
6 New HSK word(s): HSK4 缺点 + que1dian3 weak point; fault; shortcoming; disadvantage; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 缺少 + que1shao3 lack; shortage of; shortfall; to be short (of); to lack HSK5 缺乏 + que1fa2 to lack; to be short of; lack; shortage HSK6 缺陷 + que1xian4 defect; flaw; physical defect HSK6 缺口 + que1kou3 nick; jag; gap; shortfall HSK6 缺席 + que1xi2 absence; absent
7 Old HSK word(s): B VA * que1 lack of B N * que1dian3 shortcoming/ defect/ weakness B VA * que1fa2 be short of/ lack B VA * que1shao3 lack/ be short of D N * que1kou3 breach/ gap D * que1 xi2 absent/ default D N * que1xian4 disfigurement


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Grade E word(s):
补缺 残缺/阙 残缺不全 顶缺 短缺 肥缺 紧缺 空缺 宁缺毋滥 欠缺 奇缺 缺德 缺德事 缺额 缺货 缺斤短两 缺考 缺课 缺欠 缺勤 缺勤率 缺人 缺水 缺损 缺心眼儿 缺席投票 缺一不可 缺医少药 缺/阙字 完美无缺 无缺
缺 [que1] mangeln, fehlen (V)lückenhaft, schadhaft, mangelhaft

