
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 蔓延 + man4yan2 to extend; to spread
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * man4yan2 spread/ creep


Lây lan +
Grade E word(s):

蔓 [man4] auftragen, ausbreitenKriecher (S)Ranke (S)

Häufigkeit: 0.5 Komposita

这种疾病的迅速蔓延使医疗当局感到忧虑不安。 The rapid spread of the disease is alarming the medical authorities.
我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢? What can we do to prevent the disease spreading?
常春藤沿着墙壁蔓延。 Ivy crept along the walls.
这些灌木的蔓生枝条该剪了. These straggly stems should be pruned off the bush.
人们心中的恐惧像瘟疫一样蔓延开来。 Fear spread through the crowd like a contagion.
感染力蔓延扩散的倾向,如学说、影响或情绪等 The tendency to spread, as of a doctrine, influence, or emotional state.