
2 New HSK word(s): HSK5 脑袋 + nao3dai4 head; skull; brains; mental capability; CL:颗/颗ke1,个/个ge4 HSK6 伤脑筋 + shang1nao3jin1 knotty; troublesome; bothersome
10 Old HSK word(s): B N * nao3dai head B N * nao3zi brain C N * nao3jin1 brains/ mind/ thinking capacities/ ideas/ concepts C N * naoli4 mental power/ thinking ability/ intelligence C N * tou2nao3 head-brain/ brains/ intellectual power/ mind/ wit C N * da4nao3 cerebrum C * shang1 nao3jin1 troublesome/ knotty/ bothersome C N * dian4nao3 computer D N * shou3nao3 head D * tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3 pop one's head in and look about


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Grade E word(s):
不动脑筋 蠢头蠢脑 豆腐脑 鬼头鬼脑 昏头昏脑 旧脑筋 开动脑筋 愣头愣脑 满脑子 没头没脑 脑出血 脑电波 脑海 脑后 脑浆 脑力劳动 脑门 脑门子 脑膜炎 脑溢血 脑震荡 脑汁 傻头傻脑 头痛脑热 微电脑 洗脑 摇头晃脑 一股/古脑 油头滑脑 贼头贼脑 樟脑 掌上型电脑 针头线脑
脑 [nao3] Gehirn (S, Med)

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有头脑不仅指受过教育。 Brains are more than just education.
我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。 I'm getting a new computer for birthday present.
我们用电脑查找所有用连字符连接的词。 We did a computer search for all the hyphenated words.
这些发展促使家用电脑的需求量增大。 These developments have created a great demand for home computers.
这家公司现在使用电脑来计算所有的帐目。 The company now uses a computer to do all its account.
耳膜的振动帮助声音传送到大脑。 A vibrating membrane in the ear helps to convey sounds to the brain.
他摔著了脑袋. He fell and hit his head.
他脑子里装著许多问题。 Many problems occupied his mind.
大脑需要不断地供血。 The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.
我这是信口开河,随便谈谈脑子里想的东西。 I'm talking offhand, simply speaking my mind.
运动和身体的关系,如同思考和头脑的关系。 Exercise is to the body what thinking is to the brain.
电脑控制板上有许多小灯和电子设备。 There are many lights and electrical instruments on the computer console.
他直晃脑袋. His head keeps jerking.
他在脑中权衡着这些想法。 He weighed the ideas in his mind.
看日程表就使我头昏脑胀。 Look at my schedule make my head spin.
侧面从侧面观看的物体或构造,尤指人的脑袋 A side view of an object or a structure, especially of the human head.
在音乐家的脑海里,一组稍纵即逝的音符逐渐形成一个曲调。 In the musician's mind a fugitive set of notes began slowly to form into a tune.
他走出法庭时耷拉著脑袋. He had his head down as he walked out of the court.
我脑子一下子记不住这麽多信息. My brain can't hold so much information at one time.
她熨衬衣时样子呆板, 不动脑筋. She was quite mechanical and unthinking in the way she ironed the shirts.
她很有头脑。 She has a good brain.
他的大脑看来功能正常。 His brain seems to be functioning normally.
多看电视会使你的头脑退化。 Too much television rots your brain.
由于电脑工业的发展,许多新公司纷纷成立。 The computer industry has spawned a lot of new companies.
随着电脑的发明,社会似乎已经大大地改变了。 With the inventing of the computer, society seems to have changed greatly.
先天论,天性论先天论,大脑不能从外界信息中产生想法 The doctrine that the mind produces ideas that are not derived from external sources.
课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。 In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience.
他的学术报告打算重点谈针刺麻醉在脑外科方面的应用。 His lecture is intended to bear down on the application of acupuncture anesthesia in brain surgery.
做纵横字谜游戏能锻炼脑筋. Doing crosswords gives the mind some exercise.
他在事故中大脑受伤无法治愈. He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash.
这一问题此刻使我们很伤脑筋. This problem is exercising our minds very much at the moment.
我们要动动脑筋找出解决的办法来. We must apply our minds to finding a solution.
他抬头一看,见是一个铁钩子正在他脑袋上方晃来晃去。 He looked up and found an iron hook dangling about his head.
老师们纷纷表示,非常珍惜这次宝贵的学习机会,将会把学到的知识教给自己的同事和学生,使更多的人掌握电脑的基本知识。 The participants said they valued this special opportunity very much and would teach what they had learned to their colleagues and students to help more people master basic computer skills.
他们一直纠缠着要他买一台电脑。 They kept badgering him to get a home computer.
