
3 New HSK word(s): HSK4 占线 + zhan4xian4 busy (telephone line) HSK6 线索 + xian4suo3 trail; clues; thread (of a story) HSK6 视线 + shi4xian4 line of sight
19 Old HSK word(s): B N 线* xian4 thread/ string/ wire B N 线* lu4xian4 line/ route B N 线* guang1xian4 light/ ray C N 线* xian4lu4 wire-route/ circuit/ line/ route/ path/ connection C N 线* jie4xian4 boundary line/ demarcation line/ dividing line C N 线* wu2xian4dian4 wireless-electricity/ radio C N 线* zhan4xian4 battle-line/ battle lines/ battlefront/ battlefields/ front line C N 线* dian4xian4 electric wire/ electric cord C N 线* mao2xian4 knitting wool/ woolen yarn D N 线* zhen4xian4 front D N 线* fang2xian4 line of defense D N 线* xian4suo3 clue/ key D N 线* hang2xian4 sea route/ skyway D N 线* gan4xian4 main stem/ trunk line D N 线* qu1xian4 curve D N 线* zhi2xian4 beeline D N 线* tian1xian4 antenna D N 线* qian2xian4 battlefront D N 线* shi4xian4 the line of sight



Bận rộn +

Manh mối +

Cảnh +
Grade E word(s):
北回归线 边界线 边线 侧线 拆线 吃水线 穿线 穿针引线 单行线 导火线 电话线 电线杆 地平线 底线 第一线 断线 对角线 放长线钓大鱼 放射线 封锁线 分界线 分数线 辐射线 海岸线 海防线 海平线 横线 红外线 划线 回归线 火线 架线 接线 接线员 警戒线 经线 金属线 纠察线 孔眼线 流水线 流线型 录取线 棉线 南回归线 内线 抛物线 贫困线 牵线 全线 群众路线 曲线图 热线电话 日界线 纱线 生产线 生命线 射线 双线 水平线 铁路线 铜线 纬线 无线 五线谱 线锯 线条 线袜 线轴 线装书 斜线 虚线 沿线 眼线 牙线 引线 一线 有线 运输线 载重线 占线 针头线脑 针线 针线包 针线盒儿 终点线 中线 轴线 紫外线 子午线 总路线 最前线
线 [xian4] Strich (S)Faden, Schnur (S)Hauch, eine Spur von... (S)Line (S)Xian (Eig, Fam)

Häufigkeit: 30 Komposita

工人们正在推卷线杆。 The worker is pushing the distaff.
这条线是那条线的四倍长。 This line is four times as long as that one.
他们使用紫外线灯杀死害虫。 They use ultraviolet lamp to kill pests.
这张地图上的红线代表铁路。 The red lines on the map represent railways.
汽车路线到此为止了, 你得叫辆的士。 The bus route goes as far as that, so you'll need to take a taxi.
这条路线旅行的人以前常走,但是现在已不用了。 The route was once much travelled but has fallen into disuse.
东边地平线上的一道淡红光线使我知道天快要亮了。 A line of pink on the eastern horizon told me that daybreak was near.
无轨电车的电能是通过架空线供给的。 The trolley bus picks up current from an overhead wire.
她用细尼龙线把珠子串了起来。 She strung the beads with a fine nylon.
圆的轴线是其直径. The axis of a circle is its diameter.
摄影用超压强烈溢光灯,照相泛光灯用于摄影照明的、可产生持续明亮光线的可再次使用的电灯 A reusable electric lamp that produces a bright continuous light for photographic illumination.
两条线相交。 The two lines cut across each other.
首先,画一条水平线。 First, draw a horizontal line.
他在纸上划了一条斜线。 He drew an oblique line on paper.
别在光线不好的地方看书。 Don't read in poor light.
光线太暗,我看书有困难。 The light was too dim for me to read easily.
我们在地图上画出我们的路线. We traced out our route on the map.
没有人敢把视线离开地面。 Nobody dared lift their eyes from the ground.
他用无线电报把消息告诉我。 He sent me the news by wireless telegraph.
