坏,形成一道疤痕。 The tissues have been destroyed and a scar has formed.
他住在街道弯弯曲曲的狭窄拥塞的老街区。 He lives in a warren of narrow twisting old streets.
很多富户都因那次金融危机而家道中落。 Many rich families are brought low by the financial crisis.
反动派越是横行霸道,就越发激起更强烈的反抗。 The more the reactionaries lash out, the more resistance they provoke.
这位人道主义科学家呼吁改善穷人的生活条件。 The humanitarian scientist called on the improvement of the poor's living condition.
他们两人并不知道这回事, 因此一定是另外有人泄露了秘密. Neither of them knew about it, and the corollary of that is that someone else revealed the secret.
布道一次讲道,尤其是旨在于实际问题上启发会众,而不在于成为神学讲演 A sermon, especially one intended to edify a congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse.
鳝鱼的味道很好。 The taste of eel is delicious.
你到底是怎么知道的? How on earth did you know it?
你知道今年的经济政策吗? Do you know the economic policy of this year?
你难道不想夸夸我的新帽子吗? Aren't you going to admire my new hat?
难道你还不明白--那都是诬陷。 Don't you see it was all a frame-up!
他猜疑管道里什麽地方漏了. He suspected that a leak was present somewhere along the pipe.
马克。吐温写的作品你知道多少? How much do you know about the works of Mark Twin.
运动会持续多少天,你知道吗? How many days, can you guess, did the sports meeting last?
他至少也该来道个别(然而却没来)。 He should at least have come to say good-by.
风把雪吹积成长埂, 堵塞了道路. The wind drifted the snow into a high bank, blocking the road.
小孩跑进街道时,司机猛然煞车。 The driver stopped short when the children ran into the street.
流星在空中画出了一道长长的弧线。 The falling star described a long curve in the sky.
你可以尝尝这道咖喱菜,看看够不够辣。 You can taste the curry to see if it's hot enough.
斯特兰德大街是伦敦最热闹的要道之一。 The Strand is one of London's busiest thoroughfares.
有多少颗人造卫星已送入绕地球轨道? How many satellites have been put into orbit round the earth?
直到很晚之后,欧洲才知道棉花布料。 Cotton material was not known in Europe until much later.
`那麽你是怎麽知道那件事的呢?'他插嘴问道. `But how do you know that?' he interposed.
反复听到同样的抱怨,你难道不烦吗? Don't you weary of hearing the same complaints over and over again?
那强盗厉声叫道: `不许动, 不然就打死你.' One false move and you're a dead man,' snarled the robber.
住在通衢大道上的最大缺点就是噪声不断。 The great drawback to living on a main road is the constant noise.
他们知道那幅画是膺品. 而且还知道是谁仿画的. They knew the painting was a forgery. Moreover, they knew who had painted it.
在连续的场景中使用同样的道具以确保前後衔接. Continuity is ensured by using the same props in successive scenes.
马在第一道拦栅前就不肯跳了,我就是那时摔下来的。 The horse refused at the first fence, and that's when I came off.
女士们、 先生们: 请别堵住通道. 谢谢诸位大力协助. Please clear the gangways, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your co-operation.
这位渔民笑道:"没事儿!"说着就和别人一道下水了。 "It's nothing, "smiled the fisherman, then disappeared into the water with the others.
你难道不能想出一个比`好'更恰当的字眼来形容你的假日吗? Can't you think of a better word than `nice' to describe your holiday?
我是实事求是的人--知道不可能在一夜之间改变人们的看法。 I'm a realist I know you can't change people's attitudes overnight.
便秘有困难的、不完全的或不经常从肠道排泄干燥且硬的大便 Difficult, incomplete, or infrequent evacuation of dry, hardened feces from the bowels.
我以为能负担得起那费用, 後来认真估算了一下才知道过於昂贵. I thought I could afford it, then I costed it out properly and found it was too expensive.
