
2 New HSK word(s): HSK3 应该 + ying1gai1 ought to; should; must HSK6 活该 + huo2gai1 (coll.) serve sb right; deservedly; ought; should
4 Old HSK word(s): A aux;v * gai1 should/ ought to/ owe/ sb.'s turn A aux * ying1gai1 ought to/ should/ must B pron * gai1 this/ that C VA * huo2gai1 deserve (sth. undesirable)/ serve one right

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Grade E word(s):
该死 该着 该着 悔不该
该 [gai1] der bewusste, der betreffende; derartig, besagt, erwähntmüssen. sollen, sich gehören, sich geziemen; dürfen; würde, wäre (V)schulden, schuldig bleiben (V) an der Reihe sein (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 94.15 Komposita

我看你不应该。 I don't think you ought to.
你应该去看医生。 You should see a doctor.
我不知道该怎么办。 I have no idea what to do.
我不知道该从哪里着手。 I don't know where to begin.
他不该做那事是有必要的。 It is important that he not do it.
你应该好好利用这个机会。 You should take advantage of it.
我们应该对下一代负责。 We should be responsible for the generation as yet unborn.
我们应该全体讨论班级活动。 We must discuss the class activities in a body.
我问了一位本地人,该走哪条路。 I asked one of the locals which way to go.
我不知道该怎样来感谢你才好。 I don't know how I can possibly thank you enough.
我们应该更好地利用现有设备。 We should make a better use of the existing equipment.
你应该在课堂上完成语法练习。 You should finish your English grammar drills in the class.
这个虽然不便宜, 但我觉得我们还是应该买. It's not cheap but I think we should buy it none the less.
我们应该多注意危险的思想意识对年轻人的影响。 We should pay more attention to the infection of young people with dangerous ideologies.
他该保持安静是有必要的。 It is important that he be quiet.
请问我该先买哪个品种。 Please advise me which item I should buy.
现在该是填饱肚子的时候了。 It's time to satisfy my inner man.
该教授正进行高深的学术研究。 The professor is engaged in advanced studies.
他爸爸坚持他们应该搬到乡下。 His father insisted that they (should) move to the country.
公众强烈反对修建该机场。 There was a great outcry about the construction of the new airport.
该学院采用新的外语教学法。 New methods of teaching foreign languages are adopted in this institute.
你不应该让士兵们冒不必要的危险。 You shouldn't expose the soldiers to unnecessary risks.
我们应该使用无烟煤以防止空气污染。 We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution.
该是你认识形势的真实情况的时候了。 It's time you awake to the realities of the situation.
该报告建议安全标准应该改进。 The report advances the suggestion that safety standards should be improved.
不应该让退休的人感到自己是个闲人 A retired person should not be made to feel he's on the shelf.
我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该保存下去。 I think these interesting old customs should be preserved.
我们应该多吃一些富含纤维素的绿色蔬菜。 We should eat more green vegetables rich in cellulose.
我妈妈鼓励我,而且坚持我应该继续我的教育。 My mother encouraged me and insisted that I continue my education.
教师在学习中的关键作用是不该忽视的。 The key role of the teacher in the learning process should not be neglected.
他很有天分,但对选择的工作该怎样处理,他仍得好好学习。 He has natural ability, but has yet to learn the mechanics of his chosen work.
这副马蹄铁该换了,都磨光了。 This pair of horseshoes has to be changed; it's worn out.
我们已经收到了对该节目的一连串投诉。 We have had a string of complaints about the program.
该足球队员向旁边跨步以避开对方拦截动作. The footballer side-stepped the tackle.
我们应该团结起来为消除贫穷和疾病而斗争. We should unite in fighting/unite to fight poverty and disease.
社会公益服务机构和当地医生应该加强协作。 There should be a lot more interaction between the social services and local doctors.
他应该受到法律最严厉的惩罚。 He deserves to be punished with the full rigor of the law.
学生应该始终具有强烈的求知欲。 A student should always be curious to learn.
我们不应该嘲笑别人的宗教信仰。 We should not mock at other people's religious beliefs.
司机应该对这场车祸负部分责任。 The driver must bear a portion of the blame for the accident.
最近,许多州坚持中学应该教学生如何开车。 Recently, many states have insisted that high schools teach students how to drive.
规范语法阐述的是该派语法学家认为的某语言的口语或书面语的标准形式. A normative grammar of a language describes how its authors think the language should be spoken or written.
你看我该怎么办? What do you think I should do?
你真不应该那样做! You shouldn't have done that!
我该怎样才能报答你的好意呢? How can I ever repay you for your kindness?
要是问题一次只发生一个该多好! If only problems would come one at a time!
