
5 New HSK word(s): HSK5 豆腐 + dou4fu5 tofu; bean curd HSK6 腐朽 + fu3xiu3 rotten; decayed; decadent; degenerate HSK6 腐败 + fu3bai4 corruption; to corrupt; to rot; rotten HSK6 腐蚀 + fu3shi2 corrosion; to corrode (degrade chemically); to rot; corruption HSK6 腐烂 + fu3lan4 to rot; to putrefy; (fig.) corrupt
6 Old HSK word(s): B N * dou4fu bean curd C VA * fu3shi2 erode/ corrode/ corrupt/ pervert C VS * fu3xiu3 rotten/ decayed/ moldering/ degenerate/ decadent D VS * fu3bai4 corrupt D VS * fu3hua4 degenerate/ dissolute D VA * fu3lan4 rot/ perish


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Grade E word(s):
陈腐 吃豆腐 豆腐干 豆腐脑 防腐 防腐剂 腐臭 腐化堕落 腐坏 腐肉 腐乳 腐蚀性 干腐病 老豆腐 流水不腐 麻婆豆腐 油豆腐 迂腐

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瓶子的封记已经腐烂. The seal on the bottle has perished.
那条鱼腐烂得发臭了. That rotten fish stinks.
这些腐烂的香蕉发出难闻的气味. These rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell.
酸把银器的表面腐蚀了。 Acid had pitted the surface of the silver.
菠菜豆腐是我最爱吃的一种菜。 Spinach with bean curd is one of my favourite dishes.
我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最为先进的,久负盛名。 Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and well- know in the world.
蟹肉三明治;豆腐三明治 A crab burger, a tofu burger.
这件事从头到尾都散发著(贪污腐化的)臭味! The whole business stinks (of corruption)!
酸能腐蚀金属. Acids eat into metal.
酸是有腐蚀性的。 Acid is corrosive.
金属易为酸所腐蚀。 Metals are eroded by acids.
锈与酸都是腐蚀性的。 Rust and acids are corrosive.
腐败的原因传布腐败或腐朽的根源 A source of spreading corruption or decay.
堆肥腐烂有机体的混合物,如树叶或粪便,用来改善土壤结构并增加土壤养分 A mixture of decaying organic matter, as from leaves and manure, used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients.
社会的组织日趋腐朽。 The social fabric is rotting.
贪污腐败妨碍社会的发展。 Corruption stands in the way of the development of the society.
敌人就在背后,而前面横跨在深谷之上的桥已经腐朽不堪,摇摇晃晃。他处在两难之中,犹豫了起来。 His enemy was close behind him, and the bridge over the ravine was rotten and swaying. Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, he hesitated.
那个腐朽的傀儡政权正在土崩瓦解。 The decadent puppet regime was falling apart.
正如铁锈会腐蚀铁一样,沉溺资产阶级生活方式会消磨掉一个人的革命意志。 Just as rust eats away iron, indulgence in bourgeois ways of life may eat away one's revolutionary will.
半数的李子腐烂了. Half of the plums are rotten.
腐化腐化的行为或过程 The act or process of corrupting.
易腐烂的食物要尽快吃掉. Perishables need to be consumed as quickly as possible.
腐败与犯罪携手并行。 Corruption and crime go hand in hand.
易腐的食物应储存在冰箱里. Perishable food should be stored in a refrigerator.
就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。 Even the best quality rubber will perish with age.
甘受贿赂,贪污腐化易受贿赂或腐败的影响性,如在使用不诚实的收益的信托状况时 Susceptibility to bribery or corruption, as in the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.
油污能腐蚀轮胎橡胶. Oil and grease will rot the rubber of your tyres.
她写了一本书抨击我们这腐败的社会. She wrote a book declaiming against our corrupt society.
贪赃枉法的;腐败的能够为了金钱背弃荣誉、责任或顾虑的;易腐化堕落的 Capable of betraying honor, duty, or scruples for a price; corruptible.
腐生菌;腐生物一种有机物,通常是细菌以死的动植物为食并把它们分解,藉此为生态系统提供有机养分 An organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter, thus making organic nutrients available to the ecosystem.