我们即使有新闻自由,也并不意味著一切报道都真实可信、准确无误。 We might have a free press, but that doesn't mean all reporting is true and accurate.
他以前从未做过这种工作, 我不知道他是否能(与其他雇员)配合好. He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in (with the other employees).
"对年青人的思想、感情和行动发生这样巨大的兴趣,自有它的道理。" "There are reasons for this great interest in the ideas, feelings, and actions of youth."
她写道:亲爱的詹姆斯,刚听说你妻子过世了,我真不知道该怎样表达我的悲伤之情。 Dear James, she wrote, I have just heard of your wife's death. I can't tell you how sorry I am.
在远庄园欢度周末,使弗雷德和我极感高兴,我简直不知道眼前还有什么其他事情能比得上它。 I can't think of anything Fred and I would enjoy more right now than a weekend at Far Acres.
苏丹非洲北部一地区,位于赤道以北,撒哈拉大沙漠以南,从大西洋沿岸横贯大陆至埃塞俄比亚山脉 A region of northern Africa south of the Sahara and north of the equator. It extends across the continent from the Atlantic coast to the mountains of Ethiopia.
道德,品行,士气一个人或集体具有的精神状态,通过信心、愉快、纪律和乐于执行所分配的任务来展现 The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks.
多丽丝在厨房里向外叫道:"换个调儿,行不行?你可意识到,你修窗子时一直在那儿反复地哼同一个调子?" "Change the record, will you? " shouted Doris from the kitchen. "Do you realize you've been whistling the same tune over and over, all the time you've been fixing that window? "
他很容易打交道。 He is easy to deal with.
是的,这事我知道,谢谢。 Yes, I know that, thanks.
我不知道他的动力是什么。 I don't understand what his motive is.
别胡说八道了。 Don't talk nonsense.
那窗户面临著街道. The window faces the street.
犯人挖地道逃跑了. The prisoners had escaped by tunnelling.
这种酒的味道美极了。 This wine is most pleasing to the taste.
我不知道他是否愿意来。 I don't know whether he is willing to come.
发动机将水沿管道抽来。 The engine draws water along the pipe.
空气压力使水通过管道. Air pressure forces the water through the pipe.
据天气预报报道, 明天晴. Tomorrow is going to be fine according to the forecast.
街道十分拥挤, 汽车无法通行. The street was so crowded that cars were unable to pass.
他们使河流改道以便向城市供水。 They diverted the river to supply water to the town.
她不知道以后等待她的将是什么命运。 She wondered what fate had in store for her next.
几个行人在结冰的人行道上滑倒了. Several pedestrians had come to grief on the icy pavement.
我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。 I hate dealing with large impersonal companies.
他们闻到做菜的味儿, 知道眼看要吃饭了. The smell of cooking told them there was a meal in the offing.
他们在围墙下面挖地道通向远处林中. They tunnelled along under the walls and up into the woods beyond.
经过化学分析,我们知道了矿石的构成。 After chemical assay, we have known the composition of the ore.
我不知道这件衣服的价钱,它的标签掉了。 I don't know the price of the dress; its ticket has fallen off.
该报道对缺乏安全预防措施一事严加指责. The report was scathing about the lack of safety precautions.
对这件事我就知道这些, 至于其他情况, 你可以问别人。 This is all I know about it; for the rest, you may ask others.
是为了它那不曾要求,不曾知道,不曾记得的小小的需要。 It is for small needs it never asks, or knows or remembers.
他的业务对手都知道不可指望他这样无情的人会手软. His business rivals knew they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary.
事情到了两群人马各坐在教堂里相对的两边,隔着通道怒目相视的地步。 Things reached the point where the two groups sat on opposite sides of the church, glaring across the aisle.
在你看来,停车时把汽车的保险杆部分突出在人行道上似乎是微不足道的,但就法制观念而言,这仍旧是一种犯法的行为。 Parking with your car bumper overhanging the pavement may seem trivial to you, but in the eyes of the law it is still an offence.
