
3 New HSK word(s): HSK5 舍不得 + she3bu5de5 to hate to do sth; to hate to part with; to begrudge HSK5 宿舍 + su4she4 dormitory; dorm room; living quarters; hostel; CL:间/间jian1 HSK6 锲而不舍 + qie4er2bu4she3 to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom); to chisel away at sth; to persevere; unflagging efforts
4 Old HSK word(s): A N 宿* su4she4 hostel/ living quarters/ dormitory C * she3 bu de hate to part with; spend; or use/ grudge/ begrudge C VA * she3de be willing to part with; spend; or use/ not grudge D VA * she3 abandon/ give up

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Grade E word(s):
房舍 寒舍 恋恋不舍 茅舍 难舍难分 鸟舍 农舍 锲而不舍 穷追不舍 取舍 舍己救人 舍近求远 舍命 神不守舍 舍弃 舍去 舍身 舍生忘死 施舍 四舍五入 校舍 依依不舍 左邻右舍
舍 [she3] Behausung (S)aufgeben (V)Wohnsitz
舍 [she3] aufgeben; abgewöhnen (V)
舍 [she4] Haus (S)

Häufigkeit: 1.97 Komposita

他住在学校的宿舍里。 He hangs out in the school dormitory.
住寄宿舍比住旅馆便宜. It's cheaper to live in lodgings than in a hotel.
他不久就逐渐习惯了宿舍的生活并交了两三个朋友。 He soon gets accustom to dormitory life and make two or three friend.
他这个人很没意思, 在聚会上我总是对他退避三舍. He's so boring that I always try to give him a wide berth at parties.
他是施舍的适当对象。 He is a proper object of charity.
农舍是用木头建造的。 The farmhouse was built of wood.
我舍不得把这麽多钱花在穿衣服上. I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.
她连给最穷的乞丐一个便士都舍不得。 She will grudge a penny even to the poor beggar.
他一做家务事就装成舍生取义的样子. He always acts the martyr when he has to do the housework.
该宿舍的人订购了一些新家具. The mess has ordered some new furniture.
那不是深宅大院, 只不过是个小农舍. It's not a very grand house, just a little cottage.
校舍的屋顶上覆盖着积雪。 The roof of the schoolhouse is covered with snow.
这家农舍由于周围的大榆树而增光不少。 The farmhouse is dignified by the great elm around it.
修建校舍的计画是在增加教育经费的前提下拟定的. The school building programme postulates an increase in educational investment.
火灾过後, 寒舍所剩无几. After the fire, very little remained of my house.
不要相信他的记忆力--他有点神不守舍的。 Don't rely on his memory he's a bit of a dreamer.
他们在苏格兰有一村舍, 在伦敦有一所房子, 在巴黎还有一套备用公寓. They own a cottage in Scotland and a house in London as well as a pied-a-terre in Paris.
迪克一开始舍不得花钱去看医生,如果,他的心脏病日趋严重。这真是贪小失大,得不偿失。 Dick's heart trouble became worse because he wouldn't spend money to see a doctor at the beginning; he was indeed penny wise and pound foolish.
不受以往辩论形式的拘束,副总统奎尔和民主党的戈尔穷追不舍互相猛烈攻击。结果双方对抗始终活泼生动,常有战斗意味,有进则风度欠佳。 Freed from the constraints of the traditional debate format, Vice President Quayle and Democrat Al Gore went after each other with a vengeance, creating a confrontation that was always lively, often combative, occasionally mean-spirited.