
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 表演 + biao3yan3 play; show; performance; exhibition; to perform; to act; to demonstrate; CL:场/场chang3
1 Old HSK word(s): A v;n * biao3yan3 perform/ act/ play/ demonstrate



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Grade E word(s):

表演 [biao3 yan3] vorführen, eine Vorstellung geben (V)

Häufigkeit: 25.47 Komposita

表演正好进行到一半时停电了。 The light went out bang in the middle of the performance.
孩子们表演完后,大人们鼓掌。 The grown-ups applauded after the children had finished their performance.
那位著名的进步思想家被邀请在会议上发表演讲。 That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting.
我喜欢看那个魔术师的表演。 I like watching the performance of that magician.
我们今天晚上节目中最精彩的是中国杂技表演. The star turn in our show tonight will be a group of Chinese acrobats.
吊架一根从两根平行的绳子悬挂下来的水平的短棍,用于体育锻炼或杂技表演 A short horizontal bar suspended from two parallel ropes, used for exercises or for acrobatic stunts.
他那有趣的表演引起了观众的哄堂大笑。 His amusing performance caused a roar of laughter in the audience.
我们喜欢看海豚的表演。 We like to see the performance of dolphins.
每一个演员在临到开始表演之前都会心惊“腿”震。 Every actor has cold feet just before the beginning of a show.
在集市场上有陶器制作的示范表演. There's an exhibition of pottery-making at the fair.
他的表演有进步,这应该归功於他的教练。 His improved performance does credit to his trainer.
娱乐场,游乐场在商品交易会、狂欢节、马戏团或展览会所在地提供杂耍表演和其它娱乐活动的地方 The area of a fair, a carnival, a circus, or an exposition where sideshows and other amusements are located.
你要想看那场时装表演的话,就得早点儿定座位。 You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.
表演很高超。 The acting is superb.
马戏表演非常吸引人. The fascinations of the circus are endless.
她两次被派到国外在国际博览会上作表演。 She has twice been sent abroad to demonstrate at international fairs.
他表演了一些巧妙的魔术。 He played some clever magic tricks.
由於全体演员的出色表演, 那出戏才获得成功. The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast.
贝西奖一种自1984年以来每年由“纽约市舞蹈剧院创作室”颁发的奖项,为在舞蹈和表演艺术方面取得的成就而设立 An award given annually since1984 by the Dance Theater Workshop in New York City for achievement in dance and the performing arts.