尽管我以前从未为银行工作过,但我觉得在银行工作非常舒适自在,因为我曾为一位会计师工作过,而且我习惯于同数字打交道。 Although I've never worked for a bank before, I feel quite at home there because I used to work for an accountant and I'm used to dealing with figures.
那里是赤道气候。 There is an equatorial climate.
她干涉得毫无道理. Her interference was not warranted.
导弹已偏离轨道. The missile deflected from its trajectory.
我舅舅是个地道的牛仔。 My uncle is a sure-enough cowboy.
卧室的窗户面向街道. The bedroom windows give on to the street.
修了一道堤坝挡住洪水. A dyke was built to retain the floods.
汽车驶离道路跌进沟中。 The car ran off the road into a ditch.
有人看见那瞎子横过街道。 The blind man was seen cross the street.
村子里的居民知道这件丑事。 The villagers knew about the scandal.
做饭的味道顺着走廊飘过来。 Cooking smells wafted along the hall.
水从管道里通畅地流了出来。 A free flow of water came from the pipe.
一大群人聚集起来听他布道. A large multitude had assembled to hear him preach.
英国政府对这些报道不予证实. Whitehall is/are refusing to confirm the reports.
我们星期六的午饭总有一道油煎菜. We always have a fry-up for Saturday lunch.
该航天器在绕月球轨道上飞行. The spacecraft is in orbit (ie moving in orbit) round the moon.
通往这座城市的所有道路都被封锁了。 All approaches to the city were blocked.
通往宫殿的所有道路都有部队把守。 All the approaches to the palace are guarded by troops.
我对宗教问题和道德问题不感兴趣。 I am unconcerned with questions of religion or morality.
报纸的报道往往不尊重私人权利. Newspapers often don't respect the individual's right to privacy.
机智在于知道自己可以过分到什么程度。 Tact consists in knowing how far we may go too far.
通过管道把热水从锅炉输送到散热器里. Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.
今天报纸上登载了总统访问的详尽报道. Today's papers carry full reports of the President's visit.
作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。 As a Puritan, he is strict in moral and religion.
我不喜欢吃菠菜,虽然我知道它对我有好处。 I don't like spinach even though I know it's good for me.
再往里走,坑道缩小成了一条窄窄的通道。 The tunnel contract to a narrow passageway as you go deep.
在前进的道路上,他们是一定会碰到曲折的。 On their way forward, they are bound to run into twists and turns.
科学家利用计算机计算了火箭可能运行的轨道。 Scientists have computed the probable course of the rocket.
任何人对她报道的饥荒情况都不可能无动于衷。 It's impossible to remain unmoved by her reports of the famine.
我匆忙离开那个村子, 甚至没有时间和我的向导道别。 I left the village in a hurry and even had no time to say good-bye to my guide.
她本来会嫁给他的,但知道他是个流氓后,她就离开他了。 She would have married him, but when she learned that he was a rascal, she parted with him.
多亏许多科学的工作,我们能预先知道要发生地震的时间和地点了。 Thanks to the work of many scientists, we are able to learn in advance when and where an earthquake will happen.
惯常想知道自己的孩子在哪里的旧式母亲,如今有了个想知道自己的母亲在哪里的孙子。 The old-time mother who used to wonder where her boy was now has a grandson who wonders where his mother is.
说起来这是件不客气且愚蠢的事。除非她道歉并得到谅解,否则,她的心灵将是无法安宁下来的。 It was an unkind, stupid thing to say and she will have no peace of mind until she's apologized and been forgiven.
送葬队伍缓缓地穿过街道。 The funeral made its way slowly through the streets.
八条大道从广场呈辐射形伸展出去。 Eight roads radiate from the square.
他度假归来, 对假日情趣仍津津乐道. He hasn't stopped enthusing about his holiday since he returned.
