
9 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + qing3 to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to a meal etc); to request HSK3 请假 + qing3jia4 to request leave of absence HSK4 申请 + shen1qing3 to apply for sth; application (form etc); CL:份fen4 HSK4 邀请 + yao1qing3 to invite; invitation; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 请求 + qing3qiu2 request; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 请示 + qing3shi4 to ask for instructions HSK6 请教 + qing3jiao4 to ask for guidance; to consult HSK6 请柬 + qing3jian3 invitation card; written invitation HSK6 请帖 + qing3tie3 invitation card; written invitation
14 Old HSK word(s): A VA * qing3 please/ request/ ask/ invite/ engage A * qing3 jia4 ask for leave A * qing3 wen4 Excuse me/ May I ask B v;n * yao1qing3 invite/ invitation B * qing3 ke4 invite to dinner/ give a dinner party B v;n * qing3qiu2 request/ ask C VA * qing3jiao4 consult/ ask for advice/ seek advice C VA * qing3shi4 ask for instructions C VA * shen1qing3 apply for/ file an application for D VA * pin4qing3 employ/ engage D N * qing3jian3 invitation card D N * qing3tie3 invitation card D VA * qing3yuan4 petition D VA * yan4qing3 entertain/ fete


Xin vui lòng +


Lại +


Ứng dụng +


Mời +

Yêu cầu +

Giới thiệu +

Tham khảo ý kiến +

Lời mời +

Lời mời +
Grade E word(s):
不请自来 回请 敬请 恳请 请安 请便 请不动 请调 请调报告 请功 请君入瓮 请示汇报 请勿 请愿书 请战 请罪 请坐 申请表 申请人 申请书 提请 邀请信 有请 约请
请 [qing3] Bitte ! (Int)bitten, einladen (V)

