
1 New HSK word(s): HSK3 + tui3 leg; CL:条/条tiao2
1 Old HSK word(s): A N * tui3 leg


Chân +
Grade E word(s):
拔腿 扯后腿 大腿 二郎腿 狗腿子 火腿 拉后腿 盘腿 跑腿 撒腿就跑 伸腿 腿部 腿肚子 腿脚 拖后腿 小腿 小腿肚
腿 [tui3] Bein (S)Untere Extremität (S)

Häufigkeit: 30 Komposita

她有着细长的腿。 She has long thin shanks.
刀刃把他的腿划破了。 The blade slashed his leg open.
龙虾有八条腿两条爪子。 Lobster has eight legs and two long claws.
每次她动一下腿,就发出一声呻吟。 Each time she moved her leg, she let out a moan.
这张桌子的腿是用螺丝固定在地板上的。 The table legs are screwed to the floor.
坐下歇歇腿儿吧. Sit down and rest your legs.
这匹马的后腿断了。 The hind leg of this horse was broken.
这个地区传统的早饭包括火腿和鸡蛋。 The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.
我用毯子把病人的腿包了起来,让他暖和一点儿。 I wrapped the rug around the sick man's legs to keep him warm.
秘密的调情动作调情动作,其中一方在桌下偷偷地用脚或腿磨擦对方的腿或脚 The act of flirting in which one secretly touches the feet or legs of another with one's own, as under a table.
那些战士都裹着绑腿。 Those soldiers all wear leggings.
他的一条腿从膝盖以上截去了. His leg had to be taken off above the knee.
他的双臂和双腿严重受伤。 He suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.
每一个演员在临到开始表演之前都会心惊“腿”震。 Every actor has cold feet just before the beginning of a show.
手臂和腿是人体的组成部分, 是构成完整的人体必不可少的. The arms and legs are integral parts of the human body; they are integral to the human body.
那只猫拖著断腿吃力地走. The cat was dragging its broken leg.
我们正要去度假,他却偏偏摔断了腿。 He must needs break a leg just before we go on holiday.
他打仗回来, 少了一条腿. He came back from the war minus a leg.
她双腿仍有些软弱无力, 但总的情况尚好. There is still some weakness in the legs, but her general condition is good.
那个腿部受伤致残的士兵正沉浸在悲哀之中。 The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.
车厢间隔里没有别人, 我正好能伸胳膊伸腿舒坦一下. Since there was no one else in the compartment I was able to spread myself.
重物,坠脚一种重物,如大块物品,系在动物腿上阻碍行动 A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.
交叉着双腿 Cross one's legs.
我的双腿完全失去了知觉. I've lost all feeling in my legs.
医生在他受伤的腿中植入了一块钢板。 The doctor inserted a steel plate into his damaged leg.
他的双腿很疲乏,但心情舒畅。 His legs were weary, but his mind was at ease.
她两腿麻痹. She is paralysed in both legs.
她有时剃腿上的寒毛. She sometimes shaves the hair off her legs.
这匹骡子忽然用后腿猛踢 The mule lashed out with its hind legs.
我感到了猫在我的腿上蹭来蹭去。 I could feel the cat rubbing up against my leg.
据说他腿瘸了,是一次事故造成的。 It's said that his lameness resulted from an accident.
而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。 And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom.
膝处于坐姿的人从腰到膝盖的大腿正面部位 The front area from the waist to the knees of a seated person.
空中交叉跳跃一种芭蕾舞动作,舞者在空中多次前后交叉双腿 A jump in ballet during which the dancer crosses the legs a number of times, alternately back and forth.
出事後他的左腿瘸了. The accident made him lame in the left leg.
那次事故後她的腿上留下了伤疤。 The accident left a scar on her leg.
他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。 He is lame in one leg and walks with the help of a crutch.
他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮. He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps.
脂肪团一种能引起如大腿、臀部等处的皱纹或凹凸不平的脂肪沉淀物 A fatty deposit causing a dimpled or uneven appearance, as around the thighs and buttocks.
痉挛一种由于紧张或寒冷而导致的肌肉突发性、无意识的、间歇性的紧缩,能导致剧烈的疼痛,通常发生在腿部或肩部 A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill.