
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 纺织 + fang3zhi1 spinning and weaving
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * fang3zhi1 spinning and weaving/ textile


Dệt +
Grade E word(s):
纺织厂 纺织品

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他们的主要出口货物是纺织品,特别是丝绸和棉布。 Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton.
她未受纺织之训练。 She is unbred to spinning.
她那灵巧的手指把羊毛纺织成了细线。 Her skillful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread.
两家互相竞争的纺织公司中,奖金较多,管理较好的一家很快就占了上风。 Of two rival spinning companies, one is richer and better managed than the other, and therefore soon gets the upper hand.
这个凡人叫阿拉喀涅,她有一手非凡的纺织和刺绣本领,每当这位少女干活儿时就连林中和喷泉中的神女们也都拥来观看。 That mortal was Arachne, a maiden who had attained such skill in the arts of weaving and embroidery that the nymphs themselves would leave their groves and fountains to come and gaze upon her work.
纽卡斯尔英格兰中西部的一个市级自治区,位于斯图克西南偏南。拥有制砖业、制瓦业和纺织服装工业。人口74,200 A municipal borough of west-central England south-southwest of Stoke. It has brick, tile, and clothing industries. Population, 74,200.