Häufigkeit: 89.51 Komposita

请把门打开。 Open the door, please.
请再说一遍。 Say that again, please.
请把菜单给我。 Please show me the menu.
他刚请假走了. He's just gone on leave.
请原谅我的字写得不好。 Please excuse my bad handwriting.
请医生开点咳嗽药. Ask the doctor to prescribe something for that cough.
请给我找一个放糖的容器。 Please find me a receptacle for sugar.
你不请大夫来, 他就得死了. He will certainly die if you don't call a doctor.
离开房间前,请把灯关掉。 Please turn the light off before leaving the room.
这顿饭我请客,你把钱收起来吧。 This meal is my treat, so put your money away.
我想请你说说对这种情况的意见。 I need your slant on the situation.
画完后请把东西都放回原处。 Please put all those things away when you finish drawing.
他请求我们帮他完成他的计划。 He asked us to assist him in carrying through his plan.
我们请她帮忙时, 她总是那么不友好。 She is always so disagreeable when we ask her to help.
请别打扰我。 Please leave me alone.
请把字典递给我。 Please pass the dictionary to me.
请把电源关掉。 Please turn off the electric power.
请不要责怪你自己。 Please don't blame yourself.
请递给我一张纸巾。 Please pass me a piece of paper handkerchief.
请做这个句子的填空。 Please fill in the blanks in the sentence.
请原谅我说了激烈的话。 Pardon my strong language, please.
请示范机器的使用方法。 Please demonstrate how the machine works.
他太小气,不肯请我们吃饭。 He's too mean to buy us a meal.
请问我该先买哪个品种。 Please advise me which item I should buy.
请保持在听得见的距离之内。 Please keep within hearing distance.
请于每段第一行缩格书写。 Please indent the first line of each paragraph.
地址如有变动,请通知我们。 Please notify us of any change of address.
请寄给我一张收到此款的收据。 Please send me a receipt for the money.
如有冒犯之处,请多多原谅。 If I have offended you, I ask your pardon.
请派一辆出租汽车到国际饭店。 Please send a taxi to Park Hotel.
请给我们公司寄一份详细的简历。 Please send a detailed resume to our company.
您被邀请参观我们的秋季时装展览。 You are invited to view our autumn collection.
他在我背上拍了一下,请我去喝酒。 He gave me a clap on the back and invited me for a drink.
请把窗子弄干净,我几乎看不到外面。 Please clean the window as I can hardly see out.
请假离开办公室之后我赶紧去了医院。 After asking off my office, I went to the hospital immediately.
好的。请您告诉我贵姓及大名的头一个字母。 Ok may I have your last name and first initial, please?
通常, 是男士伸出手来邀请女士跳舞。 As a rule, it's the gentleman that holds out his hand to invite a lady to dance.
那位著名的进步思想家被邀请在会议上发表演讲。 That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting.
打完电话后,请把听筒放回原位。 Please put the receiver back after calling.
我们会把决定及早通知申请者。 Applicants will be notified of our decision in good season.
所有的申请者一个接着一个参加面试。 All the applicants were interviewed one by one.
请把面粉和牛奶调至恰当的浓度。 Please mix the flour and milk to the right consistency.
他申请出国签证经历了很大的困难。 He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.
你若对我们的报价感兴趣,请与我们联系。 Should you be interested in our offer, please contact us.
我请求他从新疆回来时给我带些葡萄干。 I asked him to bring me some raisins when he returns from Xinjiang.
我申请加入排球队时给教练留下了良好的印象。 I had made on the coach a good impression when I went out for volleyball.
请不要嘲笑他。 Please don't laugh at him.
我的未完成的过去,从后边缠绕到我身上,使我难于死去。请从它那里释放了我吧。 Release me from my unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult.
请问尊姓大名? Would you give me your name?
请问我搞对了吗? Have I got it right, please?
对不起;请原谅。 I beg your pardon.
请马上离开这儿! Please leave here immediately!
请把账单给我好吗? Could I have the bill, please?
请帮我喂我的猫好吗? Will you feed my cat for me?
请你拼一下你的姓好吗? Would you please spell your last name?
你介意我明天请假吗? Are you mind if I take tomorrow off?
请你为我翻译一下好吗? Would you please interpret for me?
请问, 我和苏珊说句话行吗? Can I talk to Susan, please?
请把铅笔借给我用用好吗? Would you please lend me your pencil?
请您告诉我怎样去联络律师? Could you please inform me how to go about contacting a lawyer?
我想请你下星期日去参加舞会好吗? I would like to invite you to a ball next Sunday.
我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱? Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?
在日常会话中,你是请求别人做事,而不是"命令"他们。 In everyday conversation, you request people to do things, not "order" them.
她需要使请求语气柔婉,以便尽可能把它变成有礼貌与客气。 She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could.
晚饭我请客。 Dinner is on me.
请往这边看. Look this way, please.
这边请,夫人。 This way please, madam.
今后请准时。 Please be punctual in futurity.
姓名请用大写. Write your name in block capitals, please.