Häufigkeit: 9.9 Komposita

歉收引起食物严重短缺。 The bad harvest led to severe food shortage.
他对自己的缺点十分清楚。 He was very conscious of his shortcomings.
我们的主要问题就是缺少时间。 Our principal problem is lack of time.
他的火车头模型缺了一个零件. He lost one of the pieces of his model engine.
这家公司的主要问题是缺少有技术的人员。 The company's main problem is the shortage of skilled personnel.
因为缺乏一名运动员我们只好叫这个小男孩做我们的队员。 In the default of one player we have to take the little boy as our team member.
植物因缺水而枯死了。 The plant died for lack of water.
他拐弯抹角地说她缺乏经验。 He made oblique references to her lack of experience.
干旱少雨使原本就很严重的粮食短缺问题更加严重。 The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food.
她缺乏领导才能。 She lacks leadership.
没有人没有缺点。 There is no man but has his faults.
他的行为缺乏一致性。 His action lacks consistency.
她因缺乏营养而虚弱。 She is weak from lack of sustenance.
骄傲自大是他的一个缺点. Arrogance is one of his less attractive characteristics.
很多士兵因为缺少粮食死去。 Many soldiers died because of dearth of food.
西红柿的短缺提高了它的价格。 The shortage of tomatoes kept the prices up.
他工作不错,但似乎缺乏信心。 He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidence.
许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。 Many students were absent, notably the monitor.
商店趁一时缺货而提高价格从中获利。 The shop is cashed in on temporary shortage by raising price.
爱你的敌人吧,因为他们让你知道自己的缺点。 Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults.
兴建新剧院的计画因资金短缺只好搁置起来. The plans for a new theatre have had to be shelved because of lack of money.
由于石油短缺, 任何一种新能源都会受欢迎。 Any new source of energy will be welcome, as there is a shortage of petroleum.
他因缺少睡眠而两眼通红. His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep.
她觉得没有汽车并非重大缺憾. She didn'tfind the lack of a car any great privation.
那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤出市场. The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect.
我指出那方案的缺点, 但他申辩说各项计划尚未完成. I pointed out the shortcomings of the scheme, but he countered that the plans were not yet finished.
住在大街旁最大的缺点是噪音。 The great drawback to living near a main road is noise.
空气,食物,水皆为生命不可缺者。 Air, food and water are indispensable to life.
这些花因缺水而渐渐枯萎。 The flowers are wilting for lack of water.
他们因资源短缺处境窘迫. They were handicapped by (a) poverty of resources.
不善交际的缺乏社会风度的;不圆滑的 Lacking social polish; tactless.
她总是抱怨伦敦缺少体育设施. She's always lamenting the lack of sports facilities in town.
这个项目由於缺少资金而推迟了许多年. The project had hung fire for several years because of lack of funds.
住在通衢大道上的最大缺点就是噪声不断。 The great drawback to living on a main road is the constant noise.
稚嫩的;无经验的,不老练的缺乏经验或老练的;天真的 Lacking experience or sophistication; naive.
该项目因缺乏资金而告吹. The project foundered as a result of lack of finance.
这个计画因缺乏资金而难以实现. The project was hamstrung by lack of funds.
精神上的缺少物质形式的或实质的 Lacking material form or substance.
战争的持续意味着食品短缺。 Continuance of the war will mean shortage of the food.
身体缺乏维生素就会生病. Deficiency in vitamins/Vitamin deficiency can lead to illness.
这个国家缺少一个能起作用的中立党派. This country lacks an effective party of the centre.
他那次发作是他缺乏自制力的典型事例. That outburst was a typical example of his lack of self-control.
战时的艰苦包括食物配给和燃料短缺. Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.
他聪明,但不会有成就,因为他缺少干劲。 He's clever but he won't succeed because he lacks drive.
该报道对缺乏安全预防措施一事严加指责. The report was scathing about the lack of safety precautions.
天然气的严重缺乏使许多家工厂都停工了。 A severe natural gas shortage shut down many plants.
她是个聪明的姑娘,但缺少毅力。 She is a clever girl, but fails I perseverance.
影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本. The main impediment to growth was a lack of capital.
暴风雨使燃料的缺乏状况更加恶化。 Heavy storms worsened the fuel shortage.
如果我们不让空气进入铃罩,铃罩中的电铃一定会因缺少介质而不响了。 If air weren't admitted into the bell jar, the electric bell in the bell jar would not ring because of a lack of a medium.
耳聋算是严重的缺陷。 Deafness can be a serious handicap.
思维敏捷和发言迅速可能弥补缺乏勇敢精神的不足。 Quick thinking and ready speech may carry off a little daring.
衰弱的缺乏力气或活力的;虚弱的 Lacking strength or vigor; weak.
产生这问题的根源在於缺乏信任. The root of the problem is lack of trust.
难民苦於缺少食物和医药用品. The refugees are suffering for want of food and medical supplies.
兰登作了一次不成功的朗诵。老师有点不悦,对他说道:“兰登,你在这门课上好像进步不大,你好像缺乏志向。” Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor, somewhat nettled, said:"Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in this subject."
病,疾病有机体的某一部位、某一器官或系统处于病理状态,由各种因素引起,如传染、遗传缺陷或环境紧张,而且以被视为相同的一组表象或症状为特征 A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.
所提交的资料缺乏条理. The presentation of the material was untidy.
我弄不明白他为什么缺席。 I can't figure out why he is absent.
他演讲的神态还显出有点缺乏自信. His public speaking manner is still not very assured.
他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。 He gave a lame excuse for being absent.
目前计算机是很多公司不可或缺的用具。 The computer is now an indispensable tool in many businesses.
她看上去信心十足,实际上很缺乏信心。 Beneath her self-confident surface, she's quite unsure of herself.
他们体谅她缺乏经验, 允许她获得些帮助. As a concession to her inexperience they allowed her to have some help.
那对新婚夫妇因缺乏坚实的经济基础决定实行计划生育。 The newlyweds decided to conduct family planning for lack of a sound economic base.
整形术的,还原成形术有关对身体缺失部分进行还原的外科手术的 Relating to the surgical restoration of a lost or absent part.
大浪在堤上冲出一个缺口. The huge waves made a breach in the sea wall.
傲慢是他品格上的最大缺陷. Pride was the greatest flaw in his personality.
事实上,许多人身体都有某种缺陷。 As a matter of fact, many people have a disability.
不懂艺术欣赏的缺乏艺术品位或审美情趣的 Lacking taste or interest in art.
缺乏营养耗尽,由于缺乏营养或活力而造成的 Exhaustion, as from lack of nourishment or vitality.
执政党在补缺选举中落选,是一极大挫折。 Defeat in the by-election is a major set-back to the ruling party.
我有点缺钙。 I have a slight calcium deficiency.
傲慢是他的惟一缺点。 Arrogance is the only hole in his coat.
他一再缺课使人担忧. His repeated absence (from school) is worrying.
粗鲁的缺乏良好的举止,文化,或修养的 Lacking good manners, culture, or refinement.
这些弊病是由于缺乏一个稳定的政府而引起的。 The evils ensue from lack of a stable government.
小树林缺乏茂密下层树丛的小树林或树木群体 A small wood or stand of trees that lacks dense undergrowth.
大门锁上了,但是我们从篱笆的缺口中钻了出去。 The gate was locked but we went through a gap in the fence.
如果说我们缺点不断出现,那么上帝的恩爱却定会永无止境。 And if our flaws are endless, God's love is truly boundless.
今天有多少学生缺席? How many students are absent today?
拮据极度缺乏或贫穷;贫困 Extreme want or poverty; destitution.
你缺席的真正原因是什么? What was the real reason for your absence?
那囚犯从墙上的缺口处逃走了. The prisoner escaped through a hole in the wall.
该书的缺点在於作者未能把论证展开. The book's weakness is the author's inability to sustain an argument.
我们进行质量检验时,有缺陷的产品均予剔除。 Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control.
肥缺能带来优势,如利益或威望的职位、任命或地位 A position, an appointment, or a rank giving advancement, as of profit or prestige.
昼盲(症)一种视觉缺陷,其特点是在明亮的光线中和在阴暗的光线里一样无法看清东西 A visual defect characterized by the inability to see as clearly in bright light as in dim light.
牛肉糜压缩饼一种主要由牛肉、水果干和硬脂肪压制成的干肉饼,用作食物紧缺时的定量配给口粮 A food made chiefly from beef, dried fruit, and suet, used as emergency rations.