
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): B N * cao3di4 grassland/ lawn/ meadow


Grade E word(s):

Häufigkeit: 2.26 Komposita

不要践踏草地。 Don't trample on the grass.
每周六琴在村里的公用草地上骑马。 Every Saturday Jean went riding on the village common.
普鲁士士兵在锯木厂后边草地上操练。 The Prussians are drilling in the meadow behind the sawmill.
马在草地上吃草。 The horses are eating grass on the grassland.
但愿有草地与小羊。 I wish there were meadows and lambs.
这间屋子在村子的中心草地上,处于引人注目的位置。 The house is in a prominent position on the village green.
这个小男孩沿着草地的边上走,小心不踩到地里。 The little boy walked along the grass verge, trying not to step into the field.
那所房子周围有500英亩起伏不平的草地. The house stands in 500 acres of rolling parkland.
这是一幅由草地,河流,树木组成的五光十色的镶嵌画。 It's a rich mosaic of meadows, rivers and woods.
你喜欢草地球场还是硬地球场? Do you prefer grass or hard courts?
树(在草地上)投下长长的影子. The tree cast (ie caused there to be) a long shadow (on the grass).
她在明信片上草草地写了几个字. She scrawled a few words on a postcard.
搜索队在荒草地分散行动. The search party spread out over the moor.
一个衣着华丽的女人走近了草地上的哨兵。 A lady in full feather approached the sentinel on the sward.
我们不能从那里穿过草地, 因为河水泛滥了. We can't cross the meadow there because the river is in flood.
布告牌上写著`勿踏草地'. The notice said Keep off (ie Do not walk on) the grass'.
草地上到处都是蘑菇. The lawn was covered with fungus.