
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 起初 + qi3chu1 originally; at first; at the outset
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * qi3chu1 at first/ in the beginning/ originally


Lúc đầu, +
Grade E word(s):

起初 [qi3 chu1] von vornhereinzuerst, zunächstanfänglich (Adj)beginnen (Adj)beginnend (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 3.57 Komposita

起初我不同意他的提议,不过后来我改了主意。 Initially, I disagree with his proposal, but later I changed my mind.
起初她威胁要解雇我们所有的人,但是后来她态度软化了。 At first she threatened to dismiss us all, but later she relented.
这家商店起初只出售报纸和杂志,后来又增售青少年读物。 At first this shop sold newspapers and magazines only, but it has since put in juvenile books.
武夷红茶,红茶一种中国红茶,起初是精选出来的高等级品,后来质量较差 A black Chinese tea, originally the choicest grade but later an inferior variety.
起初谁都没有注意到小孩不见了. At first nobody noticed the child's disappearance.
起初,我们没有现成的技术资料,但也设法照样干下去了。 At first, no ready technical data were available, but we managed to go without.
他的举止起初让人很不愉快, 但是经过进一步接触他改了许多. His manner seemed unpleasant at first, but he improved on further acquaintance.
该病起初是器质性疾患. The illness is organic in origin.
起初我还以为他很 腆, 後来我才发觉他是不爱理人. At first I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people.