救援人员挖地道通向那些探察洞穴的人. The rescuers tunnelled their way (in) to the pot-holers.
除了村子尽头的岔道外,还有一条大路。 There was one street apart from a tributary road near the end of the village.
在拥挤的街道上, 光天化日之下竟发生了抢劫. The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street.
和可能打仗相比,所有其他忧虑都变得微不足道了。 All other anxieties paled into insignificance besides the possibility of war.
晨报刊载了这个故事。所有传媒都报道了这次记者招待会 The morning papers carried the story. The press conference was carried by all networks.
假如高大的烟囱状通风管伸出海面的话,这条隧道的通风将是良好的。 The tunnel would be well- ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea-level.
只要有更短而又直接通往灭亡的大道,这世上就可省却不少悲哀与忧愁的吧。 If there only some shorter and more direct route to the devil, it would save an awful lot of sorrow and anxiety in this world.
我不是猜想--我知道! I'm not guessing I know!
辣椒的味道是怎样的? How does chilli taste?
宽阔的道路;宽大的领带 A wide road; a wide necktie.
你知道这个瓮的用途吗? Do you know the purpose of this urn?
这盘欧防风做的菜味道很怪。 This dish of parsnip tastes strange.
你知道是谁发明的指南针吗? Do you know who invents the compass?
湍急的水道这样一股水流的渠道 The channel of such a current.
你知道不列颠群岛的位置吗? Do you know the locations of the British Isles?
他从利兹远道而来寻找工作. He has come all the way from Leeds to look for a job.
你知道她为什么对他如此冷淡吗? Do you know why she is so strange to him?
不知道这附近有没有便利商店? I wonder if there is a convenience store nearby.
层次字节、元素、渠道或一行信息 A bit, an element, a channel, or a row of information.
四条林荫大道从那广场向四方延伸。 Four avenues radiate from the square.
挡道地处在阻碍、阻挡或干涉的位置上 In a position to obstruct, hinder, or interfere.
我再说一遍: 跑道尚未畅通, 不能起飞. I repeat: the runway is not clear for take-off.
街道布满了花朵以迎接王室成员莅临. The streets were strewn with flowers for the royal visit.
公路特指连结城市、县镇的公用道路 A main public road, especially one connecting towns and cities.
蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。 Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave.
(纬度)低的纬度接近赤道的,或与之有关的 Relating to or being latitudes nearest to the equator.
两艘宇宙飞船将於轨道上(互相)连接. The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit.
尽管我知道菠菜对我有益,我还是不喜欢它、 I do not like spinach even though I know it's good for me.
据报道说这种疾病破坏中枢神经系统。 It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system.
这种新型号赛车於道路测试中时速达100英里. The new sports model achieved 100 miles an hour in road tests.
我骑著自行车顺著道路行驶, 那只狗在後面跟著跑. I cycled off down the road with the dog running behind.
她为人厚道、慷慨大方,倒也弥补了她偶尔发点儿脾气。 Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper.
彗星象行星一样绕太阳运转,然而其轨道呈狭长的椭圆形。 Comets move around the sun like planets, but in long oval course.
弹簧铗用来调整或关闭柔软管道的夹子,尤指实验室设备 A clamp used to regulate or close a flexible tube, especially in laboratory apparatus.
迂回管道用于引导气体或液体绕过其它管道或装置的一种管道或渠道 A pipe or channel used to conduct gas or liquid around another pipe or a fixture.
矿车、煤车煤矿中在轨道上行驶的四轮、开口、盒状的运货车或铁制车厢 A four-wheeled, open, box-shaped wagon or iron car run on tracks in a coal mine.
菲尔绍,鲁道夫1821-1902德国病理学家和医生,以他对细胞理论的贡献和疾病研究而著名 German physician and pathologist known for his contributions to cell theory and the study of disease.
接着我就说,我从来就不知道美国三军的力量削弱到如此危险的地步,我这话可引起了轩然大波。 I then said that I had never known the Services reduced to such a parlous condition. This fairly set the cat among the pigeons.
