
2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 贪婪 + tan1lan2 avaricious; greedy; rapacious; insatiable; avid HSK6 贪污 + tan1wu1 corruption
2 Old HSK word(s): D VA * tan1 corrupt D VA * tan1wu1 defalcate

Tham lam +

Tham nhũng +
Grade E word(s):
贪杯 贪财 贪吃 贪得无厌/餍 贪多嚼不烂 贪官 贪官污吏 贪婪 贪恋 贪便宜 贪求 贪食 贪图 贪图安逸 贪图享乐 贪图享受 贪玩儿 贪污犯 贪心 贪赃 贪赃枉法
贪 [tan1] gierig, gefräßig

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这件事从头到尾都散发著(贪污腐化的)臭味! The whole business stinks (of corruption)!
贪污腐败妨碍社会的发展。 Corruption stands in the way of the development of the society.
他是一个贪婪的资本家。 He is a greedy capitalist.
他真是贪吃的大肚汉. He's a real greedy guts.
他们的举动显然有贪污之嫌. Their actions reek of corruption.
对他贪污的控告已经提出. Accusations of corruption have been made/brought/laid against him.
他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。 He thinks it's a sin to covet other's properties.
那个贪吃的小男孩把宴会上所有的糖果都吃光了。 The greedy little boy ate all the candy at the party.
甘受贿赂,贪污腐化易受贿赂或腐败的影响性,如在使用不诚实的收益的信托状况时 Susceptibility to bribery or corruption, as in the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.
饮食失常一种饮食无序,在这种情况下,一个人常常处于不正常的贪食和厌食的交替状态,特点是偶尔的暴饮暴食继而又很快的引起呕吐或腹泻 An eating disorder in which one alternates between abnormal craving for and aversion to food. It is characterized by episodes of excessive food intake followed by periods of fasting and self-induced vomiting or diarrhea.
她露出贪婪的表情。 She shows a covetous look.
贪赃枉法的;腐败的能够为了金钱背弃荣誉、责任或顾虑的;易腐化堕落的 Capable of betraying honor, duty, or scruples for a price; corruptible.
迪克一开始舍不得花钱去看医生,如果,他的心脏病日趋严重。这真是贪小失大,得不偿失。 Dick's heart trouble became worse because he wouldn't spend money to see a doctor at the beginning; he was indeed penny wise and pound foolish.