
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 误解 + wu4jie3 to misunderstand; to misread; misunderstanding
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * wu4jie3 misunderstand


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Grade E word(s):

误解 [wu4 jie3] Missverständnis, missverstehen, etw.jmd. falsch verstehen (S)

Häufigkeit: 5.21 Komposita

你完全误解了我的意思。 You mistook my meaning entirely.
被误解的被错误地理解或错误地领会的 Incorrectly understood or interpreted.
我们彼此误解了: 我谈的是天文学, 你谈的是占星术. We're at cross-purposes: I'm talking about astronomy, you're talking about astrology.
我以为你想见我, 显然完全是我误解了. I thought you wanted to see me but I was clearly under a complete misapprehension.
我们之间产生了一连串的误解, 因而关系紧张了. Relations between us have become frayed through a series of misunderstandings.
别误解我[我要说的话]. Don't misunderstand me/what I'm trying to say.
我想现在我明白你的意思了。如果你所说的“正直”就是我所说的“一贯性”,那么我们刚才的争吵就是彼此误解了。 I get your drift now, I think. If you mean by"integrity", what I would call"consistency" then we've been arguing at cross-purposes.