就像那个说他除了昆虫和民间舞蹈啥都想试试的人一样,我们大多数人心里都有个人界线,知道该在哪儿收手。 Most of us would draw the line somewhere, like the man who said he'd try anything once except insect and folk dancing.
兰登作了一次不成功的朗诵。老师有点不悦,对他说道:“兰登,你在这门课上好像进步不大,你好像缺乏志向。” Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor, somewhat nettled, said:"Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in this subject."
在大多数的主要交叉路口,都有一幅街道(朗巴德街、俄亥俄街、市场街等等)的详图刻在人行道的石头上。只要你低头看一下,就知道自己所在的位置了。 At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets(Lombard Street; Ohio Street; Market Street; and so on)cut into the stone of the sidewalk so that you can look down and see where you are.
耳鸣一个耳朵或两耳中的声音,如嗡嗡声或哨声,在没有外界刺激的情况下发生,通常由某种特定情况如耳朵感染、使用某种药物、听觉管道堵塞或头部受伤引起 A sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or a head injury.
书是通向知识的道路。 Books are avenues to knowledge.
这些街道的照明很差. These streets are very poorly lit.
人人都知道她很有才干. Her talents are well known.
我不知道他的意图是什么。 I do not know what his intention is.
这条新跑道将近六英里长. The new race track is nearly six miles in extent.
这个男孩做不出这道代数题。 The boy can't figure out the algebra problems.
我不敢去想她知道真相后会怎么样。 I dread to think what will happen if she finds out the truth.
他有钱是事实,但他必须知道钱不是一切。 It is true that he is rich, but he must know money is not everything.
我知道火车已经停了,但我觉得火车在倒退。 I knew the train had stopped, but I had the sensation that it was moving backwards.
航道有浮标标明. The channel is marked by buoys.
街道在雨水中闪光。 The street glistened in the rain.
我们绕远道驾车回家。 We drove home by a roundabout route.
那两条道路在那里交叉。 The two roads cross there.
飞机在跑道上滑行. The plane taxied/was taxiing along the runway.
旗子给街道增添了色彩。 The flags lent colour to the streets.
一小笔少量,微不足道的数目 A small, trifling sum.
这道菜很有意大利餐的风味。 The dose has a distinctive italian flavor.
我不知道这个房间的确切面积. I don't know the exact size of the room.
她知道金属为什么是好的导体。 She knows why the metal is the good conductor.
失去健康才知道健康的可贵。 We do not know the value of health till we lose it.
这场事故发生在道路的拐弯处。 The accident happened at the twist in the road.
比率虽有下降, 但微不足道. The rate has fallen by an insignificant (ie too small to be important) amount.
有道理,我认为那是非常公道的价格。 Fair enough, I think that's a very reasonable price.
引座小姐带领我沿著通道到我的座位上去. The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat.
他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路. His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion.
这个评估很有道理,可能相当正确。 It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth.
人们挖开半个路面以铺设新的煤气管道。 Half the road surface is being taken up to lay new gas pipes.
传送的指通过导管或管道传送下来的或输送的 Carrying down or away. Used of a duct or vessel.
当知道他有许多敌人时,他开始担心他的性命。 Knowing he had many enemies, he went about in fear of his life.
保龄球道供保龄球滚动的木制表面的通道或球道 A wood-surfaced passageway or alley along which a bowling ball is rolled.
明明规格变了,他还不知道,因此经理训了他一顿。 The director chewed him out for not knowing that the specifications had been changed.
我可不知道在这地球上有什么东西比七厘利息更无情的。 I do not know of anything more remorseless on the face of the earth than seven per cent interest.
如果他们拒绝很快地作出诚心诚意的道歉,我们只好起诉了。 If they refuse to make heart-felt apologies soon we will have to bring an action against them.