我觉得你的咳嗽声有问题--是不是该找医生看看? I don't like the sound of that cough oughtn't you to see a doctor?
店主给我们的分量不足: 应该10公斤我们只得到7.5公斤. The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos.
我们应该努力摆脱劳资关系中`那群人和我们'这种对立的态度. We should try to get away from a `them and us' attitude in industrial relations.
你应该努力读书。 You should study hard.
你应该再细心些. You want to be more careful.
该计划有三个目的。 The plan has a triple purpose.
我们应该分清是非。 We should make a distinction between right and wrong.
她不应该把我的信公开。 She should not give publicity to my letter.
我们应该学习祖先的成就。 We should study our ancestral achievements.
已成立工作组调查该问题. A working party has been set up to look into the problem.
他法语还不错, 但应该再好些. His knowledge of French is fair, but ought to be better.
出门前你应该把房间收拾整齐。 You should straighten up your room before going out.
你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。 You should always aim at doing your job well.
她好像够亲切的, 可是我不应该信以为真. She seems friendly enough but I shouldn't take her at (her) face value.
你应该查字典找出这个单词的正确读音。 You should look up the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary.
你应该可怜他。 You should take pity on him.
该被责怪的人是你。 It is you who are to blame.
不晓得该听谁的劝告。 I don't know which advise to follow.
资料应该明白易懂。 The information ought to be made more accessible.
该报告毫无真实性。 There is not a vestige of truth in the report.
每个人都应该遵守法律。 Everyone should comply with the law.
现在该对付我的家庭作业了. It's time to tackle my homework.
我们应该依照规定行事。 We should act in conformity with the rules.
凡有文化的人都该一读此书. Every literate person should read this book.
我们应该发扬革命传统。 We shall carry forward the revolutionary tradition.
该领事馆已升格为大使馆. The consulate was upgraded to embassy status.
该领导人受到了首相的接见. The chief was received by the Prime Minister.
他应该亲自来领奖才对. It was fitting that he should be here to receive the prize in person.
你应该把房屋建得尽可能结实。 You must make the houses as strong as possible.
该计画的可取之处是相当明显的. The merits of the scheme are quite obvious.
该系列讲座可自然分作三部分。 The lecture series falls naturally into three parts.
该演员与观众建立了密切的关系. The actor developed a close rapport with his audience.
你不应该硬是反对各种进步形式. You shouldn't set your face against all forms of progress.
选举之后,该党的党员所剩无几了。 After the election the party was reduced to a rump.
简而言之,我认为我们应该接受他的提议。 Briefly, I think we should accept his offer.
这些别有风味的小蛋糕是该地的特产。 These small spiced cakes are a peculiarity of the region.
该国需要一个能使全国团结的领袖。 The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together.
一个人应该为世界和平事业尽最大努力。 One should do his best for the cause of world peace.
按学生人数, 我们应该建三个餐厅。 In proportion to the number of students we should build 3 dining rooms.
从他最近的表现来看,他应该很容易考及格。 Judge by recent form, he shall easily pass the exam.
他应该主动提出付款--他有的是钱, 别忘了. He should have offered to pay he has plenty of money, after all.
人们普遍认为她是该国最优秀的作家之一。 She is generally regarded as one of the best writers in the country.
该药本身并无害处, 但与酒类同服则有危险. The drug is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.
我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly.
根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了。 According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.
我想我们应该制订出一项行动计划,用来对付这种情况。 I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation.
你本来应该有足够的常识,在拆开电线之前先把电源切断。 You should have had enough sense to turn off the electricity supply before disconnecting the wires.
政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。 Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgement.
一本好的学生字典应该既提供词语的含义,又举出应用这些词语的例子。 A good learner's dictionary should give both the meanings of the words and examples of the constructions in which they are used.
该书的结尾寓意乐观. The book ended on an optimistic note.
该油漆以粉制品形式出售. The paint is sold in powdered form.
该雕像大小为实体的两倍。 The statue is twice life-size.
你应该继续保留著石油股份. You should hold on to your oil shares.
我们应该尊重婚姻的神圣。 We should respect the sanctity of marriage.
他们应该设法阻止价钱上涨。 They should try to keep prices from rising.
入侵的军队将该城镇掠夺一空。 The town was pillaged by the invading army.
专家已经确认了该画是真迹。 The experts have vouched for the painting's authenticity.
即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。 We should practice economy even if we are rich.
该制造业若不现代化就不能继续存在. If the industry doesn't modernize it will not survive.
你应该立即申请, 亲自去也好, 写信也好. You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.
这个国家应该主动提出禁止核武器. It's up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.
你该知道做这项工作要承担额外责任。 You should know the additional responsibilities that are incidental to the job.
