
6 New HSK word(s): HSK2 + gui4 expensive; noble; your (name); precious HSK5 宝贵 + bao3gui4 valuable; precious; to value; to treasure; to set store by HSK6 珍贵 + zhen1gui4 precious HSK6 难能可贵 + nan2neng2ke3gui4 rare and precious; valuable; remarkable HSK6 昂贵 + ang2gui4 expensive; costly HSK6 贵族 + gui4zu2 lord; nobility; nobleman; noblewoman; aristocrat; aristocracy
11 Old HSK word(s): A (VS) * gui4 expensive A * gui4 xing4 your honorable family name B VS * bao3gui4 valuable/ precious C * gui4 bin1 honored guest/ distinguished guest C VS * zhen1gui4 valuable-precious/ valuable/ precious D VS * ang2gui4 expensive D VS * gao1gui4 honorable/ noble D VS * ming2gui4 rare D VS * ke3gui4 worshipful/ estimable D VS * gui4zhong4 precious/ valued D N * gui4zu2 noble


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Noble +
Grade E word(s):
兵贵神速 达官贵人 富贵 高低贵贱 高抬贵手 贵妇 贵国 华贵 娇贵 难能可贵 权贵 荣华富贵 物以稀为贵 显贵 雍容华贵 尊贵
贵 [gui4] wertvoll, teuergeehrtGui (Eig, Fam)

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真正的友谊比金钱更宝贵。 Real friendship is more valuable than money.
儿童的鞋并不便宜--反而更贵. Children's shoes aren't cheap quite the reverse.
好的。请您告诉我贵姓及大名的头一个字母。 Ok may I have your last name and first initial, please?
熊猫是珍贵的动物。 Pandas are precious creatures.
那本旧书是我最珍贵的财产。 That old book is my most precious possession.
在旧社会,贵族们生活奢侈。 In old society, the gentry lived in luxury.
好的水果冬天难得见到,而且价格昂贵。 Good fruit is scarce in winter and costs a lot.
学杂费昂贵,外国留学生负担不起。 The tuition and fees fall heavy on the international students.
贵国是什么时候实行普选权的? When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?
这本书可能有用,只是相当贵。 The book is likely to be useful, only it's rather expensive.
时间比世上任何东西都宝贵。 Time is more precious than anything else in the world.
你应很好利用宝贵的每一分钟去学习。 You should make good use of every precious minute to study.
这个城市在飞速发展,市中心的房地产价格越来越贵。 The city is developing rapidly and property in the center is becoming more expensive.
封建贵族对人民很残酷。 The feudal barons were cruel to the people.
这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。 These rare tigers are protected by special laws.
我已经决定买一部脚踏车,不论贵不贵。 I have decided to buy a bicycle, whether it is expensive or not.
贵市史密斯公司希望与本公司开展交易,指定贵处为信用出证人。 Mr. smith co., of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have give us your name as a reference.
建筑材料很昂贵。 Building materials are expensive.
他的黑色皮沙发看上去很昂贵。 His black leather couch looks expensive.
该药昂贵而影响广泛应用. The high cost prohibits the widespread use of the drug.
这套红木家具一定非常昂贵。 This set of mahogany furniture must be very expensive.
在这个建筑物里场地面积十分昂贵. Space is at a premium in this building.
这样的宝贵教训应该铭记在心。 Such a lesson should be treasured in our memories.
原料费用昂贵使得产品价格居高不下。 The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up.
【谚】井干方知水可贵。 We never know the value of water till the well is dry.
在它宽敞的大厅里,展出了8000多件珍贵文物。 In its spacious halls are displayed over8000 priceless relics.
我以为能负担得起那费用, 後来认真估算了一下才知道过於昂贵. I thought I could afford it, then I costed it out properly and found it was too expensive.
显然,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能出售它的希尔森·里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。 Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a"financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
她出身高贵. She was a lady by birth.
这些座位是留给贵宾的. These seats are reserved for special guests.
我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。 My secretary is an absolute gem.
这家饭馆的价钱对我来说贵了些. This restaurant is a bit pricey for me.
贵宾们在大餐厅参加一个宴会。 The guests partook of a luxurious repast in the banqueting hall.
尽管他的祖父是贵族,他却非常穷困。 Although his grandfather was a nobleman, he was very poor.
我认为能向各位贵宾演讲十分荣幸. I esteem it a privilege to address such a distinguished audience.
指明它的来处纯洁而珍贵。 How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
他送我这么珍贵的礼物使我深受感动。 Such a precious gift did he give me that I was deeply touched.
您可以将您的贵重物品放在旅馆的保险柜里。 You may deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.
那套梳子非常漂亮,非常特别,但是太贵了。 That set of comb is very beautiful and special, but it costs much.
数日之内我们将有三笔大额进款,所以我们最迟于下星期一以前定给贵方汇款。 As we expect to receive three large sum within the next few day, we will send you some money by monday at the latest.
老师们纷纷表示,非常珍惜这次宝贵的学习机会,将会把学到的知识教给自己的同事和学生,使更多的人掌握电脑的基本知识。 The participants said they valued this special opportunity very much and would teach what they had learned to their colleagues and students to help more people master basic computer skills.
这些罕见的邮票非常珍贵。 These stamps have great value because of their rarity.
廉价照相机的质量并总不比昂贵的差。 A cheaper camera is not always inferior to a more expensive one.
侵略者在沿海城乡抢劫食物和贵重物品. The invaders plundered food and valuables from coastal towns and villages.
