
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 象棋 + xiang4qi2 Chinese chess; CL:副fu4
1 Old HSK word(s): D N * xiang4qi2 chess


Chess +
Grade E word(s):

象棋 [xiang4 qi2] chinesisches Schach (S)Xiangqi (Eig)Schachspiel mit 32 Figuren

Häufigkeit: 0.78 Komposita

下星期,他将要参加一场国际象棋比赛。 He will take part in a chess tournament next week.
他的爱好从下国际象棋到划独木舟, 范围很广. His interests ranged from chess to canoeing.
自从我学会下国际象棋以来,这是我第一次赢。 It was the first time I'd won since I'd learnt to play chess.
国际象棋的各种走法你都会吗? Do you know all the possible moves in chess?