该系统的主要弱点之一是消耗大量燃料。 One of the main disadvantages of this system is that it uses very large amounts of fuel.
我们永远都不应该忘记日本侵略者犯下的暴行。 We should never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders.
该镇未采取适当的防洪措施, 现在吃到了苦头. The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection.
某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念. The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes.
另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多。 Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
该液体的体积为5升. The liquid was 5 litres in volume.
该药昂贵而影响广泛应用. The high cost prohibits the widespread use of the drug.
这样的宝贵教训应该铭记在心。 Such a lesson should be treasured in our memories.
该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊. The organizationworks to promote friendship between nations.
该体系的永恒性不受任何事物的影响. Nothing threatens the permanence of the system.
该政策旨在防止一些人压制另一些人. The policy is designed to prevent the predominance of one group over another.
由于她发表了关于公司安全记录的言论,该公司正以诽谤罪起诉她。 Her company is suing her for slander because of her remarks about their safety record.
如果这是真的又该如何呢? What if it is true?
该房子/公路正在施工中。 The house/highway is in course of construction.
我们该怎样来改善自己的形象呢? How can we improve our image?
他至少也该来道个别(然而却没来)。 He should at least have come to say good-by.
昨天发生的事故应该归咎于他的愚笨。 The accident happened yesterday owed to his foolishness.
我们应该竭尽全力挽救濒于灭绝的生物。 We should do our best to save endangered species.
校长决定开除该生以儆效尤. The headmaster decided to make an example of the pupil and expel him from the school.
该函已退给(我方)要求对某问题加以解释. The letter was referred back (to us) with a query.
那个总理只不过是该国总统的马前卒. The prime minister was a mere tool in the hands of the country's president.
女人就该在家里干活儿, 这是上天的旨意吗? Is it ordained in heaven that women should work in the home?
该国南部大雨滂沱而北部却滴雨未落. The heavy rain missed the north of the country altogether, and the south copped the lot.
瞧都什麽时候了! 十分钟前我们就该到戏院了. Look at the time! We should have been at the theatre ten minutes ago.
不应该在梯子下面穿过, 人们都是这麽说说罢了. It's just (a) superstition that you shouldn't walk under ladders.
如果这里这么没有条理,我怎么晓得该做些什么? How am I to know what I am supposed to do if there's no organization around here?
我们应该实事求是地先把费用算出来, 然後再做决定. We must be practical and work out the cost before we make a decision.
她写道:亲爱的詹姆斯,刚听说你妻子过世了,我真不知道该怎样表达我的悲伤之情。 Dear James, she wrote, I have just heard of your wife's death. I can't tell you how sorry I am.
应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部分的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任 Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit.
约翰内斯堡南非最大的城市,位于该国的东北部,在德班西北。在其附近发现金矿后于1886年建立,为主要的工业中心。人口703,980 The largest city of South Africa, in the northeast part of the country northwest of Durban. Founded in1886 after the discovery of gold nearby, it is a major industrial center. Population, 703,980.
决不应该责备她. She was in no way to blame.
我们本周有紧急任务, 所以人人都该出把力. We've an urgent job on this week, so it's (a case of) all hands to the pump.
部队已将该城包围. Troops have surrounded the town.
该条款内容如下.... The clause reads thus/as follows...
该公路与铁路平行. The road runs parallel with the railway.
该图表本身即很清楚. The diagram is self-explanatory.
你应该更用功念书。 You should study harder and harder.
你应该多注意一点仪表. You should take more pride in your appearance.
这所房子应该卖个好价钱。 This house should fetch a good price.
他们出动军队包围了该城. They have surrounded the town with troops.
该项目因缺乏资金而告吹. The project foundered as a result of lack of finance.
他对该提议轻率的拒绝激怒了我。 His rash dismissal of the offer annoyed me.
我们在危险的时候应该保持冷静。 We should keep our composure in danger.
该文件据称是一项正式声明. The document purports to be an official statement.
你本来不该笨得单独去爬山。 You should have known better than to go mountain climbing alone.
该产品正在由我们实验室做测试。 The product is on trial in our laboratory.
你不应该当面这么严厉地批评他。 You should not criticize him so harshly in his face.
那位安慰者告诉他,他应该有耐心。 The comforter told him that he should be patient.
这件事情你应该请教你的律师。 You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter.
该公司已被美国一企业集团接管。 The firm has been taken over by an American conglomerate.
专家们对该计划的可行性意见不一。 Experts were divided on the feasibility of the project.
该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作. The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum.
该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。 The system works on the principle that heat rises.
该报道对缺乏安全预防措施一事严加指责. The report was scathing about the lack of safety precautions.
你不应该把香烟卖给没到岁数的青少年. You shouldn't sell cigarettes to teenagers who are under age/to under-age teenagers.