通电时线圈就会有磁性。 The loop becomes magnetic when the current is switched on.
他指向远处地平线上的一座塔. He pointed to a tower on the distant horizon.
在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆。 He ran against a lamp post in the dark.
游击队在那个省开辟了一条新战线。 The guerrillas opened up a new front in that province.
这根绳子不够结实,所以我们用金属线。 The rope was not strong enough, so we used wire.
她那灵巧的手指把羊毛纺织成了细线。 Her skillful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread.
敌人的防线很坚强, 但仍为我军突破。 The enemy's defenses were strong but our soldiers broke through.
任何人碰到那根电线都会遭到严重的电击。 Anyone touching that wire could get badly shocked.
你在这样弱的光线下看书会损伤视力的。 You will strain your eyes by reading in such poor light.
一名通讯员被派去给前线士兵送消息。 A messenger was despatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.
分隔物,分界线分界物或分割物,用作分配或分类 Something, such as a boundary or partition, that serves to divide or keep separate.
你本来应该有足够的常识,在拆开电线之前先把电源切断。 You should have had enough sense to turn off the electricity supply before disconnecting the wires.
中间色,半调色在光线最强处与黑色暗影之间的一种色调或明暗的配合 A tone or value halfway between a highlight and a dark shadow.
当一束光线穿进暗淡的房间时,我们可以看到空气中有许多小颗粒在飞舞。 We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room.
树叶使光线漫射。 The light was diffused by the leaves.
无线电通讯已消除了空间的阻隔。 Radio communication has annihilated space.
他的家乡在北回归线的北面。 His hometown is located in the north to the tropic of cancer.
幕后牵线者如木偶戏中牵金属线或棉线的人 One who pulls wires or strings, as of puppets.
发射以光线或波的形式发出和传播能量 Emission and propagation of energy in the form of rays or waves.
他坐在史密斯太太的旁边,他的视线落在她女儿的身上。 He was sitting next to Mrs. Smith, his eyes resting on her daughter.
我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最为先进的,久负盛名。 Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and well- know in the world.
另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多。 Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
棱镜可以分解光线。 A prism decomposes light.
线缠绕在纸筒上. The string is wound round a cardboard cylinder.
她一贯奉行马克思主义路线。 She always takes a Marxist line.
在市区线以内车速不能超过每小时35英里 Cars cannot exceed35 miles per hour within city limits.
光线暗淡有助於人们松弛精神. Subtle lighting helps people relax.
我们是不是可以另试试别的路线? Can we perhaps try another route?
流星在空中画出了一道长长的弧线。 The falling star described a long curve in the sky.
我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。 I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth.
再来一轴线我就可以完成这幅刺绣了。 I need one more spool of thread before finishing the embroidery.
那麽说是你把金属线穿过那个小孔的了, 真灵巧! So you fitted that wire through that little hole there: that's very ingenious!
这些火车头在1940年以前一直在大西部铁路线上运行. These locomotives ran on Great Western Railway metals until 1940.
自耦变压器一种电力变压器,其初级线圈与次级线圈部分或全部共用 An electrical transformer in which the primary and secondary coils have some or all windings in common.
它具有操作灵活简便、功能强大、多任务、多线程、以及即插即用等特性。 It is well established for its flexible operations, powerful functions, multitasking, multithreading and plug and play.
无线电高空测候器一种被带到高空(主要由气球)进行气象数据收集和传送的仪器 An instrument carried aloft, chiefly by balloon, to gather and transmit meteorological data.
大风刮断了电线。 The heavy wind cut off the wire.
这女孩把线的两端结起来。 The girl tied the ends of the thread.
线路上有短路需要换线. The wiring is faulty and needs to be replaced.
她把山羊毛纺成毛线. She spins goat's hair into wool/spins wool from goat's hair.
路线沿途的标志都十分清楚. The markings along the route are quite plain.
那条小路就是我们这片地的界线. The lane is the boundary of our land.
我们正交谈时, 线路被切断了. We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.
我们已用白线画出运动场地. We have marked the playing area off with a white line.
我们的部队在前方3条战线上作战。 Our armies were fighting on three fronts.
