
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 终止 + zhong1zhi3 to stop; to terminate (law)
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * zhong1zhi3 stop/ end


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Grade E word(s):

终止 [zhong1 zhi3] Terminierung (S)abschließen (V)beenden (V)erlöschen (V)

Häufigkeit: 3.84 Komposita

你的合同已经被终止。 Your contract has been terminated.
跟他们讨论终止合同是没有用的。 It's no use to discuss the termination of contract with them.
版权在作者死後50年即行终止. Copyright expires 50 years after the death of the author.
如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期。费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元。 If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400, 000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195, 000 salary.
这个项目已终止了。 This project has been closed up.
那两个国家再次终止了交往。 Those two countries have broken off diplomatic relations again.
因经济衰退状况终止有望,股票价格得以保持高位。 Share prices were buoyed up by hopes of an end to the recession.
终止于衰竭是“死亡”,但“圆满”却终止于无穷。 That which ends in exhaustion is death, but the perfect ending is in the endless.