那种场合下应该具有的一切庄重的仪式都举行了。 All the solemnities of the occasion were observed.
该学院开设英语速成课程,一年之内将初学者的英文水平提高到大学入学考试的水平。 The college offers a crash course in English from beginners’ to Entrance Examination level in one year.
伙伴, 该你先打. It's your honour, partner.
伙伴, 该你叫牌了. It's your call, partner.
该金属已锈蚀. The metal has corroded (away) because of rust.
该表扬就给予表扬. Give credit where it's due.
该湖四周柳树环绕。 The lake is ringed with willows.
该国的防御能力薄弱. The country's defences are weak.
该病起初是器质性疾患. The illness is organic in origin.
该杂志的销售量为2000份。 The distribution of the magazine is 2000.
老师不应该体罚学生。 A teacher should not give students corporal punishment.
他们订出了该城的防御计划. They planned the defence of the town.
该房供出售并能立即占有。 The house is for sale with vacant possession.
该剧经删去两场而缩短了. The play was shortened by the omission of two scenes.
该计划的妙处在于简洁明了。 The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.
应该承认他的论据中有逻辑性. You have to accept the logic of his argument.
该政权是靠外国援助维持著的. The regime had been propped up by foreign aid.
该报发行3 个月后停刊了。 The newspaper ceased to appear after an existence of three months.
报馆老板没能挽救该报的失败。 The newspaper owner failed to pull the paper round.
你应该对长辈和上级尊重些. You should show greater respect for your elders and betters.
文书组长负责监督该部门的工作. The chief clerk supervises the work of the department.
他们接受该计画时心怀不满. Therewas an undercurrent of resentment in their acceptance of the plan.
该航天器在绕月球轨道上飞行. The spacecraft is in orbit (ie moving in orbit) round the moon.
该协会致力于推动世界和平事业。 The society was dedicated to furthering the cause of world peace.
该党可能与工党重新组成新的联盟. The party may realign (itself) with Labour in a new coalition.
该公司对法国酒的进口有绝对的垄断。 The company had the absolute monopoly of import of french wine.
对应该采取怎样的步骤这一点还不太明确. There is some confusion about what the right procedure should be.
我们应该努力消除目前的这股反政府情绪. We must try to counteract the present current of anti-government feeling.
该旅行团将由一名受过专门培训过的护士陪同。 The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse.
一家美国的大联合企业持有该公司的大部分股份。 An American conglomerate holds a major share in the company.
我们到该校拍摄影片时,获得校方的大力协助。 The school was very cooperative when we made a film there.
该快餐店通过出售联营经销权而扩大了生意。 That fast food business have expanded through the sale of franchise.
该委员会的建立不合规定, 因而没有合法的权力. The committee had been improperly constituted, and therefore had no legal power.
副现象在一种疾病中出现的附带条件或症状,与该病无必要关联 An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease.
该书含有诽谤性的内容。 The book contains scandalous text.
该城堡控制著峡谷的入口. The castle commanded the entrance to the valley.
该议会的开幕式场面隆重. The ceremonial opening of Parliament was a fine spectacle.
贫穷不应该与耻辱扯上任何关系。 There should be no stigma attached to being poor.
该项目极佳, 但地方舆论却表示反对. The project seems excellent, but local opinion is against it.
警方已排除该谋杀案中有抢劫的动机. The police have excluded robbery as a motive for the murder.
挽救该公司的唯一办法是彻底改变其经营方式. The only thing that will save the company is a thorough shake-up of the way it is run.
数据媒体的初始化,使某一特定计算机系统能将数据存在媒体中,随后又可从该媒体中检索出来。 The initialization of a data medium such that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium.
应该废除死刑吗? Should the death penalty be abolished?
我们应该怎样称呼她呢? How should we style her?
至於你, 你应该感到惭愧. As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
该商行於八月份公布会计帐目. The firm publishes its accounts in August.
该装置将於年底投入生产. The device will be in production by the end of the year.
给主教写信应该怎样称呼? What form of address should one use when writing to a bishop?
应该称呼他`先生'还是`牧师'? Should he be styled `Mr' or `Reverend'?
假若便秘就应该多吃粗糙食物. If you're constipated you should eat more roughage.
该国正进行备战[准备打仗]. The country is making preparations for war/to go to war.
该气体在压缩状态下贮存於罐中. The gas is stored under pressure in the tank.
该学说已受到怀疑;该理论已过推翻。 The theory has been discredited.
该建议获得一个响亮的“反对”票。 The proposal receive a resounding"no" vote.
自该村望去, 群山之巅清晰可见. The mountain tops are plainly visible from the village.