我们通过无线电同那只船保持联系。 We made contact with the ship by radio.
政府设法干扰游击队的无线电通讯. The government tried to jam the guerrillas' transmissions.
无线电和电视是重要的通信手段。 Radio and television are important means of communication.
电线快磨破了,使用起来可能有危险。 The electric wire is fraying and could be dangerous to handle.
计算机手册将告诉你如何连接打印机线 The computer manual will tell you how to attach a line printer.
适应气候动物或植物在生理上对气候或环境的变化,比如光线,气温或高度变化的适应 The physiological adaptation of an animal or a plant to changes in climate or environment, such as light, temperature, or altitude.
拨100找接线员。 Dial 100 for the operator.
我们需要多调些坦克到前线. We need to bring up more tanks.
我方坦克突破了敌人的防线. Our tanks have breached the enemy defences.
我们必须先测量电线的直径。 We must gauge the diameter of wire first.
垂直线与水平线在此相交. The vertical line meets the horizontal one here.
他们用无线电跟总部联络上 了. They made contact with headquarters by radio.
海港的灯火在水平线上闪烁著. Harbour lights were blinking on the horizon.
你最好给电线裹上绝缘胶布。 You'd better put some insulating tape on electric wires.
示威群众企图突破警察的封锁线. Demonstrators tried to break through the police cordon.
别瞎动电线线路, 你又不是电工. Don't meddle with the electrical wiring: you're not an electrician.
那座巨大的岛屿隐隐约约浮现在地平线上。 The mountainous island loomed on the horizon.
在第一次世界大战中,我祖父驻守在法国北部前线。 Grandfather was in the trenches during the First War.
这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。 This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.
她递给我一绞毛线。 She passed me a skein of wool.
示威群众突破了警戒线. Demonstrators broke through the police cordon.
谱线五线谱上五条平行线中的一条 One of the five parallel marks constituting a staff.
在各条战线上都有精力充沛朝气蓬勃的青年人。 On every front there are young people abounding in vigor and vitality.
电灯灭了, 因线路上用电器超负荷把保险丝烧断了. The lights fused because the system was overloaded with electrical appliances.
钱布雷绸一种由白线穿过彩色纵向线的精细轻织物 A fine, lightweight fabric woven with white threads across a colored warp.
在计算机图形学中,提供显示空间均匀覆盖面的预定扫描线图案。 In computer graphics, a predetermined pattern of lines, that provides uniform coverage of a display space.
礁石外深色水域分界线 A line of darker water beyond the reef.
警察通过无线电(互相)联络. The police communicate (with each other) by radio.
太阳看起来在天空以弧线运行。 The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky.
王子斥责土地开发商破坏了伦敦市建筑物映在空中的轮廓线之美. The prince vituperated against the developers for ruining London's skyline.
喂,鲍勃。是的,这是因为线路不好。我再说大一点声音。好些了吗? Oh, hello, Bob. Yes, the line is not very good. I'll speak a bit louder. Is that any better?
背离既定路线者;阴谋破坏者采用不同路线,进行分裂或从事破坏活动的人 One engaged in diversionary, disruptive, or subversive activities.
丝线一段毛线、粗线或丝线,尤指主要用来缝合钮扣孔的结实丝线 A length of yarn, cord, or thread, especially a strong silk thread used mainly to bind the edges of buttonholes.
(固定路线的)运输系统通常有固定路线的公有或私有贷运或客运系统,如船运、空运或汽运 A passenger or cargo system of public or private transportation, as by ship, aircraft, or bus, usually over a definite route.
就像那个说他除了昆虫和民间舞蹈啥都想试试的人一样,我们大多数人心里都有个人界线,知道该在哪儿收手。 Most of us would draw the line somewhere, like the man who said he'd try anything once except insect and folk dancing.
专门小组聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中充当一个队的一群人 A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
检流计,电流计一种仪器,用以探测、测量和测定微小电流方向,采用线圈在磁场中产生的机械效果的方法 An instrument used to detect, measure, and determine the direction of small electric currents by means of mechanical effects produced by a coil in a magnetic field.
