
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 选举 + xuan3ju3 to elect; election; CL:次ci4,个/个ge4
1 Old HSK word(s): B v;n * xuan3ju3 elect/ election


Cuộc bầu cử +
Grade E word(s):
选举法 选举权 选举人
选举 [xuan3 ju3] Wahl (S, Pol)

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国王拒绝评论选举的结果。 The king refuses to comment on the election results.
他们对即将到来的选举作了充分的准备。 They have made good preparation for the upcoming elections.
你看了关于选举的新闻了吗? Have you read the news about the election?
下届选举我可能选她。 I may vote for her at the next election.
当地人选举了六名立法委员。 Six legislators were elected by local people.
选举之后,该党的党员所剩无几了。 After the election the party was reduced to a rump.
这是某党派选举前的政治广播节目。 Here is a political party broadcast before an election.
这两个反对党达成了一项关于在选举中进行合作的协议。 The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.
我们就下次的选举打个赌吧。 Let's make a bet on the next election.
政府已经履行了他的全部选举诺言了吗? Has the government redeemed all its election promise?
当一个候选人隔开马路也认得你的时候,离选举(的日子)也就不太远了。 The election is not very far off when a candidate can recognize you across the street.
下届选举谁能获胜无法预知。 It's impossible to tell who will win the next election.
在选举前后政客们总要许愿讨好民众。 Politicians bid for popular favour around election time.
因为选举结果多已公布, 可谓大局已定. Now that most of the election results have been declared, it's all over bar the shouting.
保守党在上次议会选举中从工党手里夺得这个议席. The Conservatives won the seat (ie in Parliament) from Labour at the last election.
一伙人被指控阴谋推翻选举产生的合法政府。 A group of men were charged conspiring against the duly elected government.
首相对询问选举日期一事称尚未作出决定. Asked about the date of the election, the Prime Minister commented that no decision had yet been made.
他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜, 但事情往往会功败垂成. They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.
选举日期临近, 人们情绪很高涨. Passions ran high as the election approached.
他在选举中失去了议会中的席位。 He lost his seat in the Parliament at the election.
他拒绝接受选举结果,起身怒气冲冲地离开了会场。 Refusing to accept the decision of the vote, he got up and stormed out of the meeting.
他因被指控触犯选举法而遭逮捕。 He is accused because offending electoral law.
执政党在补缺选举中落选,是一极大挫折。 Defeat in the by-election is a major set-back to the ruling party.
有人说布什因选举大会开得不好以及竞选方法不佳而受害。可是即使两者都做得较好,结果也将是一样。我想根本问题也不在于经济。 Some will say Mr. Bush was done in by a bad convention and a bad campaign. But if both had gone better the outcome would have been the same. And I don't think it all came down to the economy, either.
也许最重要的是,这些选举将使大众认识新面孔,尤其是来自反对党阵营的。这样投石问路将会测如候选人的影响力,建立知名度,并过滤问题。 Perhaps most important, these elections will put new faces before the public, especially from the opposition camp. This testing of the waters will measure the impact of the candidates, build name recognition and sift the issues.
英国国民18岁始有选举权. UK nationals get the vote at 18.
这次选举後该党已沦为微不足道的少数党. The election reduced the Party to a rump.
随着选举临近,党组织的活动也如火如荼。 The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches.