
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 进口 + jin4kou3 to import; imported; entrance; inlet (for the intake of air, water etc)
1 Old HSK word(s): B * jin4 kou3 import/ entrance


Nhập khẩu +
Grade E word(s):
进口货 进口税
进口 [jin4 kou3] Import, Einfuhr, Einlauf (S)

Häufigkeit: 1.76 Komposita

医院进口了一些外科器械。 The hospital imported some surgical instruments.
这个国家原料大部分靠进口. The country has to import most of its raw materials.
政府已经对进口加以了限制。 The government has imposed limitation on imports.
进口食品可赚钱。 It is profitable to import food.
最近已经发布了禁止进口毒品的法令。 A ban on the importation of drugs had been issued recently.
该公司对法国酒的进口有绝对的垄断。 The company had the absolute monopoly of import of french wine.
随着进口的增加, 需求已经减少。 Demand has been brought down by increase in imports.
谷物进口量受最高限额的严格控制. Grain imports are controlled by strict quotas.
政府决定对进口汽车征收保护税。 The government decided to impose a protective tariff on foreign cars.
您想买进口的还是国产的? Do you want an import brand or a home-make one?
进口与出口的比例(入超)令政府担忧. The proportion of imports to exports (ie excess of imports over exports) is worrying the government.
两极是相通的嘛——当牙鳕把自己的尾巴放进口里时说。 Extremes meet, as the whiting said with its tail in its mouth.