请为我预定一个座位。 Please reserve a seat for me.
不论你去不去,请打电话给我。 Whether you will go (or not), please call me up.
请他出去吃午饭, 那样他心情就会好些. Offer to take him out for lunch, then (ie as a result of this) he'll feel in a better mood.
请出示护照。 Show me your passport, please.
请来两杯淡的啤酒. Two light ales, please.
请看这里的这个盒子。 Please look at this box here.
请递给我一块方糖。 Please pass me a cube of sugar.
情况紧急时请按铃。 Ring the bell in an emergency.
请他来坐坐, 聊聊天. Ask him to stop by for a chat.
他邀请我们参加晚会。 He invited us to the party.
今天我请客。我来付。 It's my treat today. I'll pay.
人们请求政治避难。 The people ask for political asylum.
请把这个消息转告她。 Please pass on the news to her.
请说出你的姓名和地址。 State your name and address.
请在这张支票背后签名。 Please back the check.
请把那条毛巾给我扔过来. Please throw me that towel.
请给蛋糕多加点香料。 Please add more spices to the cake.
请让我们向你表示祝贺. May we proffer you our congratulations?
请集中考虑以下问题. Please focus your minds on the following problem.
他们紧急请求国际援助。 They've made an urgent request for international aid.
请让我趁此机会讲几句话. Let me take this opportunity to say a few words.
临睡前请拔下电视机的插头. Please unplug the TV before you go to bed.
请把我的信件转到我的新地址。 Please forward my mail to my new address.
她邀请我吃饭以表示她的感激。 She showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner.
请注意这两个词之间的区别。 Please pay attention to the difference between the two words.
如果要避开市中心,请从这里向右转弯。 To avoid the city center, turn right here.
请务必使这张便条落到可靠的人手里。 Please see that this note gets into the right hands.
我以为他要请客,但结果是各付各的。 I think he was treating, but it turned out to be a Dutch treat.
我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。 I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.
既然她病得厉害, 我们要马上去请医生。 Since she is seriously ill, we have to send for a doctor at once.
我最诚恳地请求你重新考虑一下你的立场. I conjure you most earnestly to reconsider your position.
他们邀请我们将来到那里时去他们家做客. We have a standing invitation to visit them when we're in the area.
处理这类案件的常规做法是请求法院发出指令。 The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order.
邻居们请他们停止吵闹, 可他们不听还是继续吵闹。 The neighbors asked them to stop making a noise, but they kept on.
收成可能低于平均水平,请以同样价格再采购一些。 Crop likely below average will suggest renew purchase contract same price
请把胡椒粉递给我。 Please pass me the pepper.
她提出了离婚申请。 She filed a petition for divorce.
请改正我帐单上的错误。 Please rectify the mistake in my bill.
他申请延长签证有效期。 He asked for an extension of his visa.
这家企业是信用证的申请者。 The enterprise is an applicant of this credit.
请您放心,还款是有保障的。 Please rest assured that repayment is ensured.
请你把废物扔到预备好的垃圾箱里. Please put your litter in the bin provided.
请仔细核对单子以避免发生错误。 Please check the list carefully so as to avoid mistakes.
委员会一致同意拒绝这项申请。 The committee were unanimous that the application should be turned down.
你应该立即申请, 亲自去也好, 写信也好. You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.
请站到一边,你的影子计划遮住了他的活儿。 Please stand to one side, you're casting your shadow over his work.
有些职员要被解雇,不过请放心,你不在此列。 Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hasten to add you won't be among them.
请将香烟熄灭. Please extinguish your cigarettes.
请填写随函附上之表格. Please fill in the form enclosed herewith.
请把那些杯子和碟子收拾好。 Please pick up those cups and saucers.
她设法弄到了招待会的请帖. She managed to wangle an invitation to the reception.
请向你全家转达我真挚的问候。 Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family.
我女儿请求我给她买一个羽绒枕头。 My daughter asked me to buy her a pillow stuffed with feathers.
她未请示上级擅自把所有这些请柬都发了出去. She issued all these invitations without any reference to her superiors.
那个聚会落得一场空, 因为请帖上的日期弄错了. The party was a total fiasco because the wrong date was given on the invitations.
最后,我想借此机会请汤姆逊教授转达我们深厚的友谊,并表示对他的同胞良好的祝愿。 Finally, we want to take this opportunity to beg him to convey our profound friendship and best regards to his people.
星期五能不能请你替我个班? Can you cover for me on Friday?
已请他来加强後卫力量. He has been brought in to strengthen the defence.
请你把这封信复印一份好吗? Could you Xerox this letter please?
请你往右边移一点好吗? Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right?
请说明姓名、年龄和职业。 Please state your name, age and occupation.
对这份工作, 我们接到400人的申请. We received 400 applications for the job.
