
6 New HSK word(s): HSK5 奇迹 + qi2ji4 miracle; miraculous; wonder; marvel HSK5 名胜古迹 + ming2sheng4gu3ji4 historical sites and scenic spots HSK6 事迹 + shi4ji4 deed; past achievement; important event of the past HSK6 踪迹 + zong1ji4 tracks; trail; footprint; trace; vestige HSK6 迹象 + ji4xiang4 mark; indication; sign; indicator HSK6 痕迹 + hen2ji4 vestige; mark; trace
7 Old HSK word(s): B VS * gu3ji4 ancient C N * qi2ji4 miracle/ marvel/ wonder C N * hen2ji4 trail/ mark/ trace/ vestige C N * shi4ji4 praiseworthy act/ deed/ achievement/ merit D N * zong1ji4 tail/ trail/ trace D N * bi3ji4 a person's handwriting D N * ji4xiang4 evidence


Phép lạ +

Nơi quan tâm +

Những hành động +

Đường mòn +

Dấu hiệu +

Dấu vết +
Grade E word(s):
陈迹 发迹 轨迹 绝迹 劣迹 灭迹 名胜古迹 墨迹 匿迹 人迹 手迹 污迹 销声匿迹 行迹 形迹可疑 臭迹 血迹 遗迹 印迹 蛛丝马迹 字迹 足迹
迹 [ji1] anreißen, anzeichnen (V)Spur, Zeichen
迹 [ji4] anreißen, zensieren (V)

Häufigkeit: 1.36 Komposita

他擦去铅笔的痕迹。 He erases pencil marks.
除非出现奇迹, 不然我们现在是输定了. Short of a miracle, we're certain to lose now.
很多种类的动物现在已经从地球上绝迹了。 Many types of animals have now vanished from the earth.
他喜欢参观名胜古迹。 He likes to visit place of interest.
有迹象表明物价将上涨。 There are some indications that the prices will rise.
专家已经确认了该画是真迹。 The experts have vouched for the painting's authenticity.
湿杯子在桌面上留下一个痕迹。 The wet glass left a mark on the surface of the table.
将军高度赞扬了他在那次战争中的英勇事迹。 His heroism in that war was highly praised by the general.
那时,这老头儿只不过是个泥瓦工罢了。他之所以发迹,我认为靠的是精明的而不是业绩。 In his time, the old gentleman was a working mason, and had risen form the ranks more, I think, by shrewdness than by merit.
神迹,启示上帝的权力、能力、显现或面貌 The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
这确实是个奇迹. It was in truth a miracle.
这痕迹是朝著上方的. The track tends upwards.
这块石头上的字迹很模糊. The writing on the stone was very faint.
奇迹是与大自然的力量相对的. Miracles are contrary to nature.
这笔交易完全是一个奇迹。 This transaction is nothing less than a miracle.
报纸称颂了他们的英雄事迹。 The newspapers glorified their heroic deeds.
现在只有出现奇迹她才能得救。 Nothing but a miracle can save her now.
他是当代医学奇迹的活证明. He is living proof of the wonders of modern medicine.
她的英雄事迹和她的先进思想是一致的。 Her heroic deeds sorted well with her advanced thinking.
士兵的勇敢事迹为他带来了荣耀和赞美。 The soldier's brave deeds brought him honor and glory.
当局对绑架者的要求丝毫没有让步的迹象. The authorities showed no signs of giving in to the kidnapper's demands.
烈士们的英勇事迹在广大群众中传颂着。 The heroic deeds of the martyrs are on the lips of the broad masses.
他从一幢十层楼房子的屋顶上摔下来,但仍然活著,真是奇迹。 It is a wonder that he remains alive after dropping from the roof of a ten- storied building.
这房间里有搏斗过的痕迹. The room bore evidence (ie showed signs) of a struggle.
警方掘出尸体, 发现有中毒的痕迹. When the police exhumed the corpse they discovered traces of poison in it.
我们沿着一条人迹罕至的小径到达了寺庙。 We reached the temple through an unfrequented mountain track.
我看不懂他的笔迹. I can't read his handwriting.
有迹象表明情况可能好转. There are indications that the situation may be improving.
医生用显微镜作了血迹检查。 The doctor had a microscopic examination of traces of blood.
她的脸上带著受过苦难的深深的痕迹. Her face bore the deep imprint of suffering.
他擦去试卷上的铅笔笔迹然后递给了老师。 He erased pencil marks form the test paper and handed to the teacher.
抛物线到一固定直线和不在直线上某一固定点等距的点的轨迹所形成的平面曲线 A plane curve formed by the locus of points equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point not on the line.
狗嗅来嗅去,搜寻踪迹。 The dogs cast about seeking the scent.
老虎的踪迹仅依稀可见. Only faint traces of the tiger's tracks could be seen.
她的精心化妆掩饰了脂粉下面岁月刻下的痕迹。 Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath.
他在那场战斗中的英勇事迹为他赢得了永恒的荣誉。 His brave deeds in the battle earned him everlasting glory.
上周末失踪的登山队至今下落不明,全无踪迹。 All trace has been lost of the climbing team missing since last weekend.
昨夜有人看见两个形迹可疑的人在校园里徘徊。 Two suspicious-looking fellows were seen hanging around the campus last night.
我怎麽也看不明白你的笔迹. I can never read your writing.
这里晚间没有什麽活动的迹象. There are few signs of life here in the evenings.
没有迹象表明萧条已经到了极点. There is no sign that the recession has bottomed out yet.
你能辩认出这些潦草的字迹是什麽意思吗? Can you work out what these squiggles mean?
在我们办公室里可以看到有某种(令人不寒而栗的)不安迹象. You can see signs of (a creeping) malaise in our office.
在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。 People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land.