该公司以前隶属於一个国际银行集团. The company formerly belonged to an international banking group.
他的表演有进步,这应该归功於他的教练。 His improved performance does credit to his trainer.
我们不能强迫你(去做), 但认为你应该做. We cannot compel you to (do it), but we think you should.
你应该给缝纫机上点油,以免发出轧轧声。 You should oil the sewing machine to stop the squeaking.
他已经为赎罪自我惩罚了,我们应该原谅他。 He had done penance for his sins; we should forgive him.
公司经过几年的迅速发展之後, 该整顿一下了. The time has come for the firm to consolidate after several years of rapid expansion.
他揍了你我毫不同情——是你先打他的,你挨打活该。 I'm not sorry he hit you- it serves you fight for starting the fight!
该组竭力想把最新消息和评论糅合在一起,不料发现它们彼皮格格不入。 The team tried hard to mix fresh news and comment only to find they were mixing oil and water.
如果他真地要你当众收回海口,那你也是活该;你本不该那样自吹自擂。 It serves you right if he did make you eat the leek in public; you should not be so boastful.
他们保证该党一定把种族主义分子清除掉[把种族主义分子从党内清洗出去]. They promised that the party would be purged of racists/that racists would be purged from the party.
一个人只要将自己的大脑与计算机连接起来,进入Cyberspace,就可以体验在该空间的一切遭遇。 Once his brain was linked with the computer, a man would undergo all experiences in the space.
该飞机的飞行速度可慢了一点,但它转的圈子可以小得多——这在近距离激战中是一大优势。 The plane may be slightly slower but it can turn in a much tighter circle-a big advantage in a dog fight.
经过五年的艰苦工作,他们完成了一套高质量的教材。该书分为六级,从小学4年级到初中3年级。 After five years of hard work they presented a high quality textbook, which consisted of six levels from grade4 to grade9.
向导把该地历史的老一套讲得滚瓜烂熟,但当你一问起别的东西时,他就瞠目结舌,无言以对了。 The guide was ready enough with his usual pattern on the history of the place, but as soon as you began to question him on anything outside that, he was all at sea.
就像那个说他除了昆虫和民间舞蹈啥都想试试的人一样,我们大多数人心里都有个人界线,知道该在哪儿收手。 Most of us would draw the line somewhere, like the man who said he'd try anything once except insect and folk dancing.
吉隆坡马来西亚的首都和最大城市,位于马来半岛的西南部、新加坡西北。于1857年由锡矿工人建立,现为该国的商业和工业中心。人口937,817 The capital and largest city of Malaysia, on the southwest Malay Peninsula northwest of Singapore. Founded by tin miners in1857, it is the commercial and industrial hub of the country. Population, 937,817.
应该这样做工作。 The work should be done in this way.
你应该经常清理房间。 You should always clean up the room.
该报认为不宜发表我的信. The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.
应该看报以便 解时事. You should read the newspapers to keep abreast of current affairs.
我们应该更注重心理健康。 We should pay more attention to our mental health.
你应该多到各地走走以增广见识. You should broaden your experience by travelling more.
我们应该向理事会提交计划以求批准。 We should submit our plans to the council for approval.
预计需求会有很大增长, 我们应该开足马力生产。 In prospect of increase in demand, we should operate at full capacity.
据说该明星病重. The star is reportedly very ill.
我们应该遵守礼节。 We should observe the proprieties.
该物体进入了我的视野. It came within my range of vision.
他是该计画的构想者。 He was the conceiver of the plan.
该冠军领先十八秒. The champion is leading by eighteen seconds.
我们说不清该责怪谁. We were unsure (about) who was to blame.
这个病人应该隔离. This patient should be separated from the others.
反对该议案的人举手。 Those who are in opposition to the bill put up your hand.
我们应该接受用户的建议。 We should adopt the consumers' suggestion.
她极力强调该计画的好处. She was at pains to stress the benefits of the scheme.
该宿舍的人订购了一些新家具. The mess has ordered some new furniture.
投票反对该提议的人占少数。 A small minority voted against the motion.
该国对邻国的征服已经完成。 The country's subjection of its neighbor has been finished.
你应该体谅他, 因为他一直病著. You must make allowances for him because he has been ill.
你未得许可就把汽车开走是不应该的. You were wrong to take the car without permission.
接收节目前,你应该先装天线。 You should fix the television antenna before receiving programs.
这是个特殊的案件,应该获得特殊处理。 This is a special case, deserving special treatment.
移动物体的力与该物体的质量成正比。 The force moving a body is proportional to the mass of the body.
你应该签个合同使你任职合乎规定手续. You should sign a contract to make your job situation regular.
政府援引国家机密保密法以禁该书. The government has invoked the Official Secrets Act in having the book banned.