我们必须知道别的国家的习俗,免得他们会认为我们是没有礼貌的。 We must find out the customs of other countries, so that they will not think us ill mannered.
我知道你不喜欢他,但你至少要照顾一下面子去参加他公司的开典仪式。 I know you didn't like him, but at least have the decency to go to his opening ceremony of the company.
河道塞满了泥。 The channel of the river filled up with mud.
这只受伤的狗要予以人道毁灭. The injured dog had to be destroyed.
我们马上发觉彼此志同道合. We immediately realized that we were kindred spirits.
道路在暴风雪之后铺上了沙子。 The roads were sanded after the snowstorm.
我倘若知道她病了, 早就去探望她了. If I had but known she was ill, I would have visited her.
他因在人行横道上乱扔杂物而被罚款。 He was fined for littering on the sidewalks.
街道曲曲弯弯的, 把我们弄得迷失了方向. We were quite disorientated by the maze of streets.
这个记者很想知道那位官员是否涉及此案。 The reporter is curious to know whether the official is involved in the case.
新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻. The new road system permits the free flow of traffic at all times.
我估计我的申请书不知道让哪个无能的官僚给弄丢了. I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
这架军用飞机着陆前在着陆跑道上空盘旋了一阵。 The military aircraft circled over the landing strip for some time before it landed.
比尔不肯参加球赛,因为他知道他的球艺不好,而他又爱面子。 Bill would not play in the game because he knew he could not do well and he wanted to save face.
在这个试验车道,标准汽车成品将接受有意的毁坏性测试。 On this test track, the standard production cars will be subjected to rough treatment deliberately.
正如今天的报道,英磅进一步下跌导致了市内的抛售的一股新浪潮。 The further decline of the pound as reported today has set off a fresh wave of selling in the city.
水平巷道穿过矿脉或与矿脉平行的矿井中水平或近似水平的巷道 A horizontal or nearly horizontal passageway in a mine running through or parallel to a vein.
音轨一独立的轨道,如沿着一段胶片或磁带的,可将声音或其它信息记录在上面 A distinct path, as along a length of film or magnetic tape, on which sound or other information is recorded.
他在去糖果店的路上,把钱掉到地上了,硬币沿着人行道滚动,掉进阴沟里去了。 On him way to the sweet shop, he dropped his sixpence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain.
便道上满是狗屎. The pavement was covered in dogs' excrement.
便道上满是狗屎。 The pavement was covered with dogs' excrement.
隧道的尽头露出了亮光. A light appeared at the end of the tunnel.
通道挖掘或探测而成的道路 A passage made by digging or probing.
他们正在凿山建一条隧道. They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel.
一辆机车沿着铁道隆隆地驶去。 A locomotive pounded down the railway track.
董事长假装他知道决算利润。 The chairman pretended he know the final profit.
不要偏离车道--这一带沼泽地多. Keep to the track the moor is very boggy around here.
这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。 The mountain rose up in a steep wall of rock.
这篇报道不是颠倒黑白就是含糊其辞. The report was full of lies and prevarications.
他们投产的新轿车广获传媒报道. The launch of their new saloon received much media coverage.
那把锋利的刀上把我的手指划了道小口子. I snicked my finger on the sharp knife.
我的自行车在凹凸不平的车辙道上颠颠簸簸. My bike bumped over the ruts.
拥挤的车辆慢吞吞地穿过狭窄的隧道。 The heavy traffic crawled through the narrow tunnel.
据报道一项改组计划正在拟定之中。 A plan of reorganization is reported to be now in the works.
东道主队在6局中的击球打得十分出色。 The home team were very good at the bat for six innings.
船颠簸加剧,他知道海浪猛烈起来了。 The added motion of the ship told him the sea was getting up.
那篇采访报道完全是对一诚实人的诽谤. That interview was an absolute libel on a honest man.
士兵们用铁锹在丛林中开出一条道路。 The soldiers cut a passage through the jungle with their spades.