气流分离移动的流线型的躯体上流体边界层上的分隔物,如飞机的机翼,在平滑的流体流动中会引起故障和湍流 A separation in the boundary layer of fluid about a moving streamlined body, such as the wing of an airplane, causing a breakdown in the smooth flow of fluid and resulting in turbulence.
光度视网膜亮度单位,相当于每平方米有一烛光亮度的表面,通过一平方毫米的瞳孔区域,到达视网膜的光线数量 A unit of retinal illumination, equal to the amount of light that reaches the retina through 1 square millimeter of pupil area from a surface having a brightness of 1 candela per square meter.
指南针用于确定地理方向的设备,通常包括一个或多个水平安装或悬挂的磁针,可在枢轴上自由活动直到与地球磁场在一条线上 A device used to determine geographic direction, usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted or suspended and free to pivot until aligned with the magnetic field of Earth.
飞机更改了航线. The plane altered course.
火车仍在视线内。 The train is still in sight.
部队进攻敌军防线. The troops charged (at) the enemy lines.
他选取了最直的路线。 He has chosen the most direct route.
鸟停在电视天线上. The birds perched on the television aerial.
我们国家的海岸线很长。 We have a long seashore in our country.
对方合用电话线路的用户 A subscriber to a telephone party line.
边界线确立或标志边界的线 A line that establishes or marks a border.
沙漠一直伸展到视线的尽头. The desert continued as far as the eye could see.
她用灵巧的手指解开了金属线. With deft fingers she untangled the wire.
这里的无线电接收情况不太好。 Radio reception isn't very good here.
这些白线把赛区分成各个部分. White lines divide the playing area into sections.
前线的位于前线的或适合前线用的 Located or used at a military front.
英军的阵线被迫后退一段距离。 The British line was forced back a short distance.
飞机没有沿通常的商业航线飞。 The plane did not fly the usual commercial route.
军官用无线电向士兵下达命令. The officer communicated his orders to the men by radio.
机器人逐渐代替了装配线上的工人. Robots are replacing people on assembly lines.
接收节目前,你应该先装天线。 You should fix the television antenna before receiving programs.
他在本地汽车制造厂装配线上工作. He works on the assembly line at the local car factory.
政府设法干扰游击队的无线电通讯。 The government tried to jam the guerrillas' telecommunication.
那球被正站在边界线内的守场员接住了. The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.
在这张地图上长征路线是用红线标示出来的。 The route of the Long March is lined out in red on the map.
印字宽度的单位,以一英寸直线距离上能安置的字符数计。 A unit of type width based on the number of times a character can be set in one linear inch.
敌人冲破了前线,但被我们的骑兵部队毫不留情地从高地击退。 The enemy broke through the front line, but were firmly repulsed from the higher ground by cavalry.
人难得生病,可是旁观者们却以为他势将必死,并因这一线希望而精神百倍起来。 A person seldom falls sick, but the bystander is animated with a faint hope that he will die.
骑兵猛烈向前线冲击。 The cavalry charged to the front.
标枪在空中沿曲线运动. The spear curved through the air.
警方正进一步寻找线索. The police are on the hunt for further clues.
曲状物具有此种曲线形状的物体 Something having the general shape of this curve.
在环形防线上已布置了几处岗哨. Guards had been posted at several points around the perimeter.
公路干线遭水淹没,我们只得择乡间小径绕行。 The main road was flooded so we had to go round by narrow country lanes.
振动在一个平衡位置附近一个粒子或弹性固体迅速的直线运动 A rapid linear motion of a particle or of an elastic solid about an equilibrium position.
抛物线到一固定直线和不在直线上某一固定点等距的点的轨迹所形成的平面曲线 A plane curve formed by the locus of points equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point not on the line.
在微波系统中,来自各处的分散的输入必须被汇集在一起,以形成一个综合的输入,然后由无线电发送和接收。 In microwave system the separate input from various sources must be brought together to give a composite input which is then transmitted and received by radio.
凹圆形凹陷的线脚 A concave molding.
把纤维捻成线束的人 One that twists fibers into thread.
圆凸线一种窄的凸圆造型 A narrow, convex molding.
