
3 New HSK word(s): HSK4 + gan3 to overtake; to catch up with; to hurry; to rush; to try to catch (the bus etc); to drive (cattle etc) forward; to drive (sb) away; to avail oneself of (an opportunity); until HSK5 赶紧 + gan3jin3 hurriedly; without delay HSK5 赶快 + gan3kuai4 at once; immediately
6 Old HSK word(s): B VA * gan3 drive B Adv * gan3jin3 lose no time/ at once B Adv * gan3kuai4 at once/ quickly C Adv * gan3mang2 hurriedly/ hastily C * gan3 shang4 catch up with/ be in time for D VA * zhui1gan3 chase/ run after


Vội vàng +

Vội vàng +

Vội vàng +
Grade E word(s):
赶不上 赶超 赶车 赶出 赶到 赶点 赶回 赶活 赶集 赶尽杀绝 赶路 赶跑 赶巧 赶去 赶热闹 赶上 赶时间 赶时髦 赶下 赶鸭子上架 赶着 赶走 你追我赶 驱赶 迎头赶上
赶 [gan3] Eile (S)eilen (V)sich beeilen (V)
赶 [gan3] aufholenüberholen, einholeneilenrasen, drängenvertreiben, wegjagenchauffieren (V)

Häufigkeit: 31.6 Komposita

如果我赶不上火车,那也没关系。 It doesn't matter if I miss my train.
他们从远处赶来参观这个展览会。 They came from afar to see the exhibition.
如果我现在不走,就赶不上火车了。 If I don't go now, I will miss the train.
这些羊被赶在一起,排成歪歪扭扭的一行。 The sheep were herded into a ragged line.
请假离开办公室之后我赶紧去了医院。 After asking off my office, I went to the hospital immediately.
她匆匆赶往机场。 She hurried to the airport.
我要赶快去市场。 I will hie to the market.
我们几乎来不及赶火车. We barely had time to catch the train.
部队向前进, 赶跑了敌人. The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army.
我们已经尽了一切可能来赶上他们。 We have done all we could to catch up with them.
要不是报纸,我们都赶不上时代了。 Without newspaper, we would get behind the times.
要想赶上其他同学, 我得特别努力才行。 I have to work hard to catch up with the other students.
他与世隔绝一个月,力图把功课赶上去。 He shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.
他答应赶紧写好报告,今天就给我们送来。 He promised to hurry on with the report and send it to us today.
我们很早就动身去车站以便赶上头班火车。 We left for the station so early as to catch the first train.
从她那封信的字里行间我得知, 她把他赶了出去。 Reading between the lines of her letter, I learned she had driven him out.
我有重要消息要告诉你--是好消息, 我得赶紧补充一句. I have important news for you good news, I hasten to add.
我不可能及时赶到会场,除非我赶上了较找的一班火车。 I couldn't have got to the meeting on time -- unless I had caught an earlier train.
我赶紧到售票处。 I hurried to the ticket-office.
赶时髦的,新潮的对于流行的和时新的东西很敏感的并且积极响应的 Highly aware of and responsive to what is fashionable and up-to-date.
赶快!会议已开始了,我们迟到了。 Get a move on! We're already late for the meeting.
赶快!要是你不赶紧,我们就要迟到了。 Buck up! We'll be late if you don't get a move on.
他赶回办公室,给王书记打了-个电话。 He hastened back to the office and rang up Secretary Wang.
溺水的男孩大声喊叫,大家一齐赶去救他。 The drowning boy called out and everybody rushed to his rescue.
`你没赶上公共汽车吗? 不要紧, 五分钟後就来一辆.' Did you miss the bus? Never mind, there'll be another one in five minutes.
他们打败并赶走了敌人。 They routed the enemy.
我快跑为的是要赶上火车。 I run fast so that I may catch the train.
不要这么赶,否则你可能会出事故。 Do not rush or you may have an accident.
这个房客因为没有交房租而被赶出去了。 The tenant was evicted for non-payment of rent.
不要出难题了,我们必须赶五点钟前把这项工作干完。 Don't be awkward: we have to get this finished by five o'clock.
他今早睡过了头,所以这会儿他千方百计要赶上那班火车。 He overslept this morning, so now he is trying to rush for his train.
他把事故的经过告诉了她,但赶紧随即补充说没有人受伤。 He told her about the accident, but hastened to add that no one was hurt.
农夫拿著大棒追赶闯进来的人。 The farmer came after the intruder with a big stick.
他拚命奔跑去追赶公共汽车. He ran like fury to catch the bus.
假如我们只留五分钟的时间赶火车, 那麽我们卡的时间就太紧了. If we only allow five minutes for catching our train, we'll be cutting it too fine.
半小时之后,我又启程赶路了。 Half an hour later I set out again on my journey.
我因为追赶公共汽车,弄得上气不接下气。 I was out of breath after running for the bus.
你要是现在走, 可能正赶上交通拥挤的时刻. If you go now, you're likely to hit the rush hour.
竞争,好胜心争取赶上或超过另一个的努力或野心 Effort or ambition to equal or surpass another.
母亲打发孩子们赶快去上学,然后就开始干起活来。 The mother hustled the children off to school and started working.
因我们订购的是季节性商品,贵方务必于十月前装运,不然我们就赶不上季节了。 Be sure to ship the goods before October as what we ordered is seasonal goods. Otherwise we will not be able to catch the season.
聚会进行到一半,我太太发病了,我们只好赶紧离开。 Halfway through the party my wife become ill and we have to leave in short order.
流行敏感的,赶新潮的对最新的潮流或发展很敏感的,感兴趣的或了解的 Keenly aware of, knowledgeable about, or interested in the latest trends or developments.
我们追赶窃贼. We ran after the thief.
把这些捣乱分子赶出去。 Let's pitch out the troublemakers.
信徒们都赶往清真寺。 The devout were all hurrying to the mosque.
他追赶窃贼却未捉住. He chased (after) the burglar but couldn't catch him.
为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。 She spend a lot of money to follow the fashion.
快速巡逻艇迅即赶上那艘旧货船. The fast cruiser soon overhauled the old cargo boat.
救护车及时赶到了那座倒塌的大厦。 The ambulance reached the collapsed building in due time.
他同攻击他的人进行搏斗,最后把他们赶走了。 He struggled with his assailants and eventually drove them off.
经过几小时的激烈战斗,我们赶走了入侵的匪徒。 After a few hours of fierce fighting, we saw the intruding bandits off.
这个淘气的男孩因为捣毁了蜂房而被蜜蜂追赶。 The naughty boy was chased by the bees because he destroyed the honeycomb.
那事故发生後不久记者就都赶到了现场。 Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident.
所有的家畜都赶到厩里,因此我们几乎不会蒙受损失。 All the cattle had been moved into stalls and we stood to lose little.