巡道工,护路员受雇保养或巡查铁道的工人 A worker employed to maintain or inspect railroad tracks.
愤怒的群众嚷道,“杀掉这个卖国贼,他该死。 The angry crowd shouted,"Knock the traitor on the head. He is not fit to live."
捍卫性道德的运动正在转化成对持异议人士的迫害. The crusade for sexual morality is turning into a witch-hunt.
侵略军在那里横行霸道,杀人放火,抢劫财物。 The invading troops rampaged about in the area, killing, burning and looting.
我不愿让他参加俱乐部,因为他有点捣蛋的味道。 I couldn't care for him to join the club, because he is sort of mischievous.
报纸上满是关于世界政治三巨头会晤的报道。 The newspaper was covered with reports of the meeting of the three political titans in the world.
突然火车轰隆隆地驶入一个隧道,四周的一切都漆黑一团。 Suddenly the train roared into a tunnel and everything was black.
成群结队的犯罪分子整夜横行霸道,令村民们惊恐不已。 Groups of law-breakers have been rampaging about all night, putting fear into the villagers.
到了7月底左右,犁地一般来说已结束,要对庄稼进行最后一道中耕了。 The ploughing generally ceases and the crp is laid by about the last of July.
人道主义,博爱精神对人类福利的关注,尤指通过慈善活动表现出来的 Concern for human welfare, especially as manifested through philanthropy.
人道主义,博爱主义认为人类唯一的道义责任是提高人类福利的信仰 The belief that the sole moral obligation of humankind is the improvement of human welfare.
您只要把我们的报价与其他供应商的开价相比较就会知道我方价格多么优惠。 If you compare our quotation with those offer by other supplier, you'll see how favorable ours be.
我们这世界,是人们不知道自己想要什么而甘心赴汤蹈火为了把它弄到手的地方。 Ours is a world where people do not know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
德拉就这样做了。你知道,人生是由呜咽,抽泣和徽笑组成的,而其中主要的是抽泣。 So Della did. You see, life You see, life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles- but mainly of sniffles.
扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此内容的形式进行查禁 Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.
主动脉系统血管的主干道,将血液由心脏左侧输送到除肺部以外的所有肢体及器官的动脉里 The main trunk of the systemic arteries, carrying blood from the left side of the heart to the arteries of all limbs and organs except the lungs.
这位下级行政官员急不可待地想晋升,但他知道只有待某人死后或退休后才能步其后尘,谋取其职。 The junior executive was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead man's shoes.
水闸用门关住的水道的一部分,如运河。其中通过升高或降低这部分的水位可以抬升或压低运输中的船只 A section of a waterway, such as a canal, closed off with gates, in which vessels in transit are raised or lowered by raising or lowering the water level of that section.
道路[通道]畅通吗? Is the way/passage free?
道德败坏的;堕落的 Morally corrupt; perverted.
`救救我吧,'他哀求道. `Help me,' he implored.
你不知道. 你只管猜! You don't know. You're just guessing!
知道“第三次浪潮”吗? Know anything about the third wave?
危险的礁石堵住了航道。 Dangerous rocks shut up the passage.
难道你一定得把关得那么响吗? Do you have to slam the door?
隧道顶坍塌(压住工人). The roof of the tunnel caved in (on the workmen).
洋葱的味道一直都不散,是吗? The smell of onions clings, doesn't it?
大雨过后,下水道溢出水来。 The drains overflowed after the heavy rain.
你知道这箱商品的商标吗? Do you know the trade name of this box of merchandise?
这次销售交涉不知道结果会怎样? How is the sale negotiation going to turn out?
他们须疏浚运河河道轮船方可通航. They have to dredge the canal so that ships can use it.
约翰在离去前特意向女主人道谢。 John made a point of thanking his hostess before his leaving.
你知道[听说过]那个秃头警察的笑话吗? Do you know/Have you heard the one about the bald policeman?
