
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 分裂 + fen1lie4 to split up; to divide; to break up; fission; schism
3 Old HSK word(s): C VA * lie4 split/ crack/ break up C VA * fen1lie4 split/ break up/ divide/ separate D VA * po4lie4 breach/ rive

Phân chia +
Grade E word(s):
爆裂 崩裂 迸裂 断裂 干裂 精神分裂症 决裂 开裂 裂变 裂缝 裂痕 裂开 裂口 裂纹 裂隙 山崩地裂 身败名裂 四分五裂 撕裂 碎裂
裂 [lie4] platzen. zersplittern; Spalte

Häufigkeit: 3.08 Komposita

口袋裂开了, 大米撒出来了. The sack split and the rice poured out.
桌子上的裂缝越变越宽。 The cranny in the table became more and more wide.
我得把墙上的那条裂缝填补好. I must fill that crack in the wall.
大多数松木燃烧时都发出断裂声。 Most pine snaps as it burns.
手提箱裂开了,里面的东西纷纷落在地板上。 The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor.
这个分裂出去的派别受到其他宗教团体的蔑视。 The break-away sect was contemned by other religious groups.
就连你所能想到的最壮的人也不能光用手就将木头撕裂。 The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands.
忧虑撕裂他的心。 Anxiety clawed him.
这种木材容易裂. This wood cleaves easily.
墙上有条裂缝。 There is a fissure on the wall.
我头疼得要裂开似的。 I've got a splitting headache.
雪从屋顶上的裂缝飘进屋里。 Snow sifted through the crack in the roof into the room.
风从门的裂缝中呼呼地刮了进来。 The wind whistled through a crack in the door.
山口,隘口两个山峰间的通路或者山脊上的裂口 A pass between two mountain peaks or a gap in a ridge.
分解(作用)分解或分裂为部分或要素 Disintegration or decomposition into parts or elements.
背离既定路线者;阴谋破坏者采用不同路线,进行分裂或从事破坏活动的人 One engaged in diversionary, disruptive, or subversive activities.
氢化裂解将石油的含氢分子分裂成更简单的分子(象汽油和煤油的分子)的过程,此分裂过程是在加催化剂及高压氢气的条件上进行的 A process by which the hydrocarbon molecules of petroleum are broken into simpler molecules, as of gasoline or kerosene, by the addition of hydrogen under high pressure and in the presence of a catalyst.
这灯泡是向内侧爆裂的. The light bulb imploded.
她是一个破裂家庭的产儿. She is the product of a broken home.
阶级差异会造成国家的分裂。 Class differences can divide a nation.
地震本身的真正原因是地球表面的或地底下的岩石断裂或破裂。 The actual cause of the quake itself is the rupturing or breaking of rocks at or below the earth's surface.
他惟恐婚姻破裂,把一切都告诉了妻子。 Rather than risk breaking up his marriage he told his wife everything.
裂缝土地表面上深的、陡峭的缝隙;深渊或峡谷 A deep, steep-sided opening in the earth's surface; an abyss or a gorge.