
6 New HSK word(s): HSK5 虚心 + xu1xin1 modest HSK5 谦虚 + qian1xu1 modest; self-effacing; to make modest remarks HSK6 虚荣 + xu1rong2 vanity HSK6 虚假 + xu1jia3 false; phony; pretense HSK6 虚伪 + xu1wei3 false; hypocritical; artificial; sham HSK6 空虚 + kong1xu1 hollow; emptiness; meaningless
8 Old HSK word(s): B VS * xu1xin1 modest/ open-minded C VS * qian1xu1 modest/ self-effacing/ make modest remarks D VS * xu1 weak/ empty D VS * xu1jia3 illusive/ mendacious D VS * xu1ruo4 weak D VS * xu1wei3 hypocritical D * nong4 xu1 zuo4 jia3 practice fraud/ resort to deception D VS * kong1xu1 vain/ empty

Khiêm tốn +

Khiêm tốn +

Vanity +

Sai +

Đạo đức giả +

Trống rỗng +
Grade E word(s):
乘虚而入 趁虚而入 故弄玄虚 空虚感 卖弄玄虚 名不虚传 谦虚谨慎 徒有虚名 务虚 心虚 玄虚 虚报 虚词 虚度 虚构 虚幻 虚惊 虚名 虚拟 虚拟式 虚拟语气 虚胖 虚荣 虚荣心 虚设 虚实 虚饰 虚岁 虚脱 虚无 虚无主义 虚线 虚张声势 虚字 座/坐无虚席 做贼心虚
虚 [xu1] bedeutungslos, inhaltslos, leer (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 2.23 Komposita

你看上去心虚。 You look guilty.
病人常常虚弱无力。 A sick person is often feeble.
不要虚度时光。 Don't loiter your time away.
她因缺乏营养而虚弱。 She is weak from lack of sustenance.
他虚弱得连手都抬不起来。 He was too weak even to lift his hand.
我这篇小说中所有的地点和人物都是虚构的. All the places and characters in my novel are entirely fictitious.
大部分有学问的人都很谦虚。 Most learned men are modest.
这个浪荡子开始后悔他虚度了光阴。 The vagabond began to regret his waste of time.
人们对于虚构的地狱中的鬼神仍具有一种普遍的恐惧。 People still have a general fear for the imaginary infernal powers.
【谚】知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。 Knowledge makes humble; ignorance make proud.
他在这个问题上虚怀若谷。 He has an open mind in this matter.
他很谦虚, 乐于接受意见。 He is very modest and open to advice.
她很聪明, 倒也很谦虚. Though very intelligent, she is nevertheless rather modest.
她出于虚荣心而嫁给了那个富人。 She married the rich man out of vanity.
我无法忍受年轻人虚掷青春。 I can't bear young people casting away their youth.
部队解除了戒备状态, 原来是虚惊一场. The troops (were) stood down: it was a false alarm.
战栗不由自主地颤动或抖动,如由于神经或虚弱等原因 An involuntary trembling or quivering, as from nervous agitation or weakness.
时髦花样的变迁,是穷人的辛勤对有钱人的虚荣征收的税款。 Change in fashion is the tax which the industry of the poor levi on the vanity of the rich.
衰弱的缺乏力气或活力的;虚弱的 Lacking strength or vigor; weak.
我觉得我很空虚。 I feel I am in emptiness.
她虚弱得站不起来. She was too weak to stand.
他的快活是虚假的。 His cheerfulness is false.
虚弱常随年老而来。 Infirmity often comes with old age.
他的本性与弄虚作假格格不入. Dishonesty is foreign to his nature.
他妻子的去世使他的生活变得空虚。 His wife's death left him a vacuum in his life.
提供虚假资料可能导致合同失效. The making of false statements could result in the invalidation of the contract.
谦虚可不是他的长处. Modesty is not his long suit.
虚构,捏造虚构作品或捏造借口的行为 The act of inventing such a creation or pretense.
她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光。 She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time.
捏造,想象虚构的作品或托词,并不代表是真实的,而是被编造出来的 An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented.
仙人生活在太虚之中。 Celestials live in the great void.
她说的话听起来有点儿虚伪. Her remarks savour of hypocrisy.
她强烈谴责政府虚伪. She strongly denounced the Government's hypocrisy.
她脸上挂着虚伪的笑容来欢迎我们。 She welcome us with an artificial smile on her face.
他们哄骗我,让我产生了一种虚假的安全感。 They lulled me into a false sense of security.
虚报你的健康状况以获取廉价的保险是不对的。 It is not right to lie about your health to get cheap insurance.
新演员们受到评论界热烈的赞扬,迫使老演员们虚心谨慎,力保桂冠。 Enthusiastic critical acclaim for the newcomers is forcing older actors to look to their laurels.
空头支票代表虚构的金融交易的可转让票据,暂时用于维持信贷或筹集钱款 A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
以低于信号中最高频率两倍的频率进行信号取样时出现的一种效应,即当由取样状态还原时,还原后的信号将不再含有原来信号中的高频成分,并将显示出虚假的低频信号。 An effect that occurs when a signal is sampled at a rate less than twice the highest frequency present in the signal.The subsequent signal recovered from the samples will not contain the high frequency component of the original signal and will display a false low frequency signal.
她病後仍很虚弱. She was still weak after her illness.
我很讨厌他那麽虚伪. His hypocrisy makes me sick.
他用虚假的诺言哄骗了她。 He deluded her with empty promises.
他妻子去世後他的生活很空虚. There has been a vacuum in his life since his wife died.
虚幻的想法易变的或幻想的想法;空想 A capricious or fantastic idea; a conceit.