如果贵公司愿意,我们将乐于提供样品,便于您向有购买潜力的顾客展示。 If you agree we shall be glad to supply you with our samples for you to show to the potential customers.
这寥寥数语充分显示了她的高贵品质。 These few words fully revealed her noble quality.
这是否意味着贵国正在实施新的外贸政策? Does it mean that you be apply a new foreign trade policy?
这个宝石的价格十分昂贵--简直是个天文数字。 The price of this gem is expensive -- as much so as astronomical figures.
门第高贵的高贵血统的 Of noble lineage.
她的父亲曾是英国贵族。 Her father was an English aristocrat.
失去健康才知道健康的可贵。 We do not know the value of health till we lose it.
我的时间很宝贵,我只能见你几分钟。 My time is precious; I can only give you a few minutes.
贵公司的样品已收到,现已转给用户。 Receiving your sample, we have show them to their buyer.
这套程序是经理人员制订计划的可贵的工具。 This program gives managers a valuable planning tool.
我们为之奋斗的最可贵的事物--世界和平--已指日可待. The greatest prize of all world peace is now within our grasp.
没有比时间更贵重的东西,但也没有比它更受轻视的东西。 Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued.
我想了解一下贵方是否继续引进先进技术和成套工厂设备。 I wonder whether you will go on import some advanced technology and complete plant.
应召显贵法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨 One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency.
当我们查明何时有货,价格多少时,将立即通知贵公司,以什么价格可以成交。 As soon as the purchase is made, and the price ascertain, I will inform you at what they will be invoiced.
因我们订购的是季节性商品,贵方务必于十月前装运,不然我们就赶不上季节了。 Be sure to ship the goods before October as what we ordered is seasonal goods. Otherwise we will not be able to catch the season.
这幅画在他的收藏品中最为珍贵 The painting has pride of place in his collection.
人们认为它是最珍贵的药材之一。 It was reckoned among the most precious medicinal herbs.
在他的酒类收藏中有一些名贵的陈年葡萄酒。 He have some rare old vintage in his collection of wine.
在这个贫穷的地区,他的贵族气派显得很可笑。 His aristocratic manners seemed ridiculous in this poor area.
她在乡村图书展销会上买到一本珍贵的首版书。 She picked up a valuable first edition at a village book sale.
好客的主人很快为尊贵的客人腾空了闲置着的房间。 The hospitable host had his spare room emptied very quickly for the honoured guest.
如果可能的话,希望能在贵方的培训中心训练我方专业人员。 If possible, you are expected to train our specialist in your training center.
假若贵方愿意接受我们的建议,请通知我们,以便进一步商讨合作的细节。 If this proposal is acceptable to you, please let us know so that we can discuss details.
对于贵方的发票金额,贵方可开出以我方为付款人,自发票出具之日起三个月后付款的汇票。 For the amount of your invoice you may cover yourself by drawing upon me at three months from the date of the invoice.
在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。 A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.
那衣服太昂贵,我买不起。 The dress is too expensive for me to buy.
空运货物费用十分昂贵。 The transport of goods by air is very expensive.
那肖像是他最为珍贵的东西. The portrait was his proudest possession.
制造这些小部件是非常昂贵的。 The manufacture of these small components is expensive.
王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。 The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.
租金贵是贵, (但)房子倒很好. The rent is high, (but) otherwise the house is fine.
她带病努力工作, 真是难能可贵! She works so hard in spite of her illness: she's a marvel!
她待他那种屈尊纡贵的样子, 他十分愤恨. He resented the way she patronized him.
贵方如愿意降价2%,我们就可能达成交易。 If you are preparing to cut down your price by2%, we may come to term.
贵方所订购货物之其余部分, 一俟我方进货即可供应. The balance of your order will be supplied when we receive fresh stock.
兹寄上经过修订的商品目录和价目表。有些可能对贵方合适。 I send you my revised catalog and price- list, in the hope that you may find something to suit you.
高傲的,贵族的以符合老爷或作为老爷的尊贵的、高贵的方式的或具之特点的 In a dignified, noble fashion befitting or characteristic of a lord.
至于动力方式是采用“蒸气式”抑或“柴油式”,我想贵公司将交由我方全权处理吧? And the propulsion method whether steam or diesel, you'll leave to us, I suppose?
我公司伦敦分公司向贵公司开出面额300,000元的汇票一张,兹同函奉上,请承兑后寄还为荷。 Enclosed we hand you a draft,$300,000, draw on you by our london house. kindly accept same and return.
他的妻子琼是一个健壮、浅薄的女人,也是孩子们随和的母亲。当她一听说自己高贵的地位时,便立刻想入非非,暗自打算为她的年轻漂亮的女儿找一个显赫、门当户对的婆家。 And no sooner had Joan, his handsome, shallow-minded wife, the easy-going mother of his many children, heard of her exalted estate than her romantic soul began secretly to devise a brilliant and fitting alliance for her beautiful young daughter.
"父母们所了不解的是,脂肪提供非常宝贵的热量,并且每个细胞都需要脂肪和胆固醇才能生长,"她说。"胆固醇的名声太坏,我们从来看不到它好的一面,但是它对孩童,尤其两岁以下的,极为重要。" "What parents don't understand is that fat provides very valuable calories and that every cell needs fat and cholesterol to grow, " she said. "Cholesterol has gotten such bad press that we never see it in a good light, but it is essential for children, especially those under2."