
2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 天赋 + tian1fu4 gift; innate skill HSK6 赋予 + fu4yu3 to assign; to entrust (a task); to give; to bestow
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * fu4yu3 endow/ endue


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Grade E word(s):
禀/秉赋 赋税 赋于 天赋
赋 [fu4] verleihen (V)

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他有音乐天赋。 He has a gift for music.
他日夜祈求上帝赋予他虔敬的心。 He prayed to God night and day to endue him with the spirit of holiness.
我们的心灵是由天赋的智慧所启发的。 Our souls are lighted with wisdom from on high.
并非所有的人生来都像你这样有天赋。 Not everyone was born with such endowments as you.
将某人的收入分至四年从而使税赋降至最小程度 Average one's income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate.
在漫长的世界历史中,只有少数几代人在自由处于最危急的时刻被赋予保卫自由的责任。 In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.
执照,奖状赋予某种荣誉和特权的证书 A certificate conferring a privilege or honor.
简而言之,他没有天赋学历史。 In a word, history is not the subject he is cut out for.
上天既赋予她美貌,又赋予她聪颖。 Nature endowed her with intelligence as well as beauty.
该芭蕾舞蹈学校给有特殊天赋的儿童提供免费学习的机会. The ballet school offers free places to children who are exceptionally talented.
赋予特殊条件、天赋或优点的 Endowed with special gifts, talents, or advantages.
莎士比亚的作品赋予他不朽的声名。 Shakespeare's works have given him immortality.
精髓赋予特性或增添活力的物质或性质 A substance or quality that imparts identity and vitality; essence.