请你在这件衬衫上钉一颗钮扣好吗? Will you stitch a button on this shirt?
请你把这颗纽扣缝到我的衬衫上好吗? Would you sew this button onto my shirt?
对不起打扰一下, 请问去车站怎麽走? I'm sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the way to the station?
请把那本地图册从书架上取下来(递给我). Please reach (me) the atlas down from the bookshelf.
(你)抵达旅馆後, 请听候进一步指示. On (your) arrival at the hotel please wait for further instructions.
`怎样申请许可证?'`你得到问讯处打听.' `How do I apply for this licence?' `You want inquiries.'
广告称`聘请有积极性的年轻人任推销员'. The advertisementread Young self-starter wanted as salesperson'.
请登记你的姓名、年龄以及供养的亲属的人数。 Please state your name, age, and the number of dependants you have.
女士们、 先生们: 请别堵住通道. 谢谢诸位大力协助. Please clear the gangways, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your co-operation.
王先生与州长感情甚笃,常被邀请与其一同用餐。 Mr Wang is in the good graces of the governor, and is often invited to dine with him.
同函奉上55美元书款支票一张,外加每册14分邮费在内。请查收。 I am enclosing a cheque for$55.00 which covers the cost of the book plus the postage charge of14 cents a volume.
据说轮船严重受损,详情正在调查之中,但我方利益已完全保住,请电告伦敦公司。 Steamer report seriously damaged now ascertain particulars however our interest fully protected transmit to London
您能不能给我们建议一个好办法,让我们请大家送钱给我们,然后让我们在回到大陆时再购买礼物? Can you suggest a good way for us to ask people to send us the money, and let us buy the gift when we get to the mainland?
请跟我说实话。 Be kind enough to tell me the truth.
我们本星期宴请大使. We're dining the ambassador this week.
我请他去给我晚报拿来。 I asked him to fetch me the evening paper.
你不必向我请示可自行做些变动. You don't need my say-so to change things.
请接受我的慰问。 Please accept my condolences.
请把行李预先送出. Send your luggage on in advance.
我建议你请教律师。 I suggest you consult a lawyer.
万一我忘记,请提醒我。 In case (=If) I forget, please remind me.
我们曾请求法院调查。 We made an application to the court for an inquiry.
请向您母亲转达我的祝愿。 Please convey my good wishes to your mother.
请来了专家担当政府顾问. Experts were brought in to advise the Government.
多谢邀请, 我们改日一定应邀. Thanks for the invitation; we may take you up on it some time.
这件事情你应该请教你的律师。 You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter.
如果你万一见到他,请代我向他致意。 If you should happen to see him, please give him my regards.
他向我请教那件事以表示对我的敬意。 He paid me the compliment of consulting me about the affair.
一位体育界的著名人士被邀请为决赛开球。 A sports personality was invited to kick off at die final.
他不仅请我进屋,而且竟然还请喝了一杯。 He not only invited me into his house but he actually offered me a drink.
在晚报的一则广告里,他促请大家注意他新进的货物。 In an advertisement in the evening paper, he calls public attention to his new stock of goods.
在此期间,我们将保留上述箱子,听候你方处理。你方对此作何处理请告知为盼。 Meanwhile we are holding the above-mentioned case at your disposal, please let us know what you wish to do with it.
比尔,请拼这个字。 Please spell the word, Bill.
请把绳子挂在那根钉子上。 Please hook the rope over the nail.
彼得去年申请了英国国籍。 Peter applied for British citizenship last year.
经理收到了二十份求职申请书。 The manager received twenty applications for the post.
申请这份工作的人数多得惊人. There were an astonishing number of applicants for the job.
根据规定, 申请者一律需经笔试. It is laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam.
根据规定,申请者一律需经笔试。 It is laid down that all applicant must sit a write exam.
你若不希望我们的代理人去造访,请告之。 Should you not wish our agent to call, please let us know.
问题之一是申请人不得不面对的官僚主义。 One of the problems is the bureaucracy the claimant has to face.
请将漆罐和刷子递给我,我要在天花板上再刷一层。 Please pass up the paint pot and brush; I will put another coat on the ceiling.
他还申请了另外两份工作, 以防这份工作面试不合格. He's applying for two other jobs as an insurance against not passing the interview for this one.
关于销售帐单,请分别列明各项收支,并请将款项分别汇交本公司。 As to the account sales, you will please to furnish with a distinct account for each, and remit me for each.
请挪过去一点,你占了大半张凳子啦。 Move up, please; you are taking up more than half the bench.
去柏林的英航125航班旅客请办理登机手续. Passengers should check in for flight BA 125 to Berlin.
听到这些我非常难过。请接受我最诚挚的慰问。 Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry to hear that. Please accept my deepest sympathies.
令郎喜结良缘谨此致以诚挚的祝贺并请转达最美好的祝愿。 Sincere congratulations on your son wedding please convey our best wish.
