
2 New HSK word(s): HSK4 害羞 + hai4xiu1 shy; embarrassed; bashful HSK6 羞耻 + xiu1chi3 (a feeling of) shame
2 Old HSK word(s): D * hai4 xiu1 shy D VS * xiu1chi3 ashamed



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Grade E word(s):
含羞 老羞成怒 没羞 没羞没臊 恼羞成怒 怕羞 羞惭 羞答答 羞愧 羞怯 羞辱 羞涩 羞死 遮羞 遮羞布
羞 [xiu1] beschämt (Adj)scheu (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 3.14 Komposita

他对他的错深感羞愧. He felt mortified for his mistake.
必须向人借钱使他感到羞辱。 It galled him to have to ask for a loan.
她很害羞,不敢和其他旅行者交谈。 She was too timid to talk with other travelers.
那个害羞的小男孩遇到陌生人就紧张。 The bashful boy was nervous with strangers.
他过去因失败而蒙羞,现在东山再起了。 He rose again from the dust of past defeats.
他因羞愧而低下了头。 He because of bashful but low head.
她穿着睡衣上班却不觉羞耻。 She's quite shameless about wearing pajamas at work.
一个军官作出如此胆怯的行为使整个团都蒙受羞辱。 Such an act of cowardice by an officer shames his whole regiment.
遇见大人使这个害羞的孩子很困窘 Meeting adults embarrassed the shy child.
惭愧的,羞愧的 Humiliated or ashamed.
她在公开场合讲话会羞怯。 She is bashful about speaking in public.
她羞怯地从她的扇子后面看了他一眼。 She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan.
这姑娘太害羞以至和男人讲话时就脸红。 The girl is so shy that she colours up whenever a man speaks to her.
当被介绍给全班同学时,玛丽很害羞。 Mary was shy at her introduction to the whole class.
使害羞的人加入了交谈 Engage a shy person in conversation.
她对自己的不良行为感到羞耻。 She was full of shame at her bad behavior.
他从一个害羞的人转变为出色的政治家。 He changed from a shy person into quite a politician.
他用挑逗的目光看了她一眼,羞得她满脸通红。 He gave her a suggestive glance, and she blushed.
他毫无羞耻之心,而且从不觉得内疚。 He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty.
你怎麽竟然做出这种事? 你难道不知羞耻吗? How could you do such a thing? Have you no shame?
羞怯的,局促不安的具有害羞的、胆怯的、不安的特征的,表现出此种特性的,由此种特性引起的 Characterized by, showing, or resulting from shyness, self-consciousness, or awkwardness.