
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 茂盛 + mao4sheng4 lush
2 Old HSK word(s): D VS * mao4mi4 exuberant/ dense D VS * mao4sheng4 exuberant/ luxuriant


Tươi tốt +
Grade E word(s):
财源茂盛 繁茂
茂 [mao4] reich und prachvoll (Adj)wuchernd (Adj)üppig, reichlich, prächtig (Adv)

Häufigkeit: 0.13 Komposita

这种花在温暖的气候中长得茂盛. This species of flower flourishes in a warm climate.
甘蔗丛茂密的甘蔗林 A dense thicket of cane.
没有水植物就不会长得茂盛。 Plants will not flourish without water.
茂密的森林环抱着那个村庄。 A thick forest girdled the village about.
充沛,繁茂繁茂的性质或状态 The quality or condition of being exuberant.
葱翠的有或以茂盛植被为特征的 Having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation.
小树林缺乏茂密下层树丛的小树林或树木群体 A small wood or stand of trees that lacks dense undergrowth.