该地区的中立国为结束战争作出了努力。 Neutral state in the area have tried to bring an end to the war.
你应该会发现这本书的结尾比开头好。 You may well find that the end of the book is better than the beginning.
我军收复了该市,但为此付出了沉重代价。 Our troops recapture the city, but they pay a heavy price for it.
果断些,确切地告诉他们你认为应该怎么做。 Be decisive, tell them exactly what you think should be done.
因为外资的引进, 该地区会发生很大变化。 Great changes are in prospect in this area due to foreign investment.
该饭店展示了一些具有代表性的本地特产。 The hotel displays a representative selection of lovely make product.
我刚才只是主张应该外出就餐,以节省时间。 I am merely putt forward toe opinion(that) we shall dine out to save time.
该委员会需要彻底改组,去除某些不合格的成员。 The committee needs to be shaken out to get rid of some unqualified members.
晚上在照明很差的路上行走, 应该穿显眼的衣物. If you're walking along a badly-lit road at night you should wear conspicuous clothes.
原子能应该为了和平的目的而使用,这是合乎情理的。 It is desirable that atomic energy should be used for peaceful purpose.
假如查出你向该国走私货物,你的货物可能会被没收。 If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, they will probably be confiscated.
这些附件及专用工具的费用应包括在该品目的基本价格之中。 The cost of these accessories and special tools shall be included in the basic price of the item.
里程碑,里程标路边所设立的石制标志,以英里指示从给定的一点到该路标的距离 A stone marker set up on a roadside to indicate the distance in miles from a given point.
综合命题由和或其符号所连接的子句组成的复合命题,只有当所有子句为真时,该句才为真 A compound proposition that has components joined by the word and or its symbol and is true only if both or all the components are true.
在系统中等待处理的一组或一队列新信息,主调度程序对该队列及其它队列进行扫描,使之顺序进入处理状态。 A queue of new messages(or a group) within a system that are awaiting processing. The main scheduling routine will scan them along with other queues and order them into processing in order.
该岛毁在旅游业上了. The island has been ruined by tourism.
你应该发挥你的聪明才智。 You should use your intelligence.
我们应该密切注意财务问题. We must take a hard look at our finances.
该案因证据不足而撤销. The case was dismissed because of insufficient evidence.
该法院没有审理该案的资格。 The court is not competent to try the case.
该公司不是此协议的当事人。 The company is not a party to the agreement.
他的行为该得到最高的赞赏。 His conduct is deserving of the highest praise.
该财产处理掉能获相当的金额。 The property can be disposed of for a good sum.
我们不应该对贫穷的孩子漠然不顾。 We should not show apathy towards the poor children.
为撤离该城作准备的命令已下达。 Order go out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.
法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益. The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child.
我不应该雇用他们--简直是一群外行. I shouldn't employ them they're just a bunch of amateurs.
该团体的成员之间有牢固的友情. There were strong ties of friendship between the members of the society.
我们应该始终牢记日本是一个好战的国家。 We should always remember that Japan is a martial nation.
在对他进行评审时,你应该考虑到他还年轻。 In judging him you should consider his youth.
校长斥责那个学生不该接二连三地迟到。 The principal reprimand the student for his chronic lateness.
该杂志对防务内幕的透露引起了极大的关注。 The magazine's disclosure of defense secrets caused great attention.
该诗仍然享有版权, 因此你必须支付引用费. The poem is still under copyright, so you have to pay to quote it.
她应该在附近贴几张寻找狗狗的悬赏公告。 She should post rewards around the neighborhood for finding it.
该独裁者发布命令,将其生日定为公众假期。 The dictator decreed that his birthday would be a public holiday.
该项预测展望经济前景暗淡, 因而股票价格大跌. Share prices plunged as a result of the gloomy economic forecast.
该项预测展望经济前景暗淡,因而股票价格大跌。 Share price plunge as a result of the gloomy economic forecast.
他相信,教育不应该是某一限定人数的特权。 It is his belief that education should not be the privilege of a limited number of people.
这些放射性废物应该放在密封的箱子里深埋在地下。 The radioactive waste should be buried deeply under the ground in sealed box.
该保险单对大多数损坏投保但不保机器的自然损耗。 The insurance policy cover most damage but not fair wear and tear to the machine.
该养老基金在几家主要出售股份给公众的公司中均有股份. The pension fund owns shares in several major public companies.
当顺序写操作超出文件原长度时,在文件末端另分配给该文件的空间量。 The amount of space to be allocated at the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocated length of the file.
他们未经许可擅入该地. They entered the area without permission.
该公司的股票已经贬值. Shares in the company have depreciated.
该舰队正在波罗的海演习. The fleet is manoeuvring in the Baltic.
