
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 说不定 + shuo1bu5ding4 can't say for sure; maybe
1 Old HSK word(s): C Adv * shuo1buding4 cannot say for sure/ maybe/ perhaps


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Grade E word(s):

Häufigkeit: 11.61 Komposita

说不定他已经死了. For all I know he could be dead.
说不定他已经死了。 He may be dead for aught I know.
我想我能来,但还说不定。 I think I can come, but don't rely on it.
一定要用毛巾把孩子们彻底擦干,他们浑身湿透了,说不定会着凉的。 Do towel the children down very thoroughly, they're wet to the skin and might catch cold!