这次选举後该党已沦为微不足道的少数党. The election reduced the Party to a rump.
你怎麽竟然做出这种事? 你难道不知羞耻吗? How could you do such a thing? Have you no shame?
横越…的航道穿过(船)的航向,航线或路线 Across the course, line, or length of.
时间表变动得如此频繁, 似乎没有什麽道理. It seems illogical to change the timetable so often.
放荡不羁的人行动没有道德约束的人;放荡的人 One who acts without moral restraint; a dissolute person.
藏污纳垢的地方肮脏的、令人恶心或道德败坏的场所 A filthy, disgusting, or morally corrupt place.
狭航道一个狭窄的,从海岸通往内地的航道;海峡 A narrow passage extending inland from a shore; a channel.
我们在上个冰冻期之後把管道用保温材料裹上了。 After the last freeze-up we put insulation round the pipes.
次要矿山甬道矿井中连接两条大隧道的小巷道 A secondary mine passageway between two main shafts or tunnels.
汇编指编辑好的一套数据、一篇报道或一部选集 Something, such as a set of data, a report, or an anthology, that is compiled.
"没问题,"有人答道,"快点,宇宙飞船正等着呢。" "That's all right, " someone said. "Quickly, the spaceship is waiting."
他知道他们正忙着收庄稼,他不妨和他们-块儿去干。 He knew they were busy betting in the harvest. He might as well go and join them.
"你他妈的是谁?"他粗暴地问道。"你为何在这儿闲荡?" "And who the devil may you be?" he asked truculently. "What are you doing, hanging about here? "
别玩弄那姑娘的感情--难道没看到你已经把她弄得心烦意乱了吗? Stop playing fast and loose with that girl's feelings can't you see you're upsetting her?
采石场通过挖掘、切割或爆破岩石来获取石料的露天坑道或洞 An open excavation or pit from which stone is obtained by digging, cutting, or blasting.
不要因为我说你的头发是姜黄色就大发雷霆-你也知道事实就是这样。 Don't get into a wax because I said you hair is ginger-you know that it is.
大门一种构造,可被摇晃、牵引或降低,从而堵塞一出口或一过道 A structure that can be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or a passageway.
隧道,地道地下隧道或通道,如在洞穴内的或为军用、采矿而挖掘的地道 An underground tunnel or passageway, as in a cave or one dug for military or mining purposes.
希伯莱圣经;托位包括伯莱经典的一大部书籍,用于宗教仪式时向人们布道 A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.
人工渠道一种用于供应能量或运送圆木的敞开的、有水流通过的人工渠道或斜糟 An open artificial channel or chute carrying a stream of water, as for furnishing power or conveying logs.
精神变态者一个有反社会人格病症的人尤指有侵犯性、变态、犯罪或不道德行为的人 A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior.
纬线,纬度圈与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度高低的许多假想线中的任意一条 Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.
"你知道吗?自从玛丽的父亲病了,她一次也没有开车去看他。""我相信,她原来就是一个无情无义的女孩。" "Do you know that Mary hasn't once driven over to see her father since he has been ill? ""I can well believe it. She always was a heartless girl."
在光记录技术中,指光道上两个凹槽之间的区域。在制作母盘时记录激光束不照射这些区域。参阅pit。 In optical recording, refers to the areas of the data tracks which are between the pits. These are typically the areas not touched by the recording laser beam during mastering.
道格培里:老爷,弗吉斯先生讲起话来总是有点缠夹不清;他年纪大了,老爷,……可是说句良心话,他是个老实不过的人。 Dog-berry: Goodman Verges, sir, speaks a little off the matter: an old man, sir,…but, in faith, honest as the skin between his brows.
用于修饰或说明经由通道到通道适配器连接的处理部件,通过这些适配器在处理机之间传递控制信息。参阅tightly-coupled。 Pertaining to processing units that are connected by means of channel-to-channel adapters that are used to pass control information between the processors.