
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C VA * suo1xiao3 shrink-smaller/ reduce/ lessen/ deflate


Grade E word(s):

缩小 [suo1 xiao3] Verkleinerung (S)sich verkleinern, untertreiben (V)

Häufigkeit: 4.39 Komposita

由于洗后缩小,那件衬衫现在小得不能穿了。 As a result of shrinkage, the shirt is now too small to wear.
再往里走,坑道缩小成了一条窄窄的通道。 The tunnel contract to a narrow passageway as you go deep.
缩小贫富之间的差距是政府面临的主要难题之一. Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government.
在计算机图形学中,以常数值乘以图象的坐标来放大或缩小全部或部分显示图象。 In computer graphics, to enlarge or reduce all or part of a display image by multiplying their coordinate by constant values.
元素,基本要素一个组合整体中的基本的、最主要的、不可再缩小的组成成分 A fundamental, essential, or irreducible constituent of a composite entity.