
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 贡献 + gong4xian4 to contribute; to dedicate; to devote; contribution; CL:个/个ge4
1 Old HSK word(s): B v;n * gong4xian4 contribute/ dedicate/ contribution


Đóng góp +
Grade E word(s):
贡品 进贡
贡 [gong4] Tribut (Gesch)

Häufigkeit: 0.27 Komposita

她对国家的贡献极大. Her services to the state have been immense.
在他们的成绩中他有何贡献? What share did he have in their success?
女王为表彰他的贡献封他为爵士. The Queen requited his services with a knighthood.
菲尔绍,鲁道夫1821-1902德国病理学家和医生,以他对细胞理论的贡献和疾病研究而著名 German physician and pathologist known for his contributions to cell theory and the study of disease.
进贡的义务支付贡金或缴纳贡税的义务 The obligation to make such a payment.
他极力贬低她在那项研究中的贡献, 从而独获全部奖励. He minimized the value of her contribution to his research so that he got all the praise.