
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 近来 + jin4lai2 recently; lately
1 Old HSK word(s): B N * jin4lai2 recently/ lately


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那是我以前最喜欢的饭馆,但近来烹饪水平已大不如前了。 It used to be my favourite restaurant but the standard of cooking has fallen off recently.
近来各方面都有所改进。 There's been an overall improvement recently.
近来差不多样样东西都涨价。 In recent times the price of just about everything has gone up.
近来我们一些大城市中罪案频繁。 There has recently been an epidemic of crime in our major cities.
近来对古典音乐的兴趣又浓厚起来。 Interest in classic music has revived recently.
他近来一直诉说自己患了失眠和头痛症。 Lately he has been moaning about his insomnia and headache.
总统因近来被揭露涉嫌金融权益问题而成为丑闻的主角。 The President is at the center of a recent scandal over revelation about his financial interests.
近来有几起毒品走私活动被检举立案. There have been several successful prosecutions for drug smuggling recently.