
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * zi4sha1 suicide


Grade E word(s):

自杀 [zi4 sha1] Freitod (S)Suizid, Selbstmord (S)

Häufigkeit: 19.56 Komposita

不知什么原因,她自杀了。 For one reason or another, she committed suicide.
他曾试图服毒自杀。 He tried to kill himself by taking poison.
今年香港将为教师开设一家图书馆以提供防止青少年自杀的教学资料。 A library of teaching materials for preventing teenage suicides will open for educators in Hong Kong this year.
他一时想不开, 自杀了. He committed suicide during a fit of depression.
自杀的可能性已被排除。 The possibility of suicide was ruled out.
那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公自杀了. The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book.
他陷於绝望, 终於自杀了. He surrendered (himself) to despair and eventually committed suicide.