
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 计划 + ji4hua4 plan; project; program; to plan; to map out; CL:个/个ge4,项/项xiang4
1 Old HSK word(s): A n;v * ji4hua4 plan/ project/ program/ map out



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Grade E word(s):
计划生育 计划书 五年计划
计划 [ji4 hua4] Plan, Programm (S)anvisieren, intendieren (V)

Häufigkeit: 54.62 Komposita

他请求我们帮他完成他的计划。 He asked us to assist him in carrying through his plan.
这个计划道理上行得通, 但不现实。 The plan is feasible in reason but impractical.
这一情况出现得很突然,把我们的计划全都打乱了。 This sudden development turned all our plans topsy-turvy.
他计划去南美。 He purposed to visit South America.
我开始执行计划。 I set a project afoot.
他的计划迅速变为现实。 His plans were transformed overnight into reality.
他们计划组织一次科学考察。 They planned to organize a scientific expedition.
就我而言,我并不反对你的计划。 As far as I am concerned, I'm not against your plan.
骑士们在小酒店里会合,讨论他们的计划。 The knights met in the tavern to discuss their plan.
他用尽一切影响力使他们接受他的计划。 He exerted all his influence to make them accept his plan.
很奇怪他们改变了计划,但我觉得没有什么用处。 Their change of plan is strange but I don't think it's significant.
虽然很多人反对他的计划,他仍能巧妙地设法使它最后获得通过。 Although many people opposed his plan, he engineered it through to final approval.
你周末计划做什么? What are your plans for the weekend?
该计划有三个目的。 The plan has a triple purpose.
我计划放大这张照片。 I planned to enlarge this photograph.
老实讲,我不同意你的计划。 To tell the truth, I don't agree to your plan.
有人向部长提出了工业计划问题。 The minister was queried about his plans for the industry.
我们的计划必须保密。 Our plan must remain a secret.
我的计划逐渐成熟。 My plan has gradually come to maturity.
他专心致志地制订计划。 He was involved in working out a plan.
他的计划遭到强烈的反对。 His plan was opposed with fierceness.
市议会批准了这项建筑计划。 The city council approved the building plan.
我修改一下计划以便和你的计划相适应. I will accommodate my plans to yours.
我想征求一下你对这个计划的建议。 I should like to ask for your advice about the plan?
我们全都是为了他才放弃这个计划的。 It was all because of him that we gave up the plan.
他们因偏见而对计划的优点视而不见 Prejudice that blinded them to the merits of the proposal.
整个计划开始具有更切合实际的性质。 The whole scheme began to take on a more practical aspect.
我们将怎样贯彻这个计划仍需要讨论。 How we shall carry out this plan still needs to be discussed.
我们未来的计划必须与当前的实际相结合。 Our future plans have to mesh with the present practices.
草案初步的草案或计划,如工程或建议的草案 A preliminary draft or plan, as of a project or proposal.
委员会决定取消对他那项计划的资助。 The committee decided to make a withdrawal of financial support for his scheme.
我们的计划顺利完成了,于是我们很快就控制了局面。 Our plan succeeded, and soon we were in complete control.
把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异. Careful contrast of the two plans shows up some key differences.
我想我们应该制订出一项行动计划,用来对付这种情况。 I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation.
那个计划取消了,这让我们非常惊讶。 It dismayed us that the project had been canceled.
请站到一边,你的影子计划遮住了他的活儿。 Please stand to one side, you're casting your shadow over his work.
我们原计划去游览,但后来汽车出了故障,没有去成。 They made plans for a visit, but subsequent difficulties with the car prevented it.
我指出那方案的缺点, 但他申辩说各项计划尚未完成. I pointed out the shortcomings of the scheme, but he countered that the plans were not yet finished.
警察订下了计划捉贼。 The police worked out a plan to catch the thief.
他的计划的要点在这个报告中酌此概括。 The salient point of his plan is summed up in this report.
他计划星期天去钓鲑鱼。 He planed to go fishing for salmon on Sunday.
我能把这些秘密计划委托给你吗? Can I entrust you with the secret plans?
革命者计划推翻傀儡政府。 The revolutionist planned to overturn this puppet regime.
总经理扼要介绍了公司明年的销售计划。 The general manager gave us an overview of the company's marketing plans for the coming year.
欧洲进一步统一的计划可以尚未定案,可是从赫尔辛基到罗马的人在最近几星期得到一个时常令人痛苦的教训:他们各国的经济已经如何地牵扯在一起了。 Europe's plans for further unification may be up in the air, but people from Helsinki to Rome have been learning an often painful lesson in recent weeks about how entwined their economies have already become.
他从来没有对计划表示不满。 He has never dissatisfied with this plan.
她受委托负责这项计划. She was entrusted with the direction of the project.
他们计划做穿越太平洋的旅行。 They planned to voyage across the Pacific Ocean.
专家们对该计划的可行性意见不一。 Experts were divided on the feasibility of the project.
他那些模糊的想法变成了一个明确的计划. His vague ideas crystallized into a definite plan.
