
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 组合 + zu3he2 to assemble; combination; combinatorial
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * zu3he2 assemble


Một sự kết hợp của +
Grade E word(s):

组合 [zu3 he2] Kombination, Integration, Konfiguration, Arrangement, Assoziation (S, Math)Vereinigung, Zusammenschluss, Formieren, Band, Gruppe (S)Zusammensetzung, Zusammenstellung (S)gruppieren,sich zusammentun, zusammensetzen, bilden, zusammenstellen, assoziieren (V)

Häufigkeit: 8.65 Komposita

汇编程序设计中,用项和括号对的组合所代表的一个或多个操作。 In assembler programming, one or more operation represented by a combination of terms and paired parentheses.
我们把能想到的各种组合都试了一遍. We tried it in every conceivable combination.
一种包含三个实体的组合。 A group containing three entities.
团体,帮一群组合在一起的青少年,尤指一群少年犯 A group of adolescents who band together, especially a group of delinquents.
描述逻辑函数的一种表,表中列出输入值的全部可能组合,并列出与每种输入组合相对应的实际的输出值。 A table that describes a logic function by listing all possible combinations of input values and indicating, for each combination, the true output values.
客迈拉一种通常被描绘成狮子、山羊和蛇的组合体吐火的雌性怪物 A fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.
元素,基本要素一个组合整体中的基本的、最主要的、不可再缩小的组成成分 A fundamental, essential, or irreducible constituent of a composite entity.