
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 缘故 + yuan2gu4 reason; cause
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * yuan2gu4 reason-cause/ reason/ cause


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Grade E word(s):

缘故 [yuan2 gu4] Anlass, Grund (S)

Häufigkeit: 3.41 Komposita

我是为那个老人女儿的缘故才照顾他的。 I went to look after the old man on the score of his daughter.
他是优秀的学生, 正因为这个缘故, 全班都不喜欢他. He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, disliked by the rest of the class.
她出于情感的缘故做了此事。 She did it for sentimental reasons.
不知什么缘故,我觉得不能信任他。 Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him.
我总感觉到她因某种缘故而对我怀恨在心。 I always have a felling that for some reason she bears a grudge against me.
为了她的缘故,也为了约翰,我热切地希望她能被找到。 For her sake, as well as for John's, I hoped fervently that she might still be found.