该瀑布上流有许多大麻哈鱼. The falls upstream are full of salmon.
该空军中队执行一侦察任务. The squadron flew a reconnaissance mission.
这些灌木的蔓生枝条该剪了. These straggly stems should be pruned off the bush.
该大臣已示意他明年可能辞职. The minister has indicated that he may resign next year.
该机在飞往德里的途中遭到劫持. The plane was highjacked while on a flight to Delhi.
安不应该这样谈论她的恩人. It ill behoves Anne (ie She ought not) to speak thus of her benefactor.
我们应该对罪犯施加严厉的惩罚。 We should inflict severe chastisement on criminals.
该请愿书奉命暂搁一边,以后讨论。 The petition was ordered to lie on the table.
该足球队已签约聘用了两名新队员。 The football team has signed two new players.
他为他的案子聘了该州最好的律师。 He retained the best lawyer in the state to defend his case.
董事长裁定该会议是违反章程的。 The chairman ruled that the meeting was unconstitutional.
自古以来该部落就把死者埋葬在这里。 From time immemorial the tribe have buried their dead here.
我们应该考虑父母的建议, 反之亦然。 We should take into account the proposals of our parents and vice versa.
她踌躇着,不知该怎样宣布这一坏消息。 She hold back, not knowing how to break the terrible news.
该处地势平坦又没有树木, 部队无处隐蔽. The land was flat and treeless and gave no cover to the troops.
一个明智的候选人应该把传媒控制在手中。 A wise candidate should have the media in hand.
依照常规大臣在这种情况下应该辞职. Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation.
该艺术家把她那温柔的笑容表现得惟妙惟肖。 The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly.
他因刺探该国海军基地的情报而被驱逐出境。 He was expelled from the country for spying on their naval bases.
该杂志被归类成淫秽出版物,已被海关没收。 The magazine is classed as an obscene publication and seized by the customs.
愤怒的群众嚷道,“杀掉这个卖国贼,他该死。 The angry crowd shouted,"Knock the traitor on the head. He is not fit to live."
该国对汽车工业严加保护, 外国汽车甚为罕见. The country's car industry is so strongly protected that foreign cars are rarely seen there.
我并非真正主张应该有死刑, 只是故意唱唱反调罢了. I don't really believe in capital punishment, I'm just playing the devil's advocate.
该芭蕾舞蹈学校给有特殊天赋的儿童提供免费学习的机会. The ballet school offers free places to children who are exceptionally talented.
该少数民族应归属哪一州的问题已由公民投票表决. The question of which state the minority group should belong to was decided by (a) plebiscite.
这位影星抵达该城市的消息一传开,大批的请柬雪片似的向她飞来。 Invitations showered on the film star as soon as her arrival in the city was known.
她对这个老人手脚迟缓,头脑糊涂十分恼火。她应该记住人都要年老的。 She gets impatient with the old man being so slow and confused. She ought to remember that old age comes to us all.
在那之后,简直拦不住他,他觉得该是放弃原有的工作而全力以赴当作家谋生的时候了。 After that, there was no holding him, and the day came when he felt he could chuck his job and to all out to make a living as writer.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
这是一个应该避免使用的非正式术语。该术语有时用于一种逻辑元件,这种逻辑元件可以实现特定的功能或在变量之间提供链接。 An improper term to be avoided. This term is sometimes used to designate a logic element which performs a specific function or provides a linkage between variables.
在远程通信系统中,当报文发往的工作站处于不工作状态时控制站所采取的行动,即接收并存储该报文直到该工作站恢复工作时,再由控制站将报文送给它。在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。 In a remote communication system, the action taken by a control station whereby messages addressed to an inoperative station are accepted and stored at the control station until they can be sent to the destination station. The control station may be a computer in a message switching system.
你这个该死的大笨蛋! You frigging idiot!
我很後悔不该说那话. I regret what I said.
该书有库存[已脱销]. The book is in/out of stock.
你认为应该干预吗? Do you consider it wise to interfere?
我是不是该把桌子往后挪? Should I move the table back?
该项法规具有追溯效力。 The legislation was made retrospective.
陪审团认定该囚犯无罪。 The jury found the prisoner not guilty.
该通告将於明日见报. The announcement will appear in tomorrow'snewspapers.
新闻记者应不应该有点人情味? Should the press be human?
这场火灾应该追究谁的责任? Who is to blame for starting the fire?
范围;区域被该界限围合的空间 The space enclosed by such a boundary.
我们应该怎样投入学校生活? How should we involve ourselves in school life?
那时一场大瘟疫正在该城肆虐。 A great plague was then raging in the city.
为什麽允许这些人随意进入该地? Why give these people licence to enter the place at will?
