
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 + zhou1 boat
1 Old HSK word(s): D N * zhou1 boat

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Grade E word(s):
独木舟 龙舟 龙舟节 木已成舟 逆水行舟 破釜沉舟 顺水推舟 同舟共济
舟 [zhou1] Boot, Kahn (S)Zhou (Eig, Fam)Radikal Nr. 137 = Schiff, Boot, Kahn (S)

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那种浅底小船叫小舟。 The small shallow boat is called a cockle.
要是站起来, 能把独木舟弄翻. If you stand up you'll overbalance the canoe.
划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。 In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar.
他的爱好从下国际象棋到划独木舟, 范围很广. His interests ranged from chess to canoeing.
浮舟用于支撑浮桥的船只,可以轻易移动的建造物,如平底船 A floating structure, such as a flat-bottomed boat, that is used to support a bridge.
水上体育活动驾舟、游泳或其它与水有关的运动的技术 Skill in boating, swimming, or other water-related sports.