全村强烈反对在附近修建机场的计划. The whole village is up in arms about the proposal to build an airport nearby.
计划原来就有错误, 再加上执行中的粗心大意就更糟了. Initial planning errors were compounded by carelessness in carrying the plan out.
他们订出了该城的防御计划. They planned the defence of the town.
他的患病给我们的计划带来灾难。 His illness was fatal to our plan.
该计划的妙处在于简洁明了。 The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.
我要是你就不参加了,他的计划似乎不妥当。 I should lie off if I were you, his scheme doesn't seem sound.
那计划的构想倒是十分宏伟, 但终因准备不足而告吹. The plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of inadequate preparation.
他们计划劫持一架飞机。 They planned to hijack a plane.
尽管计划度假时兴致勃勃, 而到头来假日本身却颇为扫兴. The holiday itself was rather an anticlimax after all the excitement of planning it.
这些计划终於得以实施. The plans were finally put into execution.
`我们变动一下计划好吗?'`不行, 我们要按原计划行事.' `Shall we change the plan?' `No dice, we'll stick with the original one.'
大家都认为,约翰要在一月中旬搞一次野外宴会的计划是一个傻主意。 Everybody thought that John's plan to have a barbecue in the middle of January was a half-witted idea.
这伙小偷计划好在警察进房搜查时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的房客身上。 The thieves had planned to plant the stolen watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
研究计划一个学生或一组学生执行以使用、阐明或补遗课堂作业的大量任务 An extensive task undertaken by a student or group of students to apply, illustrate, or supplement classroom lessons.
我们应该向理事会提交计划以求批准。 We should submit our plans to the council for approval.
他正起草一份计划。 He is drawing up a plan.
合乎条件的扩张计划 A qualified plan for expansion.
我不赞同这样的计划. I would not give/lend countenance to such a plan.
这个计划被普遍地接受了。 The plan has been generally accepted.
客观情况迫使我们改变了计划. Circumstances forced us to change our plans.
这个计划在构思上很有想象力。 The plan is very imaginative in conception.
参议院已经投票支持总统的防卫计划。 The Senate has voted to support the President's defense plans.
这套程序是经理人员制订计划的可贵的工具。 This program gives managers a valuable planning tool.
新政府上台后,我们有几个计划被砍掉了。 Several of our plans got the axe when the new government came in.
不管有什么困难,他都要继续推行他的计划。 He'll push on with his project whatever the difficulties may be.
他不顾朋友们的反对,继续他建造飞行器的计划。 He continued with his plan to build a flying machine, in spite of the mockery of his friends.
那对新婚夫妇因缺乏坚实的经济基础决定实行计划生育。 The newlyweds decided to conduct family planning for lack of a sound economic base.
我了解你提出的这个计划的所有优越性,但是现在首要的问题是我们没钱投入,再说也没用。 I am aware of all the advantages of the scheme you propose, but we haven't the money to put down in the first place, and there's an end of it.
雇会计划得来. It would pay (you) to use an accountant.
这个计划的反对派全部屈服了。 All opposition to the plan has caved in.
我反对他的计划,他不予理会。 He brushed aside my objections to his plan.
今天的会议将审议我的计划。 My plan will be on the carpet at today's meeting.
集资的困难使我们的建筑计划受到了阻碍。 Difficulties in raising money have set back our building program.
精心制作的对众多部分或细节给予精心注意的计划或制作的 Planned or executed with painstaking attention to numerous parts or details.
那卖国贼走漏秘密计划给敌人。 The traitor divulged secret plan to the enemy.
他们正计划九月份访问巴勒斯坦。 They are planning to visit Palestine in September.
总统在电视讲话中阐明了他的计划。 The president set forth his plans in a television talk.
据报道一项改组计划正在拟定之中。 A plan of reorganization is reported to be now in the works.
班上计划义卖糖果,推选凯特为主持人。 The class planned a candy sale and they elected Kate to head it up.
我宁肯选择安全储蓄计划,而不愿意冒很大的风险以获取高利率。 I'd rather go for a safe savings plan than one with a high rate of interest but a lot of risk
在对兴建一家新饭店的计划取得一致意见之后,我们就着手筹集资金。 Having agreed on the plan for building a new hotel, we began to raise funds.
杰克袖中总有妙策,因此,当他第一个计划失败后,他又试行第二个计划。 Jack always has a card up his sleeve, so when his first plan failed he tried another.
日本公司有能力在发展与生产方面,较美国公司投资为多,是他们在半导体方面占上风的一个主要原因。现在,英泰尔计划在经济不景气时大量投资以压倒弱小竞争者。 The ability to outspend American companies on development and production has been a big reason Japanese companies have made gains in the semi-conductor business. Now Intel plans to borrow a page from the Japanese by spending heavily through a recession to gain ground on weaker competitors.
阴谋,密谋秘密的或不光彩的计划;密谋 A secret or underhand scheme; a plot.
为了帮助他们开拓新的市场,你有何具体计划? Do you have any particular plan to help them to open up new market?
设想在脑海中构想的事物;概念、计划、设计或思想 Something conceived in the mind; a concept, plan, design, idea, or thought.