没有确定窃贼身分的线索. There is no clue to the identity of the thief.
他变换了无线电传送的频率。 He varied the transmission frequency.
线条和色彩在肖像绘画中都很重要. Line and colour are both important in portrait painting.
飞机的航线互相交错铸成人命惨祸. The flight paths of the aeroplanes crossed, with fatal results.
侦探根据所掌握的线索推断出作案的人。 Detective deduce from the clue who have commit the crime.
恐光症,光恐怖对光线不正常或不合情理的畏惧 An abnormal or irrational fear of light.
有线圈的设备这样的螺旋线圈是主要部件的 Any of various devices of which such a spiral is the major component.
轮廓线,外廓线用于定义一形状或描绘一轮廓的线 A mark used to define a shape or represent a contour.
变频器将无线电讯号从一种频率转换成另一种频率的电子装置 An electronic device that converts one frequency of a radio signal to another.
围棋日本的一种两人棋戏,用棋子在一横竖皆有十九条交叉线的棋盘上下 A Japanese game for two, played with counters on a board that is ruled with19 vertical and19 horizontal lines.
毁船打劫者引诱船只失事的人,如通过在多岩石的海岸线上打信号灯,以掠夺其财物 One who lures a vessel to destruction, as by a display of lights on a rocky coastline, in order to plunder it.
AB线和CD线在P点相交. AB and CD intersect at (the point) P.
直线AB与直线CD相交於E点. The lines AB and CD intersect at E.
这艘船运行多佛--加莱航线. The boat operates on the Dover-Calais run.
间接宣传;间接无线电传送 Black propaganda; black radio transmissions.
装上新天线後画面清晰多了. The picture is much clearer with the new aerial.
拂晓时敌人向我防线开了火。 The enemy opened fire on our lines at early dawn.
我们对她离家後去往何处毫无线索. We have no clue as to where she went after she left home.
身体经不住那麽大剂量的放射线。 The body cannot tolerate such large amounts of radiation.
图表上的曲线突降之後逐渐趋於平稳. The graph flattens out gradually after a steep fall.
横越…的航道穿过(船)的航向,航线或路线 Across the course, line, or length of.
前线,前沿阵地最靠近敌人的战斗区;前线 The battle area closest to the enemy; the front.
迪克要么刻苦学习,要么根本不学,从不走中间路线。 Dick either studies very hard or not at all, never anything in between.
逐渐越轨从初始的路线、模式、方式或目的的逐渐偏离 A gradual deviation from an original course, model, method, or intention.
Z字型线条在方向交替中,通过急转来继续的线或路线 A line or course that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions.
金银线镶边衣物的装饰必镶边,如流通带、饰带或金属珠子 Ornamental trimming for a garment, as braid, lace, or metallic beads.
拱楔块用于形成拱或穹窿的曲线部分的楔形石头中的一块 One of the wedge-shaped stones forming the curved parts of an arch or a vaulted ceiling.
封锁线驻扎于一个地区周围包围或保卫它的一列人、军事岗位或船只 A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it.
回旋使一个做直线运动的物体减速、停滞或倒转的一种旋转,尤指一个球 A spin that tends to retard, arrest, or reverse the linear motion of an object, especially of a ball.
计算机或某个工作站为获得线路控制权以进行数据传输的一种企图。参阅BID。 An attempt by the computer or by a station to gain control of a line in order to transmit data.
在阴极射线管显示器中,用电子束激励后荧光物质光发射的持续现象。 In cathode ray tube display, the continuation of light emission from phosphor after excitation by the electron beam.
昼盲(症)一种视觉缺陷,其特点是在明亮的光线中和在阴暗的光线里一样无法看清东西 A visual defect characterized by the inability to see as clearly in bright light as in dim light.
纬线,纬度圈与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度高低的许多假想线中的任意一条 Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.
密耳长度单位,等于一英寸的千分之一(10-3)(0。0254毫米),如用来标明电线的直径或按页出售的材料的厚度 A unit of length equal to one thousandth(10-3) of an inch(0.0254 millimeter), used, for example, to specify the diameter of wire or the thickness of materials sold in sheets.