
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 纯粹 + chun2cui4 pure; unadulterated; purely; completely
1 Old HSK word(s): D VS * chun2cui4 pure


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Grade E word(s):
国粹 民粹主义 纳粹 纳粹党 纳粹分子

Häufigkeit: 0.06 Komposita

这纯粹是浪费时间。 It's a sheer waste of time.
这演出纯粹是拙劣的模仿. The performance was an utter mockery.
现象学研究人的经历中所有可能出现情况的学问,在此期间,并不考虑客观现实和纯粹的主观反应 The study of all possible appearances in human experience, during which considerations of objective reality and of purely subjective response are left out of account.
那个狡猾的人纯粹是个骗子。 This crafty man is nothing but a crook.
批评政府政策的人指责反犯罪活动新措施, 认为纯粹是为掩盖过错而制定的. Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks.
你的理论纯粹是主观臆测. Your theory is pure conjecture.
几个南美洲国家和纳粹德国断绝了外交关系。 Several South American states broke off diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany.
纳粹主义纳粹党的意识和实施,尤其是种族国家主义,国家扩张,政府控制经济的政策 The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy.
那纯粹是捏造的! That's pure fabrication!
他纯粹出於恶意抨击政府. His attack on the government was pure vitriol.
你是那麽想的吗? 纯粹是错觉! You think that, do you? Pure illusion!
纯粹地符合类型、标准或模式地 So as to conform to a type, standard, or pattern.
这种令人惊骇的谋杀纯粹是疯子的行为. This dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman.