
1 New HSK word(s): HSK3 舒服 + shu1fu5 comfortable; feeling well
1 Old HSK word(s): A VS * shu1fu comfortable



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Grade E word(s):

舒服 [shu1 fu5] bequemsich wohlfühlen

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两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。 Neither chair is comfortable.
我女儿今天有点不舒服, 所以她没去上学. My daughter's a bit poorly today, so she didn't go to school.
我起床后舒服地伸了个懒腰。 I got out of the bed and had a good stretch.
我们的木头沙发似乎不太舒服。 Our wooden sofa seems not very comfortable.
春天的时候,踩在松软的地面上非常舒服。 It's very comfortable to step on the soft ground in the spring.
在麻醉剂的作用下我感到舒服些。 I felt comfortable on narcotic effect.
我感觉不舒服。 I'm not feeling well.
他胃不舒服。 He has an upset stomach.
在平静的海面上航行我感到很舒服。 I felt comfortable sailing on the smoothness of the sea.
私人小汽车能给人很大的舒服和机动性。 A private car gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility.
你脸色很难看, 是不舒服了吗? You look ghastly; are you all right?
尽管在井下不舒服,但全体矿工决心在井下罢工,直到他们增加工资的要求得到满足为止。 All the miners are determined to stay down until their pay demands are met. In spite of the discomfort.
棉布比尼龙穿着舒服。 Cotton is more comfortable to wear than nylon.
这旅馆既不宽敞也不舒服. The hotel is neither spacious nor comfortable.
要不是办像酿酒厂或保险公司这样的副业,他们没有多少人只靠艺术就能过的舒舒服服。 Few of them managed to make a good living out of their art alone, without running a sideline such as a brewery or an insurance office.