如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期。费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元。 If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400, 000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195, 000 salary.
请饶了我(一命)吧! Please spare (ie don't kill) me!
玛丽没有申请助学金的资格. Mary is not eligible for an award.
请允许我(向你)介绍我的新助手. May I present my new assistant (to you).
下雨前,请将帐篷的绳索放松。 Please slacken the tent rope before it rains.
请萨姆写那篇社论好了,他能胜任。 Get Sam to write that editorial. He haw what it takes.
请挪过去点,你占了大半张凳子啦! Move over, please: you are taking up more than half the bench!
他讲完话後请听众提问题和意见. After his speech he invited questions and comments (from the audience).
她先去请教顾问然後再来宣布决定. She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.
花这麽一点钱也要去请示, 真烦人. It's annoying to have to get authorization for spending such piddling amounts of money.
请你将诗人逝世的消息转播给公众好吗? Could you relay the news of the poet's death out to the public?
听说你已定婚,Marry,请接受我的良好祝愿。 I have heard of your engagement, Mary. Please accept my best wishes.
约翰逊上上下下打量了她一番,决定邀请她出去。 Johnson looked her up and down and decided to ask her out.
他做任何事都要首先请示他老婆—他是个十足的“妻管严”。 He never does anything without asking his wife first—he's a completely hen-pecked husband.
敝人也提请师范学院教育系鲍尔教授作证明人,已得到他的同意。 I am also permitted to refer to Professor Raymond Powell of the Education Department at the Normal college.
草案准备好了。请审核一下细节内容,看看是否全部条款都合适好吗? The draft is prepared. Will you please check the particulars and see if everything is all right?
请把代号上或打上。 Please stamp the code numbers on.
请把这个问题给我讲解一下. Please explain this problem to me.
她的房间十分杂乱,她不好意思请我进去。 Her room is in such a litter that she is ashamed to ask me in.
请在纸的正反两面书写, 但不要写在四周的边上. Please write on both sides of the paper, and don't write in the margin.
感谢你的邀请。 I appreciate your invitation.
请别为此过于不快。 Please don't take it too hard.
请把我列入名单中。 Please include me in the list.
现在请注意它的商标。 Now pay attention its brand please.
请在早饭前把床铺好. Please make your beds before breakfast.
请你暂且控制住感情. Please contain your enthusiasm for a moment.
他是诚心诚意地请你原谅。 He cries you mercy with all his heart.
情况不妙,请电告补救方案。 Matter turning worse advise what remedy.
请把这份文件依次传递给他人。 Please hand on the document to others.
请替我把这份报告写一份摘要。 Please write me a summary of this report.
请把我的名字加入你们的邮寄名单中. Please add my name to your mailing list.
他请求他母亲答应他去看马戏。 He pleaded with his mother to allow him to go to the circus.
有关各符号的意义请见左边附表. For an explanationof the symbols see the key, inset left.
请将你方现有目录尽速寄来为盼. Please rush me (ie send me immediately) your current catalogue.
你仔细考虑过之后,请用传真相告。 After you think it over, please let me know by fax.
我因有约在先, 所以只好谢绝你的邀请. I shall have to refuse your invitation because of a prior engagement.
他们在请愿书上签名,支持工人的请求。 They signed a petition in support of the workers' demands.
请用传真机把新目录的版面编排图样传送给我. Please fax me the layout for the new catalogue.
邻居们请他们安静一些, 可他们还是吵吵闹闹。 The neighbors asked them to stop making a noise, but they kept on.
请允许我对你们剧团的成功表示最热烈的祝贺。 Allow me to offer my warm congratulations on the success of your troupe.
请试试这个巧克力。有三种不同风味的巧克力供应。 Please try this chocolate. There are three different flavors available.
查阅与物品搭配用的确切量词,请参考有关词条。 Please consult the relevant entry to find the correct word for the item concerned.
即使要通报紧急请求,不经允许闯到国王面前也是危险的。 It is dangerous to intrude into the King's presence without permission, even to make an urgent request.
他正向领事申请签证。 He is applying to the Consul for a visa.
敬请您出席股东会议. Your presence is requested at the shareholders' meeting.
请不要为了等我们而延缓吃晚饭。 Please don't wait dinner for us.
我们全都被邀请参加这次盛典。 We are all invited to take part in the pageant.
我这件大衣请你照这个式样裁剪。 Please cut out my overcoat according to this pattern.
他被邀请担任本地摄影俱乐部的主席。 He was invited to become president of the local camera club.
她等他邀请她跳舞, 而不愿显得失慎. She waited for him to invite her to dance, not wishing to seem bold.
我三番五次请她来,她都断然拒绝了。 I asked her several times to come but she categorically refused.
请把这些卡片按次序放好,别把它们搅乱了。 Please keep the cards in sequence; don't mix them up.
她请你, 你要是不回个信儿就可能把她得罪了. She may be offended if you don't reply to her invitation.