这次选举後该党已沦为微不足道的少数党. The election reduced the Party to a rump.
对於科学家应该准许很大的研究自由。 One should permit a scientist a lot of latitude in his research.
我伤害了你的感情,该怎样来弥补我的过错呢? How can I atone for hurting your feelings?
该书的缺点在於作者未能把论证展开. The book's weakness is the author's inability to sustain an argument.
你应该吃胡萝卜、芹菜和菠菜这类的蔬菜。 You should eat such vegetables as carrot, celery and spinach.
夫妻间应该偶尔(彼此)对调充当的角色. Husband and wife should switch roles (with each other) occasionally.
曲率极限当弧长趋向于零时该曲率的极限 The limit of this ratio as the length of the arc approaches zero.
长期罢工损失巨大致使该公司一蹶不振. The long and costly strike proved to be the last nail in the company's coffin.
他们与丢失的女儿团聚时的场面该多麽欢乐。 Imagine the joyful scene when they were reunited with their lose daughter.
该报每周刊登一篇关於一个优秀运动员的简介。 The newspaper publish a profile of a leading sportsman every week.
该珠宝公司不过是进行非法的钻石交易的幌子。 The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds.
尖尾长艇大小及形状与该划艇相似的船;捕鲸船 A boat similar to such a rowboat in size and shape; a whaler.
该电影明星以自己的名义努力募款帮助洪涝灾民。 The film star lent his name to the efforts to raise money to help the flood victims.
该地区的农民不得不在这块贫瘠的土地上挣扎谋生。 The farmers in this area have to struggle to wrest a living from the infertile soil.
我应该先审慎打探一下这家公司的底细, 然後您再签字. I should make a few discreet enquires about the firm before you sign anything.
这个一度十分重要的社会集团(对治理该国的影响)越来越无足轻重了. This once important social group is becoming more and more marginal (to the way the country is run).
经理化检验证实:使用该器无放射性污染,对人体绝对无毒无副作用。 Physical and chemical tests verify that this Recovery Device has neither radioactive pollution nor toxic side effects.
基督教加尔文派教义中上帝没有指明该诅咒的人,只决定了自己的选民 The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would be damned, positively determining only the elect.
该工程费用开支可分成如下几部分: 工资一千万英镑, 厂房设备四百万英镑, 原料五百万英镑. Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: wages 10m, plant 4m, raw materials 5m.
我已决心应该让我的孩子们在他们的父亲的宗教里抚养成人,倘使他们能够了解何谓“宗教”的话。 I am determined my children shall be brought up in their father's religion, if they can find out what it be.
警察局说该局反对非执法人员私自执法,可是辖区警员及当地居民对该[警卫]公司的策略颇感兴趣。 The Police Department says it opposes vigilante justice, but officers on the beat and neighborhood residents say they are enthusiastic about the company's tactics.
蒂卡尔危地马拉北部的一座玛雅废城,曾是玛雅城市中最大也可能最古老的一座。挖掘和修复该废墟的工作始于1956年 A ruined Mayan city of northern Guatemala. It was the largest of the Mayan cities and may also be the oldest. Excavation and restoration of the ruins began in1956.
计算机程序、例程、或子例程内的具有如下功能的任何指令,执行这条指令后控制权将不再由该计算机程序、例程、或子例程行使了。 Any instruction in a computer program, in a routine, or in a subroutine after the execution of which control is no longer exercised by that computer program, that routine, or that subroutine.
阿布扎比阿拉伯东部波斯湾上的一酋长国和城市。为阿拉伯联合酋长国的首都。因为有大量的石油收入,该酋长国为世界上人均收入最高的国家之一。人口242,975 A sheikdom and city of eastern Arabia on the Persian Gulf. The city is the capital of the federated United Arab Emirates. With enormous oil revenues, the sheikdom has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. Population, 242,975.
多佛尔与法国加莱市隔岸相对的英格兰东南部自治市,临多佛尔海峡。罗马灯塔遗址,自中世纪以来就是战略要地,该市白垩崖多岩洞和涵洞原为走私者所用。人口33,700 A municipal borough of southeast England on the Strait of Dover opposite Calais, France. Site of a Roman lighthouse, it has been a strategic port since medieval times. The chalk cliffs rising above the city have caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers. Population, 33,700.
麦迪逊美国威斯康星州首府,位于该州的中南部,密尔沃基的西边。它于1836年被选定作为该州的首府并在同年移民于此。威斯康星大学(建于1848年)的主要部分就在这里。人口191,262 The capital of Wisconsin, in the south-central part of the state west of Milwaukee. It was chosen as territorial capital in1836 and settled the same year. The main branch of the University of Wisconsin(founded1848) is here. Population, 191,262.