文件已经被输入到一台便携式电脑里了。 The documents have been typed into a portable computer.
酒鬼好比威士忌瓶,全是脖子跟肚子而没脑子。 A drunkard is like a whisky bottle, all neck and belly and no head.
抗荷衣宇航员或喷气机飞行员穿的飞行服,在快速垂直加速中增加身体下部的压力以保持脑部血液供应 A flight garment worn by astronauts and jet pilots that presses on the lower body to maintain the blood supply to the brain during rapid vertical acceleration.
脑猝变智力的突然的、剧烈的病变 A sudden, violent disturbance of the mind.
我不明白电脑游戏是怎麽设计的. How people design computer games is beyond me.
我们初次见面的情形时常浮现於我的脑海. Our first meeting often recurs to me/my mind.
劳动体力或脑力的运用,尤指出现困难或精疲力尽时;工作 Physical or mental exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting; work.
一个人只要将自己的大脑与计算机连接起来,进入Cyberspace,就可以体验在该空间的一切遭遇。 Once his brain was linked with the computer, a man would undergo all experiences in the space.
说到网络,它们都有一个网址,“site”指的是一个场所,而网址就是每一台上网电脑所在的地址。 And on the Web, there are Websites. A"site" is a place, and so a Website. And each site had its address.
你对词汇的把握程度反映了你的智力水平,当你通过学习掌握了更多的词汇析时候,偿大脑的思维能力也会啬。 The extent of your vocabulary indicates the degree of your intelligence. Your brain power will increase as you learn to know more words.
石脑油一种高度挥发性的易燃液态碳氢化合物混合物,从石油、煤焦油和天然气中提炼出来,并用作石油、溶剂和制造各种化合物中 Any of several highly volatile, flammable liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons distilled from petroleum, coal tar, and natural gas and used as fuel, as solvents, and in making various chemicals.
我对电脑的维修保养很在行。 Maintenance of PC is in my element.
我脑中有一闪念, 以为他要拒绝了. Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.
我们用电脑取代了老式的加法计算器。 We've replaced the old adding machine with a computer.
这个新兴的国家需要有现代头脑之统治者。 The new nation needs a modern-minded ruler.
我们的新汽车很让人伤脑筋. We're having trouble with our new car.
就是那念头把我弄得头昏脑胀. The very idea sets my head reeling.
家庭电脑的销售量近年来上升很快. Sales of home computers have taken off in recent years.
那老人的头脑一犯起糊涂来,仓促之间是很难复原的。 The old man's wits, once gone a-wool-gathering, rarely came back in a hurry.
摄政者,代理人由国家统治者或者首脑指派的行政代理人 A person appointed by a ruler or head of state to act as an administrative deputy.
文化移入从婴儿起一特定社会的文化就植入一个人大脑的过程 The process by which the culture of a particular society is instilled in a human being from infancy onward.
超声波心动描记器一种用来显示详细的大脑图象的仪器,利用超声波发送和反射的差异来测试并无伤无痛 An instrument that in a painless and noninvasive manner uses the differential transmission and reflection of ultrasonic waves to create a detailed visual image of the brain.
美元突然贬值, 财经专家无不大伤脑筋. The sudden fall in the value of the dollar has puzzled financial experts.
专家系统是一套能够整理并呈现既有知识的电脑程式。 An expert system is a program which organizes and presents pre- existing knowledge.
她对这个老人手脚迟缓,头脑糊涂十分恼火。她应该记住人都要年老的。 She gets impatient with the old man being so slow and confused. She ought to remember that old age comes to us all.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
这条消息是关於最近的首脑级会议的. The news is all about the latest summit meeting.
患者头部受击後患严重脑震荡. The patient is suffering from severe concussion following a blow to the head.
一个笨重的、凶恶的脑袋紧挨着艾尔的脸露出来了。 A heavy, evil head appeared, right next to Al's face.
设想在脑海中构想的事物;概念、计划、设计或思想 Something conceived in the mind; a concept, plan, design, idea, or thought.
我头脑[记忆]里(完全)是一片空白--连一个答案也想不出. My mind/memory was a (complete) blank I couldn't think of a single answer.
市长一个城市、城镇、自治市或城市联合体的政府首脑 The head of government of a city, town, borough, or municipal corporation.
"请给电脑编制一个程序,以便进行这项工作代替手工操作。" Please program the computer to do the job instead of manual operation.
某些证据表明“快速眼动睡眠”可能是大脑长期适应生活经验形成的。 Some evidence suggests that Rapid Eye Movement Sleep may be a time when the brain adapts to life experiences.