请书面申报你在国外购买的全部商品。 Please make a written declaration of all the goods you bought abroad.
请遵守我们的协议,给我们调换损坏的货物。 Please honor our arrangement by exchanging the damaged goods.
福斯特先生不能接受你的宴请,深表歉意。 Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner.
他邀请我们到他乡下的庄园去过一次打猎的周末。 He invited us to his country estate for a weekend shoot.
我们为在村中保留一所学校这一权利进行请愿. We're petitioning for our right to keep a school in our village.
我估计我的申请书不知道让哪个无能的官僚给弄丢了. I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
申请人请求司法检查以便废除责令某人守法的命令。 The applicant seek judicial review to quash the bind-over order.
假若贵方愿意接受我们的建议,请通知我们,以便进一步商讨合作的细节。 If this proposal is acceptable to you, please let us know so that we can discuss details.
曾有两位年轻人非法侵入了大学网络,创建了一个公告牌,并在上面装入了流行的商业软件,还邀请因特网上的用户下载这些软件包。 Once two lads broke into the university network, created a bulletin board, loaded popular commercial software on it and invited users across Internet to download the packages.
请务必用点蘑菇。 Do have some mushrooms.
请把黄豆捣成粉。 Please pound up the soybeans.
请在抽屉里铺上纸。 Line the drawer with paper, please.
招聘店员. 请进面洽. Shop assistant required. Apply within.
他们聘请他照料婴儿. They employed him to look after the baby.
他已向银行申请贷款。 He has applied to the banker for a loan.
请勿在本店吸烟以利健康. In the interests of hygiene, please do not smoke in this shop.
请帮我脱掉这满是泥浆的靴子。 Please help me to draw off these muddy boots.
要聘请到素质好的老师是很困难的。 It's difficult to recruit teachers of quality.
该请愿书奉命暂搁一边,以后讨论。 The petition was ordered to lie on the table.
我的报销申请中包括 15 英镑杂项支出. My expenses claim includes 15 for sundries.
请勿在生气的时候去办如此重要的事情。 Do not go to such an important business in a temper.
船期交涉需15天,请更改延长信用证。 Amend credit extend shipping negotiating date15 days.
他已上诉请求将死刑减为无期徒刑. He appealed for (a) commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment.
我恳求她帮忙, 但她完全不理睬我的请求. I begged her for help but she shut her ears to all my appeals.
请准备一枝尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加考试。 Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.
他们聘请了能请到的最好的律师为他们陈述案情. They employed the best lawyer they could get to plead their case.
我已给我全家人都寄去了请帖. 还要给你家的人及邻居们寄. I've sent cards to all my family. Then there's your family and the neighbours.
我叫李华,正在办理你校1991年秋季财会转业研究生入学申请。 My name is Li Hua. I am applying for the graduate studies in Accounting for the fall of1991.
这位影星抵达该城市的消息一传开,大批的请柬雪片似的向她飞来。 Invitations showered on the film star as soon as her arrival in the city was known.
某人能去请求改变判决的民事法院或刑事法院。这两种法院的裁决对高等法院和下级法院全都有拘束力。 Civil or criminal court to which a person may go to ask for a sentence to be changed and of which the decision be binding on the high court and lower court.
请勿践踏草坪。 Keep off the grass.
请你跟我跳个舞好吗? Would you like to dance?
油漆未乾--请勿触摸. Fresh paint please do not touch.
各方请柬纷至沓来。 Invitations rained in on all sides.
请你阐述这一理论,行吗? Could you elaborate on this theory?
请为饥荒账款慷慨捐赠。 Please give generously to famine relief.
申请的截止日[日期]是5月1日. The closing (ie last) day/date for applications is 1 May.
他忸忸怩怩走到她跟前请她跳舞. He sidled up/over to her and asked her to dance.
考卷答完後请上交(给老师). Please give your examination papers in (to the teacher) when you've finished.
请把你的各项开支列在这张表格上,好吗? Could you detail all your expenses on this form?
请各位将酒杯斟满, 向新娘、 新郎祝酒! Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom!
我们得把申请书仔细筛选一下以甄别优劣. We have to sift through the application forms very carefully to separate the wheat from the chaff.
"请给电脑编制一个程序,以便进行这项工作代替手工操作。" Please program the computer to do the job instead of manual operation.
难怪他们的队打败了我们;他们请了一个冒名为丹·史密斯的职业队员替他们投球。 No wonder their team beat us; they rang in a professional to pitch for them under the name of Dan Smith.
我想我很可能得到这份工作, 可是假设鲍勃也申请的话, 那[他]可能使我的计画落空. I think I'm likely to get the job, but if Bob applies for it too it/he could queer my pitch.
参照今日和你方的谈判记录,兹随函寄上详细叙述订购卫生衣的订单2份,请查收。 Referring to my conversation with you today, I now enclose an order sheet for hosiery as specified.
我公司伦敦分公司向贵公司开出面额300,000元的汇票一张,兹同函奉上,请承兑后寄还为荷。 Enclosed we hand you a draft,$300,000, draw on you by our london house. kindly accept same and return.